185 research outputs found

    The lipocalin protein family: A role in cell regulation

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    AbstractThe lipocalins, a large, diverse, but relatively poorly understood family of small extracellular proteins, are characterized by the ability to bind small hydrophobic molecules, such as retinol, and by their binding to specific cell surface receptors. These general properties suggest such proteins as appropriate transporters transferring biologically hazardous molecules in a safe and controlled manner between cells. Moreover, many lipocalins have been implicated in the regulation of cell homeostasis: apolipoprotein D, quiescience specific protein, purpurin, α-1-microglobulin, and NGAL. This combination of direct and indirect evidence suggests that the lipocalin protein family may be involved, in a quite general way, in the mediation of cell regulation and that many presently functionless family members might act in this way

    On the utility of alternative amino acid scripts

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    In this work we propose the hypothesis that replacing the current system of representing the chemical entities known as amino acids using Latin letters with one of several possible alternative symbolic representations will bring significant benefits to the human construction, modification, and analysis of multiple protein sequence alignments. We propose ways in which this might be done without prescribing the choice of actual scripts used. Specifically we propose and explore three ways to encode amino acid texts using novel symbolic alphabets free from precedents. Primary orthographic encoding is the direct substitution of a new alphabet for the standard, Latin-based amino acid code. Secondary encoding imposes static residue groupings onto the orthography of the alphabet by manipulating the shape and/or orientation of amino acid symbols. Tertiary encoding renders each residue as a composite symbol; each such symbol thus representing several alternative amino acid groupings simultaneously. We also propose that the use of a new group-focussed alphabet will free the colouring of amino acid residues often used as a tool to facilitate the representation or construction of multiple alignments for other purposes, possibly to indicate dynamic properties of an alignment such as position-wise residue conservation

    The immune system as drug target

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    The immune system is perhaps the largest yet most diffuse and distributed somatic system in vertebrates. It plays vital roles in fighting infection and in the homeostatic control of chronic disease. As such, the immune system in both pathological and healthy states is a prime target for therapeutic interventions by drugs-both small-molecule and biologic. Comprising both the innate and adaptive immune systems, human immunity is awash with potential unexploited molecular targets. Key examples include the pattern recognition receptors of the innate immune system and the major histocompatibility complex of the adaptive immune system. Moreover, the immune system is also the source of many current and, hopefully, future drugs, of which the prime example is the monoclonal antibody, the most exciting and profitable type of present-day drug moiety. This brief review explores the identity and synergies of the hierarchy of drug targets represented by the human immune system, with particular emphasis on the emerging paradigm of systems pharmacology

    Discriminating antigen and non-antigen using proteome dissimilarity: bacterial antigens

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    It has been postulated that immunogenicity results from the overall dissimilarity of pathogenic proteins versus the host proteome. We have sought to use this concept to discriminate between antigens and non-antigens of bacterial origin. Sets of 100 known antigenic and nonantigenic peptide sequences from bacteria were compared to human and mouse proteomes. Both antigenic and non-antigenic sequences lacked human or mouse homologues. Observed distributions were compared using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The statistical null hypothesis was accepted, indicating that antigen and non-antigens did not differ significantly. Likewise, we were unable to determine a threshold able to separate meaningfully antigen from non-antigen. Thus, antigens cannot be predicted from pathogen genomes based solely on their dissimilarity to the human genome

    Discriminating antigen and non-antigen using proteome dissimilarity II: viral and fungal antigens

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    Immunogenicity arises via many synergistic mechanisms, yet the overall dissimilarity of pathogenic proteins versus the host proteome has been proposed as a key arbiter. We have previously explored this concept in relation to Bacterial antigens; here we extend our analysis to antigens of viral and fungal origin. Sets of known viral and fungal antigenic and non-antigenic protein sequences were compared to human and mouse proteomes. Both antigenic and non-antigenic sequences lacked human or mouse homologues. Observed distributions were compared using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The statistical null hypothesis was accepted, indicating that antigen and non-antigens did not differ significantly. Likewise, we could not determine a threshold able meaningfully to separate non-antigen from antigen. We conclude that viral and fungal antigens cannot be predicted from pathogen genomes based solely on their dissimilarity to mammalian genomes

    Discriminating antigen and non-antigen using proteome dissimilarity III: tumour and parasite antigens

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    Computational genome analysis enables systematic identification of potential immunogenic proteins within a pathogen. Immunogenicity is a system property that arises through the interaction of host and pathogen as mediated through the medium of a immunogenic protein. The overt dissimilarity of pathogenic proteins when compared to the host proteome is conjectured by some to be the determining principal of immunogenicity. Previously, we explored this idea in the context of Bacterial, Viral, and Fungal antigen. In this paper, we broaden and extend our analysis to include complex antigens of eukaryotic origin, arising from tumours and from parasite pathogens. For both types of antigen, known antigenic and non-antigenic protein sequences were compared to human and mouse proteomes. In contrast to our previous results, both visual inspection and statistical evaluation indicate a much wider range of homologues and a significant level of discrimination; but, as before, we could not determine a viable threshold capable of properly separating non-antigen from antigen. In concert with our previous work, we conclude that global proteome dissimilarity is not a useful metric for immunogenicity for presently available antigens arising from Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and tumours. While we see some signal for certain antigen types, using dissimilarity is not a useful approach to identifying antigenic molecules within pathogen genomes

    Empirical prediction of peptide octanol-water partition coefficients

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    Peptides are of great therapeutic potential as vaccines and drugs. Knowledge of physicochemical descriptors, including the partition coefficient P (commonly expressed in logarithm form: logP), is useful for screening out unsuitable molecules and also for the development of predictive Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSARs). In this paper we develop a new approach to the prediction of LogP values for peptides based on an empirical relationship between global molecular properties and measured physical properties. Our method was successful in terms of peptide prediction (total r2 = 0.641). The final model consisted of 5 physicochemical descriptors (molecular weight, number of single bonds, 2D-VDW volume, 2D-VSA hydrophobic and 2D-VSA polar). The approach is peptide specific and its predictive accuracy was high. Overall, 67% of the peptides were able to be predicted within +/-0.5 log units from the experimental values. Our method thus represents a novel prediction method with proven predictive ability

    AllerTOP - a server for in silico prediction of allergens

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    Background: Allergy is a form of hypersensitivity to normally innocuous substances, such as dust, pollen, foods or drugs. Allergens are small antigens that commonly provoke an IgE antibody response. There are two types of bioinformatics-based allergen prediction. The first approach follows FAO/WHO Codex alimentarius guidelines and searches for sequence similarity. The second approach is based on identifying conserved allergenicity-related linear motifs. Both approaches assume that allergenicity is a linearly coded property. In the present study, we applied ACC pre-processing to sets of known allergens, developing alignment-independent models for allergen recognition based on the main chemical properties of amino acid sequences.Results: A set of 684 food, 1,156 inhalant and 555 toxin allergens was collected from several databases. A set of non-allergens from the same species were selected to mirror the allergen set. The amino acids in the protein sequences were described by three z-descriptors (z1, z2 and z3) and by auto- and cross-covariance (ACC) transformation were converted into uniform vectors. Each protein was presented as a vector of 45 variables. Five machine learning methods for classification were applied in the study to derive models for allergen prediction. The methods were: discriminant analysis by partial least squares (DA-PLS), logistic regression (LR), decision tree (DT), naïve Bayes (NB) and k nearest neighbours (kNN). The best performing model was derived by kNN at k = 3. It was optimized, cross-validated and implemented in a server named AllerTOP, freely accessible at http://www.pharmfac.net/allertop. AllerTOP also predicts the most probable route of exposure. In comparison to other servers for allergen prediction, AllerTOP outperforms them with 94% sensitivity.Conclusions: AllerTOP is the first alignment-free server for in silico prediction of allergens based on the main physicochemical properties of proteins. Significantly, as well allergenicity AllerTOP is able to predict the route of allergen exposure: food, inhalant or toxin

    Peptide length significantly influences in vitro affinity for MHC class II molecules

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    Class II Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules have an open-ended binding groove which can accommodate peptides of varying lengths. Several studies have demonstrated that peptide flanking residues (PFRs) which lie outside the core binding groove can influence peptide binding and T cell recognition. By using data from the AntiJen database we were able to characterise systematically the influence of PFRs on peptide affinity for MHC class II molecules

    A statistical physics perspective on alignment-independent protein sequence comparison.

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    Motivation: Within bioinformatics, the textual alignment of amino acid sequences has long dominated the determination of similarity between proteins, with all that implies for shared structure, function, and evolutionary descent. Despite the relative success of modern-day sequence alignment algorithms, so-called alignment-free approaches offer a complementary means of determining and expressing similarity, with potential benefits in certain key applications, such as regression analysis of protein structure-function studies, where alignment-base similarity has performed poorly. Results: Here, we offer a fresh, statistical physics-based perspective focusing on the question of alignment-free comparison, in the process adapting results from “first passage probability distribution” to summarize statistics of ensemble averaged amino acid propensity values. In this paper, we introduce and elaborate this approach