937 research outputs found

    A Sub-cellular Localization of the Gene Product of the DNase-1 Locus in Drosophila melanogaster

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    A study was undertaken to determine the subcellular location of DNase-I, a major acid deoxyribonuclease in Drosophila melanogaster. Embryonic tissue used in these experiments was derived from a wild type strain and from a strain homozygous at the DNase-l locus (3-61.8) for the null activity allele, DNase-lnl24. The majority of total acid DNase and DNase-l activity is found in the small particulate fraction of tissue homogenates fractionated by differential centrifugation. The activity exhibits latency in these extracts indicating that it is membrane delimited. DNase-I activity also co-equilibrates in sucrose density gradients with acid phosphatase activity which, in D. melanogaster, is known to be lysosomal. These results suggest that DNase-l is localized largely within the Iysosomes of embryonic tissue. Functional implications of a lysosomal location for DNase-l are discussed

    A Generic Surface Sampler for Monte Carlo Simulations

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    We present an implementation of a Monte Carlo algorithm that generates points randomly and uniformly on a set of arbitrary surfaces. The algorithm is completely general and only requires the geometry modeling software to provide the intersection points of an arbitrary line with the surface being sampled. We demonstrate the algorithm using the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit. The efficiency of the sampling algorithm is discussed, along with various options in the implementation and example applications

    Validation of spallation neutron production and propagation within Geant4

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    Using simulations to understand backgrounds from muon-induced neutrons is important in designing next-generation low-background underground experiments. Validation of relevant physics within the Geant4 simulation package has been completed by comparing to data from two recent experiments. Verification focused on the production and propagation of neutrons at energies important to underground experiments. Discrepancies were observed between experimental data and the simulation. Techniques were explored to correct for these discrepancies.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, submitted to NIM A. 6 Aug 200

    Influence of the disorder on tracer dispersion in a flow channel

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    Tracer dispersion is studied experimentally in periodic or disordered arrays of beads in a capillary tube. Dispersion is measured from light absorption variations near the outlet following a steplike injection of dye at the inlet. Visualizations using dye and pure glycerol are also performed in similar geometries. Taylor dispersion is dominant both in an empty tube and for a periodic array of beads: the dispersivity l_dl\_d increases with the P\'eclet number PePe respectively as PePe and Pe0.82Pe^{0.82} and is larger by a factor of 8 in the second case. In a disordered packing of smaller beads (1/3 of the tube diameter) geometrical dispersion associated to the disorder of the flow field is dominant with a constant value of l_dl\_d reached at high P\'eclet numbers. The minimum dispersivity is slightly higher than in homogeneous nonconsolidated packings of small grains, likely due heterogeneities resulting from wall effects. In a disordered packing with the same beads as in the periodic configuration, l_dl\_d is up to 20 times lower than in the latter and varies as PeαPe^\alpha with α=0.5\alpha = 0.5 or =0.69= 0.69 (depending on the fluid viscosity). A simple model accounting for this latter result is suggested.Comment: available online at http://www.edpsciences.org/journal/index.cfm?edpsname=epjap&niv1=contents&niv2=archive

    The Paluxy River Footprints Revisited

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    Field research by the authors at various times between 1982 and 1989 helped expose some of the elongate impressions imbedded in alleged 108 million year old Cretaceous ledges along the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas. These human-like footprints were exposed in the same horizon with theropod dinosaur ichnites, as have prints in river itself over the decades, as reported by the local residents (I, 2). In order to thoroughly document such significant discoveries, several excavations were initiated since the 1986 ICC proceedings in the search for pristine ichnites. The results of these excavations plus the observable results of many previous excavations and the aspect ratio studies of many of the footprints strongly support the hypothesis that humans and dinosaurs coexisted. Furthermore, when radiocarbon dating results are combined with the paleoanthropological studies, the most logical conclusions are that: dinosaur extinction 65 million years ago is a myth; the long ages for sedimentary rock strata formation are non-existent; dinosaur extinction could have been caused by a major worldwide catastrophe happening perhaps only thousands of years ago