2,938 research outputs found

    Ultra-Light Scalar Fields and the Growth of Structure in the Universe

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    Ultra-light scalar fields, with masses of between m=10^{-33} eV and m=10^{-22} eV, can affect the growth of structure in the Universe. We identify the different regimes in the evolution of ultra-light scalar fields, how they affect the expansion rate of the universe and how they affect the growth rate of cosmological perturbations. We find a number of interesting effects, discuss how they might arise in realistic scenarios of the early universe and comment on how they might be observed.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Quintessence in a quandary: prior dependence in dark energy models

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    The archetypal theory of dark energy is quintessence: a minimally coupled scalar field with a canonical kinetic energy and potential. By studying random potentials we show that quintessence imposes a restricted set of priors on the equation of state of dark energy. Focusing on the commonly-used parametrisation, w(a)w0+wa(1a)w(a)\approx w_0+w_a(1-a), we show that there is a natural scale and direction in the (w0,wa)(w_0, w_a) plane that distinguishes quintessence as a general framework. We calculate the expected information gain for a given survey and show that, because of the non-trivial prior information, it is a function of more than just the figure of merit. This allows us to make a quantitative case for novel survey strategies. We show that the scale of the prior sets target observational requirements for gaining significant information. This corresponds to a figure of merit FOM200\gtrsim 200, a requirement that future galaxy redshift surveys will meet.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. For the busy reader, Fig. 1 is the money plot. v2: Minor changes, matches published version. Code open source at gitorious.org/random-quintessenc

    Tensor Detection Severely Constrains Axion Dark Matter

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    The recent detection of B-modes by BICEP2 has non-trivial implications for axion dark matter implied by combining the tensor interpretation with isocurvature constraints from Planck. In this paper the measurement is taken as fact, and its implications considered, though further experimental verification is required. In the simplest inflation models r=0.2r=0.2 implies HI=1.1×1014 GeVH_I=1.1\times 10^{14}\text{ GeV}. If the axion decay constant fa<HI/2πf_a<H_I/2\pi constraints on the dark matter (DM) abundance alone rule out the QCD axion as DM for ma52χ6/7μeVm_a \lesssim 52\chi^{6/7}\,\mu\text{eV} (where χ>1\chi>1 accounts for theoretical uncertainty). If fa>HI/2πf_a>H_I/2\pi then vacuum fluctuations of the axion field place conflicting demands on axion DM: isocurvature constraints require a DM abundance which is too small to be reached when the back reaction of fluctuations is included. High faf_a QCD axions are thus ruled out. Constraints on axion-like particles, as a function of their mass and DM fraction, are also considered. For heavy axions with ma1022 eVm_a\gtrsim 10^{-22}\text{ eV} we find Ωa/Ωd103\Omega_a/\Omega_d\lesssim 10^{-3}, with stronger constraints on heavier axions. Lighter axions, however, are allowed and (inflationary) model-independent constraints from the CMB temperature power spectrum and large scale structure are stronger than those implied by tensor modes.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. v2: Some discussion and references added. v3 Update on QCD discussion. Version accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Galaxy UV-luminosity function and reionization constraints on axion dark matter

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    If the dark matter (DM) were composed of axions, then structure formation in the Universe would be suppressed below the axion Jeans scale. Using an analytic model for the halo mass function of a mixed DM model with axions and cold dark matter, combined with the abundance-matching technique, we construct the UV-luminosity function. Axions suppress high-zz galaxy formation and the UV-luminosity function is truncated at a faintest limiting magnitude. From the UV-luminosity function, we predict the reionization history of the universe and find that axion DM causes reionization to occur at lower redshift. We search for evidence of axions using the Hubble Ultra Deep Field UV-luminosity function in the redshift range z=6z=6-1010, and the optical depth to reionization, τ\tau, as measured from cosmic microwave background polarization. All probes we consider consistently exclude ma1023 eVm_a\lesssim 10^{-23}\text{ eV} from contributing more than half of the DM, with our strongest constraint ruling this model out at more than 8σ8\sigma significance. In conservative models of reionization a dominant component of DM with ma=1022 eVm_a=10^{-22}\text{ eV} is in 3σ3\sigma tension with the measured value of τ\tau, putting pressure on an axion solution to the cusp-core problem. Tension is reduced to 2σ2\sigma for the axion contributing only half of the DM. A future measurement of the UV-luminosity function in the range z=10z=10-1313 by JWST would provide further evidence for or against ma=1022 eVm_a=10^{-22}\text{ eV}. Probing still higher masses of ma=1021 eVm_a=10^{-21}\text{ eV} will be possible using future measurements of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect by Advanced ACTPol to constrain the time and duration of reionization.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables. v2: Minor Changes. References added. Published in MNRA

    The Grassmannian Sigma Model in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory

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    Spin-charge separation in pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory was recently found to involve the dynamics of an O(3) non-linear sigma model and, seemingly, a Grassmannian non-linear sigma model. In this article we explicitly construct the Grassmannian sigma model of the form appearing in the the spin-charge separated SU(2) theory through a quaternionic decomposition of the manifold, thus verifying its relevance in this context. The coupling between this model and the O(3) non-linear sigma model is further commented upon.Comment: 11 pages, undergraduate research project; version published in J. Phys.

    A failure management prototype: DR/Rx

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    This failure management prototype performs failure diagnosis and recovery management of hierarchical, distributed systems. The prototype, which evolved from a series of previous prototypes following a spiral model for development, focuses on two functions: (1) the diagnostic reasoner (DR) performs integrated failure diagnosis in distributed systems; and (2) the recovery expert (Rx) develops plans to recover from the failure. Issues related to expert system prototype design and the previous history of this prototype are discussed. The architecture of the current prototype is described in terms of the knowledge representation and functionality of its components

    The Axiverse Extended: Vacuum Destabilisation, Early Dark Energy and Cosmological Collapse

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    A model is presented in the philosophy of the "String Axiverse" of Arvanitaki et al (arXiv:0905.4720v2 [hep-th]) that incorporates a coupling of ultralight axions to their corresponding moduli through the mass term. The light fields roll in their potentials at late times and contribute to the dark sector energy densities in the cosmological expansion. The addition of a coupling and extra field greatly enrich the possible phenomenology of the axiverse. There are a number of interesting phases where the axion and modulus components behave as Dark Matter or Dark Energy and can have considerable and distinct effects on the expansion history of the universe by modifying the equation of state in the past or causing possible future collapse of the universe. In future such a coupling may help to alleviate fine tuning problems for cosmological axions. We motivate and present the model, and briefly explore its cosmological consequences numerically.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures, published in PRD. v3: corrected SUSY interpretation of axion potential scal

    Metal-dependent assembly of a protein nano-cage

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    Short, alpha-helical coiled coils provide a simple, modular method to direct the assembly of proteins into higher order structures. We previously demonstrated that by genetically fusing de novo-designed coiled coils of the appropriate oligomerization state to a natural trimeric protein, we could direct the assembly of this protein into various geometrical cages. Here, we have extended this approach by appending a coiled coil designed to trimerize in response to binding divalent transition metal ions and thereby achieve metal ion-dependent assembly of a tetrahedral protein cage. Ni2+, Co2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ ions were evaluated, with Ni2+ proving the most effective at mediating protein assembly. Characterization of the assembled protein indicated that the metal ion-protein complex formed discrete globular structures of the diameter expected for a complex containing 12 copies of the protein monomer. Protein assembly could be reversed by removing metal ions with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid or under mildly acidic conditions.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151280/1/pro3676_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151280/2/pro3676-sup-0001-supinfo.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151280/3/pro3676.pd

    NuSTAR hard X-ray observation of a sub-A class solar flare

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    We report a NuSTAR observation of a solar microflare, SOL2015-09-01T04. Although it was too faint to be observed by the GOES X-ray Sensor, we estimate the event to be an A0.1 class flare in brightness. This microflare, with only 5 counts per second per detector observed by RHESSI, is fainter than any hard X-ray (HXR) flare in the existing literature. The microflare occurred during a solar pointing by the highly sensitive NuSTAR astrophysical observatory, which used its direct focusing optics to produce detailed HXR microflare spectra and images. The microflare exhibits HXR properties commonly observed in larger flares, including a fast rise and more gradual decay, earlier peak time with higher energy, spatial dimensions similar to the RHESSI microflares, and a high-energy excess beyond an isothermal spectral component during the impulsive phase. The microflare is small in emission measure, temperature, and energy, though not in physical size; observations are consistent with an origin via the interaction of at least two magnetic loops. We estimate the increase in thermal energy at the time of the microflare to be 2.4x10^27 ergs. The observation suggests that flares do indeed scale down to extremely small energies and retain what we customarily think of as "flarelike" properties.Comment: Status: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal, 2017 July 1

    A search for ultra-light axions using precision cosmological data

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    Ultra-light axions (ULAs) with masses in the range 10^{-33} eV <m <10^{-20} eV are motivated by string theory and might contribute to either the dark-matter or dark-energy density of the Universe. ULAs could suppress the growth of structure on small scales, or lead to an enhanced integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect on large-scale cosmic microwave-background (CMB) anisotropies. In this work, cosmological observables over the full ULA mass range are computed, and then used to search for evidence of ULAs using CMB data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), Planck satellite, Atacama Cosmology Telescope, and South Pole Telescope, as well as galaxy clustering data from the WiggleZ galaxy-redshift survey. In the mass range 10^{-32} eV < m <10^{-25.5} eV, the axion relic-density \Omega_{a} (relative to the total dark-matter relic density \Omega_{d}) must obey the constraints \Omega_{a}/\Omega_{d} < 0.05 and \Omega_{a}h^{2} < 0.006 at 95%-confidence. For m> 10^{-24} eV, ULAs are indistinguishable from standard cold dark matter on the length scales probed, and are thus allowed by these data. For m < 10^{-32} eV, ULAs are allowed to compose a significant fraction of the dark energy.Comment: 31 pages, 16 figures, 1 table, updated to have same figure line-types/language as version published in Phys. Rev. D, grammatical corrections made, references added, results unchange