5 research outputs found

    Uticaj različitih režima navodnjavanja černozema pod Å”ećernom repom na prinos korena i Å”ećera

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    Four-year studies were carried out on the experimental field "13th May" in Zemun Polje to determine the optimum irrigation scheduling of chernozem planted with sugar beet, i.e. the lowest number of water applications for producing maximum root and sugar yields. The studies comprised 3 variants of irrigation scheduling of the chernozem soil: optimum chernozem water regime formed from sugar beet sowing to its technological maturity, optimum chernozem water regime formed from phenological stage of crown growth to sugar beet technological maturity, and optimum chernozem water regime formed from phenological stage of intensive root growth to sugar beet technological maturity. Natural water regime of chernozem planted with sugar beet was used as a control. Irrigation was applied by sprinkling method, and its rate and time were determined by the method of water balance of effective rhizosphere zone. Pluviometric regimes during the study period comprised one wet, one normal, and two dry hydrological years. Therefore, natural Corresponding author: Gordana Matović, Katedra za navodnjavanje, odvodnjavanje i konzervaciju zemljiÅ”ta Poljoprivredni fakultet Zemun, Nemanjina 6, E-mail: goleboleŽEunet.yu. water regime of chernozem conditioned very fluctuating and, on average, low yields of root (48.2 t-ha-1) and sugar (7.34 t-ha-1). The studies showed that irrigation increases sugar beet root yield, on average, by 87%, but tends to decrease sugar content, so that increase of sugar total amount is, on average, 81%. Maximum yields of root (85.3 t-ha-1) and sugar (12.7 t-ha-1) are obtained by irrigation applied from the phenological stage of crown growth to sugar beet technological maturity, with average irrigation rate of 416 mm distributed in 8 applications. Thus, 77% of sugar beet genetic potential is utilized in contrast to 44% under conditions of soil natural water regime. Higher irrigation rates result in lower yields.U cilju određivanja optimalnog režima navodnjavanje černozema pod Å”ećernom repom, odnosno najmanjeg broja zalivanja radi ostvarenja maksimalnih prinosa korena i Å”ećera, na oglednom polju "13. Maj", u Zemun Polju su četvorogodiÅ”njim istraživanjima obuhvaćene 3 varijante irigacionih vodnih režima černozema: - optimalni vodni režim černozema formiran od setve do tehnoloÅ”ke zrelosti: - optimalni vodni režim černozema formiran od fenofaze porasta glave korena do tehnoloÅ”ke zrelosti: - optimalni vodni režim černozema formiran od fenofaze intenzivnog debljanja korena do tehnoloÅ”ke zrelosti i prirodni vodni režim černozema pod Å”ećernom repom, kao kontrolni. Navodnjavano je sprinkler metodom, normom i rokovima određivanim metodom vodnog bilansa efektivne zone rizosfere. Pluviometrijski režimi u kojima su izvedena istraživanja obuhvatila su jednu vlažnu, jednu normalnu i dve suve hidroloÅ”ke godine. Shodno tome, prirodni vodni režim černozema uslovio je vrlo kolebljive i prosečno niske prinose korena (48,2 th-1) i Å”ećera (7,34 tha-1). Istraživanja su pokazala da se navodnjavanjem prinos korena Å”ećerne repe prosečno povećava za 87%, a zbog trenda smanjenja digestije navodnjavanjem prosečno povećanje ukupne količine Å”ećera je 81%. Maksimalni prinosi korena (85,3 th-1) i Å”ećera (12,7 tha-1) dobijaju se navodnjavanjem od fenofaze porasta glave korena do tehnoloÅ”ke zrelosti Å”ećerne repe, prosečnom normom od 416 mm, raspoređenom u 8 zalivanja. Na ovaj način koristi se 77% genetskog potencijala Å”ećerne repe, za razliku od 44% u uslovima prirodnog vodnog režima zemljiÅ”ta. Navodnjavanjem većim normama prinos se smanjuje

    Profitabilnost gajenja maline u uslovima fertirigacije

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    The Arilje raspberry growing area (1,600 ha), by 'raspberry culture', uniform assortment, maximal yields (up to 32 t/ha), fruit quality, innovations in technology and market production (16,000 f/year), belongs to leading raspberry growing regions both at home and abroad. This fact and the sale of frozen fruits on the world market require continuous improvement of its growing technology. Irrigation, considering the consequences of drought manifested as decreased yields years on end (average 10.06 t/ha) and expectation of climatic excesses caused by the 'glasshouse effects', is of strategic importance, not only for the Arilje raspberry growing region, but for the whole country. The aim is to provide high, stable economically justified yields and an increase in balance of payments in the country However, since in the agricultural production irrigation predominates by the amount of investment needed (4-12,000 USD/ha), it is disputable whether raspberry culture is profitable under the conditions of irrigation. To solve this problem in the Arilje raspberry growing region, this paper analyzed profitability of establishing raspberry plantings in the conditions of fertirrigation on the 'Gruda' estate 13.5 ha) based on long-term observations of raspberry yields under natural water regime and fertirrigation conditions. The analysis involved the relations: investment in establishing plantings and the construction of a system for fertirrigation (fertilization through irrigation water) -costs of primary production under fertirrigation - costs of secondary production -yields profit realized. It has been shown that, by setting up plantings construction of irrigation system and raspberry growing under fertirrigation it is possible to achieve regular yields of at least 20 t/ha and gain profit of 14,706 DM/ha (30.73%) in the first few years, i.e., after paying off the annuity of investment loans, after sixth year, 21,078 DM (44.05%) per unit area. Thus, irrigation, the application of which is 'induced by drought' owing to high profitability and revolution that the use of plastic brought into the technology of irrigation, has a tendency for expansion on inclined terrains, on which 82% of raspberry plantings in our country is located Therefore, considering the need for investment in the construction of microaccumulation and mechanical water rising, somewhat lower profit can be expected on such terrains.U ariljskom malinogorju, na imanju ekonomije "Gruda" (13,5 ha), na bazi dugogodiÅ”njih osmatranja visine prinosa maline u uslovima prirodnog vodnog režima zemljiÅ”ta i iskustva o uzgoju maline u irigacionim uslovima analizirana je profitabilnost podizanja zasada i gajenja maline u uslovima fertirigacije. Analizom je obuhvaćena relacija: investiciona ulaganja u podizanje zasada i izgradnju sistema za navodnjavanje, troÅ”kovi primarne proizvodnje u uslovima fertirigacije, troÅ”kovi sekundarne proizvodnje tržiÅ”na vrednost prinosa, ostvareni profit. Pokazalo se daje uzgojem maline u uslovima fertirigacije, moguće ostvariti profit u prvih Å”est godina od 30,73%, odnosno posle Å”este godine 44,05% od tržiÅ”ne vrednosti prinosa maline po jedinici povrÅ”ine

    Uticaj navodnjavanja na prinos maline sorte Willamette u kiŔnoj vegetacionoj sezoni

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    The effect of irrigation on fresh raspberry fruit was studied at two localities of Arilje-Požega raspberry growing area, differing in geomorphology (at the altitude of 520 and 354 m), microclimate and soil types (brown forest and alluvial), at distance of water emitter on the lateral of: Rl = 0.5 m and R2 = 0.75 m and at various irrigation rates of 2 mm/day, 4 mm/day and 6 mm/day in rainy raspberry growing season of 2002. Raspberry cv Willamette gave different yields on two soil types without irrigation. Almost 7 t/ha more fresh fruit was harvested on brown forest than on alluvial soil. It can be explained by different pH soil value in effective root system zone (pH=5.9 in brown forest soil, 3.05 in alluvial) water retention soil capacity, and differing bearing potential of planting in early growing season. The different increase in yield was also recorded under conditions of irrigation, at different water ring regimes, on various soil types. At the same time, different watering rates, of different duration (1,2 and 3 hours per day)did not result in major differences in terms of fresh fruit yield. Also, different distances of water emitters on laterals of 0.5 m and 0.75 m did not result in significant difference in yields on brown forest soil, as opposed to alluvial. A heavier yield by 12% was achieved with emitter distance of 0.5 m. It can be concluded that raspberry responds to irrigation by yield increase even in rainy years regardless of the geo-morpho-pedoclimatic environmental conditions under which it is grown.Eksperimentalnim istraživanjima izvedenim u ariljsko-požeÅ”kom malinogorju na oglednim poljima (F2 - "Krčevine" i F3 - "Kosovo"), različitim po geomorfologiji (520 i 354 m.n.m) i tipovima zemljiÅ”ta (smeđe i aluvijalno) u uslovima dve varijante vodnog režima zemljiÅ”ta: Wo-prirodni i Wi-irigacioni (od početka cvetanja do kraja berbe) u 8 ponavljanja, sa međusobnim odstojanjem kapaljki na lateralu: Rl = 0,5 m i R2 = 0,75 m i normama zalivanja od 2 mm/dan, 4 mm/dan i 6 mm/dan, proučavan je uticaj navodnjavanja na prinos maline sorte Willamette. Merenjem parametara prirodnog i irigacionog vodnog režima zemljiÅ”ta (prihod vode od padavina i navodnjavanja i rashod evapotranspiraeijom), ustanovljeno je da je povoljan pluviometrijski režim u 2002. godini, u periodu april-septembar (478 mm) obezbedio malinu dovoljnom količinom vode u skoro svim fenofazama njenog razvića. Međutim i pored toga, različiti režimi zalivanja maline, od fenofaze cvetanja: normom navodnjavanja 46-149 mm sa 24 zalivanja na Fl i normom navodnjavanja 34-103 mm sa 18 zalivanja na F3 eksperimentalnom polju uslovili su razlike u prinosu svežeg ploda maline od 6%, na smeđem, odnosno 11,8% na aluvijalnom zemljiÅ”tu

    Comparison of interpolation polynomials with divided differences, interpolation polynomials with finite differences, and quadratic functions obtained by the least squares method in modeling of chromatographic responses

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    A novel approach to mathematical modeling of chromatographic responses based on interpolation polynomials with divided differences and with finite differences is discussed. These interpolational techniques as well as traditionally applied second-order polynomial models obtained by least squares are compared. Interpolation techniques can be useful in situations where commonly used linear or quadratic models are not applicable: when the nature of dependence is complex or the investigated factor intervals are broad. The three analyzed modeling techniques are incorporated in a design of experiments methodology for systematic development and optimization of liquid chromatographic methods. The direct modeling of retention factors is carried out first, while the objective function for final quality measurement is calculated last. An interpolation polynomial with divided differences resulted in a high quality fit compared with the results obtained by the other two modeling approaches and succeeded in locating the desired optimum. It is shown that this modeling technique can be a useful alternative for modeling of chromatographic responses. Copyrigh

    Discovery of anxiolytic 2-ferrocenyl-1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones exerting GABA(A) receptor interaction via the benzodiazepine-binding site

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    Herein, we report on the synthesis, spectral, crystallographic and electrochemical properties of a small library of N-substituted 2-ferrocenyl-1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones, designed as novel GABA(A) benzodiazepine-binding site ligands. The anxiolytic properties of the title compounds were evaluated in several different in vivo models, whereas the involvement of the GABAA receptor complex in the activity of the most potent compound, 2-ferrocenyl-3-(4-methoxyphenylethyl)-1,3-thiazolidin-4-one, was inferred from experiments with known GABA(A)-targeting agents. Ligand docking experiments revealed that the high, dose-dependent, anxiolytic activity of the new compounds might be due to their favorable interactions with the benzodiazepine-binding site of the GABA(A) receptor complex. The incorporation of the ferrocene core and fine tuning of the distance between the thiazolidinone core and an additional aromatic ring were judged to be crucial structural requirements for the observed anxiolytic effect. (C) 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved