168 research outputs found

    Emerging evidence for CHFR as a cancer biomarker : from tumor biology to precision medicine

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    Novel insights in the biology of cancer have switched the paradigm of a "one-size-fits-all" cancer treatment to an individualized biology-driven treatment approach. In recent years, a diversity of biomarkers and targeted therapies has been discovered. Although these examples accentuate the promise of personalized cancer treatment, for most cancers and cancer subgroups no biomarkers and effective targeted therapy are available. The great majority of patients still receive unselected standard therapies with no use of their individual molecular characteristics. Better knowledge about the underlying tumor biology will lead the way toward personalized cancer treatment. In this review, we summarize the evidence for a promising cancer biomarker: checkpoint with forkhead and ring finger domains (CHFR). CHFR is a mitotic checkpoint and tumor suppressor gene, which is inactivated in a diverse group of solid malignancies, mostly by promoter CpG island methylation. CHFR inactivation has shown to be an indicator of poor prognosis and sensitivity to taxane-based chemotherapy. Here we summarize the current knowledge of altered CHFR expression in cancer, the impact on tumor biology and implications for personalized cancer treatment

    Efficacy and safety of empagliflozin in glycogen storage disease type Ib: Data from an international questionnaire

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    Purpose: This paper aims to report collective information on safety and efficacy of empagliflozin drug repurposing in individuals with glycogen storage disease type Ib (GSD Ib). Methods: This is an international retrospective questionnaire study on the safety and efficacy of empagliflozin use for management of neutropenia/neutrophil dysfunction in patients with GSD Ib, conducted among the respective health care providers from 24 countries across the globe. Results: Clinical data from 112 individuals with GSD Ib were evaluated, representing a total of 94 treatment years. The median age at start of empagliflozin treatment was 10.5 years (range = 0-38 years). Empagliflozin showed positive effects on all neutrophil dysfunction-related symptoms, including oral and urogenital mucosal lesions, recurrent infections, skin abscesses, inflammatory bowel disease, and anemia. Before initiating empagliflozin, most patients with GSD Ib were on G-CSF (94/112; 84%). At the time of the survey, 49 of 89 (55%) patients previously treated with G-CSF had completely stopped G-CSF, and another 15 (17%) were able to reduce the dose. The most common adverse event during empagliflozin treatment was hypoglycemia, occurring in 18% of individuals. Conclusion: Empagliflozin has a favorable effect on neutropenia/neutrophil dysfunction-related symptoms and safety profile in individuals with GSD Ib. Keywords: GSD Ib; Glycogen storage disease type Ib; Neutropenia; SGLT2 inhibitors; SLC37A

    Investigating inbreeding in the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) genome

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    The detrimental effects of increased homozygosity due to inbreeding have prompted the development of methods to reduce inbreeding. The detection of runs of homozygosity (ROH), or contiguous stretches of homozygous marker genotypes, can be used to describe and quantify the level of inbreeding in an individual. The estimation of inbreeding coefficients can be calculated based on pedigree information, ROH, or the genomic relationship matrix. The aim of this study was to detect and describe ROH in the turkey genome and compare estimates of pedigree-based inbreeding coefficients (FPED) with genomic-based inbreeding coefficients estimated from ROH (FROH) and the genomic relationship matrix (FGRM). A total of 2,616,890 pedigree records were available. Of these records, 6,371 genotyped animals from three purebred turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) lines between 2013 and 2019 were available, and these were obtained using a dense single nucleotide polymorphism array (56,452 SNPs). The overall mean length of detected ROH was 2.87 ± 0.29 Mb with a mean number of 84.87 ± 8.79 ROH per animal. Short ROH with lengths of 1 to 2 Mb long were the most abundant throughout the genome. Mean ROH coverage differed greatly between chromosomes and lines. Considering inbreeding coefficient means across all lines, genomic derived inbreeding coefficients (FROH = 0.27; FGRM = 0.32) were higher than coefficients estimated from pedigree records (FPED = 0.14). Correlations between FROH and FPED, FROH and FGRM, and FPED and FGRM ranged between 0.19 to 0.31, 0.68 to 0.73, and 0.17 to 0.30, respectively. Additionally, correlations between FROH from different lengths and FPED substantially increased with ROH length from -0.06 to 0.33. Results of the current research, including the distribution of ROH throughout the genome and ROH-derived inbreeding estimates, can provide a more comprehensive description of inbreeding in the turkey genome. This knowledge can be used to evaluate genetic diversity, a requirement for genetic improvement, and develop methods to minimize inbreeding in turkey breeding programs

    Patient-reported outcomes on empagliflozin treatment in glycogen storage disease type Ib:An international questionnaire study

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    In patients with glycogen storage disease type Ib (GSD Ib), quality of life is severely hampered by neutropenia and neutropenia-associated symptoms. SGLT2 inhibitors are a new treatment option and have shown improved medical outcomes in more than 120 patients so far. The aim of this international questionnaire study was to assess patient-reported outcomes of this new treatment in GSD Ib patients. Patients and caregivers of pediatric patients were invited to complete a web-based questionnaire. This was designed to evaluate treatment effects of the SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin on clinical symptoms and important aspects of daily life including physical performance, sleep, social and work life, traveling, socioeconomic aspects, and quality of life. The questionnaire was completed by 73 respondents from 17 different countries. The mean duration of treatment was 15 months, the cumulative treatment time was 94.8 years. More than 80% of patients reported an improved quality of life. The number of hospitalizations was reduced (66% of patients), as well as the number of days absent from school or work. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) treatment could be stopped in 49% of patients and reduced in another 42%. Clear improvement of neutropenia and all neutropenia-associated symptoms was reported by the majority of patients. Additionally, patients or caregivers reported positive effects on appetite (63%), level of activity (75%), overall well-being (96%), and sleep (63%). Empagliflozin positively impacts many aspects of daily life including work and social life and thereby significantly improves quality of life of patients and caregivers.</p

    The LEGACy study: a European and Latin American consortium to identify risk factors and molecular phenotypes in gastric cancer to improve prevention strategies and personalized clinical decision making globally

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    Gastric cancer; Tumor microenvironment; PreventionCàncer gàstric; Microambient tumoral; PrevencióCáncer gástrico; Microambiente tumoral; PrevenciónBackground Gastric Cancer (GC) is the fourth most deadly cancer worldwide. Enhanced understanding of its key epidemiological and molecular drivers is urgently needed to lower the incidence and improve outcomes. Furthermore, tumor biology in European (EU) and Latin American (LATAM) countries is understudied. The LEGACy study is a Horizon 2020 funded multi-institutional research approach to 1) detail the epidemiological features including risk factors of GC in current time and 2) develop cost-effective methods to identify and integrate biological biomarkers needed to guide diagnostic and therapeutic approaches with the aim of filling the knowledge gap on GC in these areas. Methods This observational study has three parts that are conducted in parallel during 2019–2023 across recruiting centers from four EU and four LATAM countries: Part 1) A case-control study (800 cases and 800 controls) using questionnaires on candidate risk factors for GC, which will be correlated with clinical, demographic and epidemiological parameters. Part 2) A case-control tissue sampling study (400 cases and 400 controls) using proteome, genome, microbiome and immune analyses to characterize advanced (stage III and IV) GC. Patients in this part of the study will be followed over time to observe clinical outcomes. The first half of samples will be used as training cohort to identify the most relevant risk factors and biomarkers, which will be selected to propose cost-effective diagnostic and predictive methods that will be validated with the second half of samples. Part 3) An educational study, as part of our prevention strategy (subjects recruited from the general public) to test and disseminate knowledge on GC risk factors and symptoms by a questionnaire and informative video. Patients could be recruited for more than one of the three LEGACy studies. Discussion The LEGACy study aims to generate novel, in-depth knowledge on the tumor biological characteristics through integrating epidemiological, multi-omics and clinical data from GC patients at an EU-LATAM partnership. During the study, cost-effective panels with potential use in clinical decision making will be developed and validated.This work was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant agreement No GA825832). The European Union will not be involved in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, in writing future manuscripts or deciding to submit manuscripts for publication

    Improved inflammatory bowel disease, wound healing and normal oxidative burst under treatment with empagliflozin in glycogen storage disease type Ib

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    BACKGROUND: Glycogen storage disease type Ib (GSD Ib) is a rare inborn error of glycogen metabolism due to mutations in SLC37A4. Besides a severe form of fasting intolerance, the disorder is usually associated with neutropenia and neutrophil dysfunction causing serious infections, inflammatory bowel disease, oral, urogenital and perianal lesions as well as impaired wound healing. Recently, SGLT2 inhibitors such as empagliflozin that reduce the plasma levels of 1,5-anhydroglucitol have been described as a new treatment option for the neutropenia and neutrophil dysfunction in patients with GSD Ib. RESULTS: We report on a 35-year-old female patient with GSD Ib who had been treated with G-CSF for neutropenia since the age of 9. She had a large chronic abdominal wound as a consequence of recurrent operations due to complications of her inflammatory bowel disease. Treatment with 20 mg empagliflozin per day resulted in normalisation of the neutrophil count and neutrophil function even after termination of G-CSF. The chronic abdominal wound that had been unchanged for 2 years before the start of empagliflozin nearly closed within 12 weeks. No side effects of empagliflozin were observed. CONCLUSION: SGLT2 inhibitors are a new and probably safe treatment option for GSD Ib-associated neutropenia and neutrophil dysfunction. We hypothesize that restoration of neutrophil function and normalisation of neutrophil apoptosis leads to improvement of wound healing and ameliorates symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease

    A generic emergency protocol for patients with inborn errors of metabolism causing fasting intolerance:A retrospective, single-center study and the generation of www.emergencyprotocol.net

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    Patients with inborn errors of metabolism causing fasting intolerance can experience acute metabolic decompensations. Long‐term data on outcomes using emergency letters are lacking. This is a retrospective, observational, single‐center study of the use of emergency letters based on a generic emergency protocol in patients with hepatic glycogen storage diseases (GSD) or fatty acid oxidation disorders (FAOD). Data on hospital admissions, initial laboratory results, and serious adverse events were collected. Subsequently, the website www.emergencyprotocol.net was generated in the context of the CONNECT MetabERN eHealth project following multiple meetings, protocol revisions, and translations. Representing 470 emergency protocol years, 127 hospital admissions were documented in 54/128 (42%) patients who made use of emergency letters generated based on the generic emergency protocol. Hypoglycemia (here defined as glucose concentration 5 years. Convulsions, coma, or death was not documented. By providing basic information, emergency letters for individual patients with hepatic GSD or the main FAOD can be generated at www.emergencyprotocol.net, in nine different languages. Generic emergency protocols are safe and easy for home management by the caregivers and the first hour in‐hospital management to prevent metabolic emergencies in patients with hepatic GSD and medium‐chain Acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. The website www.emergencyprotocol.net is designed to support families and healthcare providers to generate personalized emergency letters for patients with hepatic GSD and the main FAOD

    Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia:Current Management Options, Burden and Unmet Needs

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    Glycogen storage disease type Ia (GSDIa) is caused by defective glucose-6-phosphatase, a key enzyme in carbohydrate metabolism. Affected individuals cannot release glucose during fasting and accumulate excess glycogen and fat in the liver and kidney, putting them at risk of severe hypoglycaemia and secondary metabolic perturbations. Good glycaemic/metabolic control through strict dietary treatment and regular doses of uncooked cornstarch (UCCS) is essential for preventing hypoglycaemia and long-term complications. Dietary treatment has improved the prognosis for patients with GSDIa; however, the disease itself, its management and monitoring have significant physical, psychological and psychosocial burden on individuals and parents/caregivers. Hypoglycaemia risk persists if a single dose of UCCS is delayed/missed or in cases of gastrointestinal intolerance. UCCS therapy is imprecise, does not treat the cause of disease, may trigger secondary metabolic manifestations and may not prevent long-term complications. We review the importance of and challenges associated with achieving good glycaemic/metabolic control in individuals with GSDIa and how this should be balanced with age-specific psychosocial development towards independence, management of anxiety and preservation of quality of life (QoL). The unmet need for treatment strategies that address the cause of disease, restore glucose homeostasis, reduce the risk of hypoglycaemia/secondary metabolic perturbations and improve QoL is also discussed.</p

    Combining Radiotherapy With Anti-angiogenic Therapy and Immunotherapy; A Therapeutic Triad for Cancer?

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    Radiotherapy has been used for the treatment of cancer for over a century. Throughout this period, the therapeutic benefit of radiotherapy has continuously progressed due to technical developments and increased insight in the biological mechanisms underlying the cellular responses to irradiation. In order to further improve radiotherapy efficacy, there is a mounting interest in combining radiotherapy with other forms of therapy such as anti-angiogenic therapy or immunotherapy. These strategies provide different opportunities and challenges, especially with regard to dose scheduling and timing. Addressing these issues requires insight in the interaction between the different treatment modalities. In the current review, we describe the basic principles of the effects of radiotherapy on tumor vascularization and tumor immunity and vice versa. We discuss the main strategies to combine these treatment modalities and the hurdles that have to be overcome in order to maximize therapeutic effectivity. Finally, we evaluate the outstanding questions and present future prospects of a therapeutic triad for cancer

    International consensus on the management of metastatic gastric cancer:step by step in the foggy landscape: Bertinoro Workshop, November 2022

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    Background: Many gastric cancer patients in Western countries are diagnosed as metastatic with a median overall survival of less than twelve months using standard chemotherapy. Innovative treatments, like targeted therapy or immunotherapy, have recently proved to ameliorate prognosis, but a general agreement on managing oligometastatic disease has yet to be achieved. An international multi-disciplinary workshop was held in Bertinoro, Italy, in November 2022 to verify whether achieving a consensus on at least some topics was possible. Methods: A two-round Delphi process was carried out, where participants were asked to answer 32 multiple-choice questions about CT, laparoscopic staging and biomarkers, systemic treatment for different localization, role and indication of palliative care. Consensus was established with at least a 67% agreement. Results: The assembly agreed to define oligometastases as a “dynamic” disease which either regresses or remains stable in response to systemic treatment. In addition, the definition of oligometastases was restricted to the following sites: para-aortic nodal stations, liver, lung, and peritoneum, excluding bones. In detail, the following conditions should be considered as oligometastases: involvement of para-aortic stations, in particular 16a2 or 16b1; up to three technically resectable liver metastases; three unilateral or two bilateral lung metastases; peritoneal carcinomatosis with PCI ≤ 6. No consensus was achieved on how to classify positive cytology, which was considered as oligometastatic by 55% of participants only if converted to negative after chemotherapy. Conclusion: As assessed at the time of diagnosis, surgical treatment of oligometastases should aim at R0 curativity on the entire disease volume, including both the primary tumor and its metastases. Conversion surgery was defined as surgery on the residual volume of disease, which was initially not resectable for technical and/or oncological reasons but nevertheless responded to first-line treatment.</p