877 research outputs found

    Random Convex Hulls and Extreme Value Statistics

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    In this paper we study the statistical properties of convex hulls of NN random points in a plane chosen according to a given distribution. The points may be chosen independently or they may be correlated. After a non-exhaustive survey of the somewhat sporadic literature and diverse methods used in the random convex hull problem, we present a unifying approach, based on the notion of support function of a closed curve and the associated Cauchy's formulae, that allows us to compute exactly the mean perimeter and the mean area enclosed by the convex polygon both in case of independent as well as correlated points. Our method demonstrates a beautiful link between the random convex hull problem and the subject of extreme value statistics. As an example of correlated points, we study here in detail the case when the points represent the vertices of nn independent random walks. In the continuum time limit this reduces to nn independent planar Brownian trajectories for which we compute exactly, for all nn, the mean perimeter and the mean area of their global convex hull. Our results have relevant applications in ecology in estimating the home range of a herd of animals. Some of these results were announced recently in a short communication [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 103}, 140602 (2009)].Comment: 61 pages (pedagogical review); invited contribution to the special issue of J. Stat. Phys. celebrating the 50 years of Yeshiba/Rutgers meeting

    Statistical properties of the Burgers equation with Brownian initial velocity

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    We study the one-dimensional Burgers equation in the inviscid limit for Brownian initial velocity (i.e. the initial velocity is a two-sided Brownian motion that starts from the origin x=0). We obtain the one-point distribution of the velocity field in closed analytical form. In the limit where we are far from the origin, we also obtain the two-point and higher-order distributions. We show how they factorize and recover the statistical invariance through translations for the distributions of velocity increments and Lagrangian increments. We also derive the velocity structure functions and we recover the bifractality of the inverse Lagrangian map. Then, for the case where the initial density is uniform, we obtain the distribution of the density field and its nn-point correlations. In the same limit, we derive the nn-point distributions of the Lagrangian displacement field and the properties of shocks. We note that both the stable-clustering ansatz and the Press-Schechter mass function, that are widely used in the cosmological context, happen to be exact for this one-dimensional version of the adhesion model.Comment: 42 pages, published in J. Stat. Phy

    Network Landscape from a Brownian Particle's Perspective

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    Given a complex biological or social network, how many clusters should it be decomposed into? We define the distance di,jd_{i,j} from node ii to node jj as the average number of steps a Brownian particle takes to reach jj from ii. Node jj is a global attractor of ii if di,jdi,kd_{i,j}\leq d_{i,k} for any kk of the graph; it is a local attractor of ii, if jEij\in E_i (the set of nearest-neighbors of ii) and di,jdi,ld_{i,j}\leq d_{i,l} for any lEil\in E_i. Based on the intuition that each node should have a high probability to be in the same community as its global (local) attractor on the global (local) scale, we present a simple method to uncover a network's community structure. This method is applied to several real networks and some discussion on its possible extensions is made.Comment: 5 pages, 4 color-figures. REVTeX 4 format. To appear in PR

    Homogenization of weakly coupled systems of Hamilton--Jacobi equations with fast switching rates

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    We consider homogenization for weakly coupled systems of Hamilton--Jacobi equations with fast switching rates. The fast switching rate terms force the solutions converge to the same limit, which is a solution of the effective equation. We discover the appearance of the initial layers, which appear naturally when we consider the systems with different initial data and analyze them rigorously. In particular, we obtain matched asymptotic solutions of the systems and rate of convergence. We also investigate properties of the effective Hamiltonian of weakly coupled systems and show some examples which do not appear in the context of single equations.Comment: final version, to appear in Arch. Ration. Mech. Ana

    Collapse dynamics of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We analyze the implosion and subsequent explosion of a trapped condensate after the scattering length is switched to a negative value. Our results compare very well qualitatively and fairly well quantitatively with the results of recent experiments at JILA.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Wavenumber-explicit continuity and coercivity estimates in acoustic scattering by planar screens

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    We study the classical first-kind boundary integral equation reformulations of time-harmonic acoustic scattering by planar sound-soft (Dirichlet) and sound-hard (Neumann) screens. We prove continuity and coercivity of the relevant boundary integral operators (the acoustic single-layer and hypersingular operators respectively) in appropriate fractional Sobolev spaces, with wavenumber-explicit bounds on the continuity and coercivity constants. Our analysis is based on spectral representations for the boundary integral operators, and builds on results of Ha-Duong (Jpn J Ind Appl Math 7:489--513 (1990) and Integr Equat Oper Th 15:427--453 (1992)).Comment: v2 has minor corrections compared to v1. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1401.280

    Instability of vortex array and transitions to turbulent states in rotating helium II

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    We consider superfluid helium inside a container which rotates at constant angular velocity and investigate numerically the stability of the array of quantized vortices in the presence of an imposed axial counterflow. This problem was studied experimentally by Swanson {\it et al.}, who reported evidence of instabilities at increasing axial flow but were not able to explain their nature. We find that Kelvin waves on individual vortices become unstable and grow in amplitude, until the amplitude of the waves becomes large enough that vortex reconnections take place and the vortex array is destabilized. The eventual nonlinear saturation of the instability consists of a turbulent tangle of quantized vortices which is strongly polarized. The computed results compare well with the experiments. Finally we suggest a theoretical explanation for the second instability which was observed at higher values of the axial flow

    Correlated N-boson systems for arbitrary scattering length

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    We investigate systems of identical bosons with the focus on two-body correlations and attractive finite-range potentials. We use a hyperspherical adiabatic method and apply a Faddeev type of decomposition of the wave function. We discuss the structure of a condensate as function of particle number and scattering length. We establish universal scaling relations for the critical effective radial potentials for distances where the average distance between particle pairs is larger than the interaction range. The correlations in the wave function restore the large distance mean-field behaviour with the correct two-body interaction. We discuss various processes limiting the stability of condensates. With correlations we confirm that macroscopic tunneling dominates when the trap length is about half of the particle number times the scattering length.Comment: 15 pages (RevTeX4), 11 figures (LaTeX), submitted to Phys. Rev. A. Second version includes an explicit comparison to N=3, a restructured manuscript, and updated figure

    Au-Ag template stripped pattern for scanning probe investigations of DNA arrays produced by Dip Pen Nanolithography

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    We report on DNA arrays produced by Dip Pen Nanolithography (DPN) on a novel Au-Ag micro patterned template stripped surface. DNA arrays have been investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) showing that the patterned template stripped substrate enables easy retrieval of the DPN-functionalized zone with a standard optical microscope permitting a multi-instrument and multi-technique local detection and analysis. Moreover the smooth surface of the Au squares (abput 5-10 angstrom roughness) allows to be sensitive to the hybridization of the oligonucleotide array with label-free target DNA. Our Au-Ag substrates, combining the retrieving capabilities of the patterned surface with the smoothness of the template stripped technique, are candidates for the investigation of DPN nanostructures and for the development of label free detection methods for DNA nanoarrays based on the use of scanning probes.Comment: Langmuir (accepted