570 research outputs found

    La asimilacion del conocimiento matematico como una actividad del sujeto

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    En este documento intentamos hacer una reinterpretación a la teoría APOE tomando en cuenta el papel que juega el sujeto como constructor de su aprendizaje. Consideramos que es necesario hacer adecuaciones que se adapten al nuevo entorno en el que nos encontramos. Kuhn (1970) menciona que un paradigma (marco teórico) cambia o se modifica, porque satisface las necesidades de los tiempos más que el paradigma existente. Aclaramos que no pretendemos forzar ningún paradigma para dar explicaciones de los fenómenos inexplicados. Simplemente intentamos hacer una reinterpretación de las ideas hechas por Dubinsky acerca del papel que juega el sujeto en la construcción de su conocimiento, considerando que es necesario para el desarrollo de nuevas investigaciones que se desarrollen bajo esta perspectiva

    FLC based adjustable speed drives for power quality enhancement

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    This study describes a new approach based on fuzzy algorithm to suppress the current harmonic contents in the output of an inverter. Inverter system using fuzzy controllers provide ride-through capability during voltage sags, reduces harmonics, improves power factor and high reliability, less electromagnetic interference noise, low common mode noise and extends output voltage range. A feasible test is implemented by building a model of three-phase impedance source inverter, which is designed and controlled on the basis of proposed considerations. It is verified from the practical point of view that these new approaches are more effective and acceptable to minimize the harmonic distortion and improves the quality of power. Due to the complex algorithm, their realization often calls for a compromise between cost and performance. The proposed optimizing strategies may be applied in variable-frequency dc-ac inverters, UPSs, and ac drives

    The Use of Activated Charcoal for Acute Poisonings

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    Poisoning results from the ingestion of or contact with harmful substances including overdose or incorrect use of any drug or medication. Decontamination measures prevent the absorption of the substance from the gastrointestinal tract to minimize systemic effects. Activated charcoal is the intervention most frequently used in the initial management of patients with acute intoxications. The use of activated charcoal has decreased over time, but there may be a subgroup of patients who would benefit from its use. In this review we describe the epidemiology of intoxications, the composition and pharmacology of activated charcoal, indications and dosing for use of single dose and multiple doses of charcoal, contraindications, complications and a summary for recommended use of this measure based on published studies

    Análisis del esquema de seguimiento y control interno en los fondos de servicio para los establecimientos educativos del departamento del Meta vigencia 2008 2011

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    La elaboración del análisis del esquema de seguimiento y control interno en los Fondos de Servicio para los establecimientos educativos del departamento del Meta vigencia 2008 2011, tiene como objetivo analizar la gestión administrativa y financiera de los establecimientos educativos del departamento del Meta, establecer los aspectos generales de los fondos de servicios educativos (FOSE), mostrar los aspectos presupuestales y contables de los fondos de servicios educativos (FOSE), analizar el sistema de control de interno en los fondos de servicios educativos de los establecimientos educativos del departamento del Meta, vigencia 2008 2011. El trabajo es importante ya que contribuye al desarrollo del planteamiento el problema y los objetivos propuestos, mediante bases teóricas y la aplicabilidad de la metodología analítica

    Young Adult Experiences with a Mobile Smoking Cessation Application: A Qualitative Evaluation of Crush the Crave

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    Canada has had tremendous success with reducing smoking prevalence among its population. However, the decline in rates is not observed equitably among various sub-populations and tobacco continues to cause preventable disease, disability, and death. Young adults have the highest smoking rate compared to all other age groups and many are interested in smoking cessation. Nonetheless, a challenge remains as many young adults perceive traditional smoking cessation resources negatively and prefer not to use pharmacotherapy, counselling, and/or quitline services. Not surprisingly, young adults are also the largest population group who utilize mobile technologies. Mobile applications (apps) are an emerging, tailored intervention that hold promise for health behaviour change. These are known as mobile health (mHealth) technologies. Currently, many applications for smoking cessation exist. However, little is known about Canadian young adults’ use and experiences with apps for smoking cessation. To address this research gap, this study evaluated Crush the Crave (CTC), an evidence-based smoking cessation app created specifically for young adults. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 15 Canadian young-adult users of CTC in order to capture experiences and use of the app. Interviews lasted 70 minutes on average and were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and then subsequently analyzed using thematic analysis through NVivo 10 software. Results were presented by the following categories which encompassed various sub-themes: young adults’ reasons and experience with smoking, experiences with the use of alternate quitting resources, experiences with the features of CTC, and mechanisms associated with utilizing CTC. Across the interviews, participants found that the app provided an important tracking mechanism that gave the ability to self-monitor progress while quitting. Further, the app provided an important sense of control and was easily accessible by users when needed. However, participants discussed the need for constant reminders and that the constant need to access data or a Wi-Fi network in order to use the app was a barrier. Additionally, it was found that social support via social media was not used by participants as cessation experiences were considered to be private and individuals did not like to broadcast such details on social media. These findings demonstrate the need for continual research and improvement of mHealth technologies among the intended users. There is also a need for more flexible and dynamic apps that keep users engaged and provide a tailored experience. This thesis contributes to the limited literature on the usability of mHealth apps. Recommendations are discussed, followed by contributions, limitations, and future directions


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    The technological improvement coupled with the growing use of smartphones has, among other functions, facilitated purchase and payment transactions through the mobile phone. This phenomenon occurs worldwide and provides individuals more flexibility and convenience in carrying out their daily activities. This article aims to evaluate the intention of adopting a future mobile payment service from the perspective of current Brazilian consumers of mobile phones, based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The survey was carried out with mobile customers of a telecommunications company that operates in southeastern Brazil, with a valid sample of 605 respondents. Using structural equation modeling, 76% of behavioral intention was explained through performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence and perceived risk. Perceived cost was found not statistically significant at the level of 5%. This result serves as a guide to participants in the payments market to develop a service for mobile payments of good performance, easy to use, secure and promotes the action of the social circle of the individual at a fair price, in other words, that meets needs and expectations of today’s mobile phone users. As well as serves as a stimulus to the development of communication and marketing strategies that highlight these positive attributes and awaken the intention of adoption of the service by the wider range of people as possible


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    The technological improvement coupled with the growing use of smartphones has, among other functions, facilitated purchase and payment transactions through the mobile phone. This phenomenon occurs worldwide and provides individuals more flexibility and convenience in carrying out their daily activities. This article aims to evaluate the intention of adopting a future mobile payment service from the perspective of current Brazilian consumers of mobile phones, based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). The survey was carried out with mobile customers of a telecommunications company that operates in southeastern Brazil, with a valid sample of 605 respondents. Using structural equation modeling, 76% of behavioral intention was explained through performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence and perceived risk. Perceived cost was found not statistically significant at the level of 5%. This result serves as a guide to participants in the payments market to develop a service for mobile payments of good performance, easy to use, secure and promotes the action of the social circle of the individual at a fair price, in other words, that meets needs and expectations of today’s mobile phone users. As well as serves as a stimulus to the development of communication and marketing strategies that highlight these positive attributes and awaken the intention of adoption of the service by the wider range of people as possible

    Déplacements par taxi : caractérisation et étude de compétitivité

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    «RÉSUMÉ; À l’aube de l’arrivée de nouvelles technologies de mobilité (Transportation Network Companies (TNC), micromobilité, Mobility as a service (MaaS)), la part de marché du taxi dans la mobilité quotidienne est une question d’importance dans une optique de planification métropolitaine. De ce fait, avec l’introduction d’UBER à Montréal, en 2016, la réflexion autour de la compétitivité du taxi et de ses alternatives est encore plus pertinente. Ainsi, certains enjeux existent face aux méthodes d’évaluation de la performance de ce mode de transport par rapport à ses concurrents. Le défi d’évaluer l’adéquation entre l’offre et de la demande se présente également. Ce projet de recherche s’inscrit dans une thématique plus large traitant de l’élaboration d’indicateurs de suivi de l’industrie du taxi à Montréal. Ainsi, il sert de continuité aux travaux de Lacombe (2016) et de Laviolette (2017). En revanche, ce projet s’attarde à cibler les déterminants de la demande de déplacements par taxi, sous la perspective de la compétitivité de ce mode par rapport aux alternatives. Trois objectifs sous-jacents tentent de proposer des éléments de réponse à cette problématique.» et «----------ABSTRACT: At the dawn of the arrival of new mobility technologies (Transportation Network Companies (TNC), micromobility, Mobility as a service (MaaS)), the market share of the taxi in urban mobility is a matter of importance in strategic planning. As a result, with the introduction of UBER in Montreal in 2016, thinking about the competitiveness of the taxi and its alternatives is even more relevant. Thus, certain challenges exist in the face of methods for monitoring the performance of this mode among its competitors. Along these lines lies the challenge of evaluating the supply-demand balance. This research project is part of a broader program dealing with the development of indicators to monitor the taxi industry in Montreal. Thus, it serves as a continuity to the work of Lacombe (2016) and Laviolette (2017). On the other hand, this project is focusing on targeting the determinants of taxi trip demand, from the perspective of the competitiveness of this mode with respect to its alternatives. Three underlying objectives make it possible to provide insights into this problem.

    Pemanfaatan Digital Marketing Menggunakan Media Sosial Sebagai Alat Pemasaran Online Pada PT Benelli Perkasa Motor Pusat Surabaya

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    PT Benelli Perkasa Motor Center Surabaya in the current digital era is implementing a digital marketing strategy using social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and YouTube as online marketing tools. Sources of data obtained in the form of company history and social media owned by PT Benelli Perkasa. The method used in collecting data in this study is by conducting interviews, observation, and documentation. The method used in data analysis is descriptive qualitative method. From the observations made in this study, it was found that PT Benelli Perkasa wanted a tik tok social media account as an additional online marketing media so that in this study resulted in the creation of a tik tok account for PT Benelli Perkasa Motor Center Surabaya. Keywords: Digital marketing, social media, online marketi