17 research outputs found

    Does a combination of ≥2 abnormal tests vs. the ERC-ESICM stepwise algorithm improve prediction of poor neurological outcome after cardiac arrest? A post-hoc analysis of the ProNeCA multicentre study.

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    BACKGROUND Bilaterally absent pupillary light reflexes (PLR) or N20 waves of short-latency evoked potentials (SSEPs) are recommended by the 2015 ERC-ESICM guidelines as robust, first-line predictors of poor neurological outcome after cardiac arrest. However, recent evidence shows that the false positive rates (FPRs) of these tests may be higher than previously reported. We investigated if testing accuracy is improved when combining PLR/SSEPs with malignant electroencephalogram (EEG), oedema on brain computed tomography (CT), or early status myoclonus (SM). METHODS Post-hoc analysis of ProNeCA multicentre prognostication study. We compared the prognostic accuracy of the ERC-ESICM prognostication strategy vs. that of a new strategy combining ≥2 abnormal results from any of PLR, SSEPs, EEG, CT and SM. We also investigated if using alternative classifications for abnormal SSEPs (absent-pathological vs. bilaterally-absent N20) or malignant EEG (ACNS-defined suppression or burst-suppression vs. unreactive burst-suppression or status epilepticus) improved test sensitivity. RESULTS We assessed 210 adult comatose resuscitated patients of whom 164 (78%) had poor neurological outcome (CPC 3-5) at six months. FPRs and sensitivities of the ≥2 abnormal test strategy vs. the ERC-ESICM algorithm were 0[0-8]% vs. 7 [1-18]% and 49[41-57]% vs. 63[56-71]%, respectively (p < .0001). Using alternative SSEP/EEG definitions increased the number of patients with ≥2 concordant test results and the sensitivity of both strategies (67[59-74]% and 54[46-61]% respectively), with no loss of specificity. CONCLUSIONS In comatose resuscitated patients, a prognostication strategy combining ≥2 among PLR, SSEPs, EEG, CT and SM was more specific than the 2015 ERC-ESICM prognostication algorithm for predicting 6-month poor neurological outcome

    A reduced-order model-based study on the effect of intermittent pneumatic compression of limbs on the cardiovascular system

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    This work investigates the effect that the application of intermittent pneumatic compression to lower limbs has on the cardiovascular system. Intermittent pneumatic compression can be applied to subjects with reduced or null mobility and can be useful for therapeutic purposes in sports recovery, deep vein thrombosis prevention and lymphedema drainage. However, intermittent pneumatic compression performance and the effectiveness are often difficult to predict. This study presents a reduced-order numerical model of the interaction between the cardiovascular system and the intermittent pneumatic compression device. The effect that different intermittent pneumatic compression operating conditions have on the overall circulation is investigated. Our findings confirm (1) that an overall positive effect on hemodynamics can be obtained by properly applying the intermittent pneumatic compression device and (2) that using intermittent pneumatic compression for cardiocirculatory recovery is feasible in subjects affected by lower limb disease

    Tagging EEG features within exam reports to quickly generate databases for research purposes

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    Objective: assess the effectiveness of a new method for classifying EEG recording features through the use of tags within reports. We present feature prevalence in a sample of patients with toxic-metabolic encephalopathy and discuss the advantages of this approach over existing classification systems. Methods: during EEG report creation, tags reflecting background activity, epileptiform features and periodic discharges were selected according to the findings of each recording. Reports including the tags have been collected and processed by the EEG report parser script written in PHP language. The resulting spreadsheet was analysed to calculate the prevalence and type of EEG features in a sample group of patients with toxic-metabolic encephalopathy. Results: tag checking and extraction were very little time-consuming processes. Considering 5784 EEG recordings performed either in inpatients or outpatients over 2 years, toxic-metabolic aetiology was tagged in 218 (3.8&nbsp;%). The most frequent background feature was severe slowing (5-6&nbsp;Hz frequency), occurring in 79 (36.2&nbsp;%). Epileptiform abnormalities were rare, reaching a maximum of 10 (4.6&nbsp;%). Triphasic waves were tagged in 43 (19.7&nbsp;%) recordings. Conclusions: tagging and parsing processes are very fast and integrated into the daily routine. Sample analysis in patients with toxic-metabolic encephalopathies showed EEG slowing as the prevalent feature, while triphasic waves occurred in a minority of recordings. Existing software such as "SCORE" (Holberg EEG) requires the replacement of the currently used software for EEG reporting, minimizing additional costs and training. EEG Report Parser is free and open-source software, so it can be freely adopted, modified and redistributed, allowing further improvement and adaptability

    Unrecognized Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1A as a Cause of Hypocalcemia and Seizures in a 64-Year-Old Woman

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    Pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1A (PHP1A) is usually diagnosed in childhood or early adulthood. We describe the case of a 64-year-old woman admitted to the Neurological Unit for recurrent episodes of loss of consciousness and seizures. Glycemia and ECG were normal, while hypocalcemia was noted. Clinical history revealed carpo-pedal spasm since the age of 30 years, cognitive impairment, hypothyroidism since early adulthood, and menopause at 30 years. She was taking oral calcium and cholecalciferol for chronic hypocalcemia. Physical features suggested Albright’s osteodystrophy. Blood calcium was confirmed low, with increased parathyroid hormone, moderate 25OH-vitamin D deficiency, and normal creatinine. Brain CT scan revealed calcifications of the basal ganglia, cortical and subcortical white matter, and cerebellum. Therapy was switched to oral calcitriol, with normalization of calcium levels; levetiracetam was started and no further seizures occurred. The clinical diagnosis of PHP1A was confirmed by molecular analysis, which demonstrated the heterozygous c.568_571del mutation of the GNAS gene. Our report illustrates the natural history of a patient with PHP1A, which went undiagnosed until the age of 64 years, with multi-hormonal resistance and clinical sequelae evolving throughout life, and underlines the importance of diagnosing this rare disease, which has a great impact on patients and their family life