39 research outputs found

    The effect of fatigue on kinematics and kinetics of basketball dribbling with changes of direction

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    Basketball dribbling is one of the key elements in basketball game. There is a lack of studies investigating the effect of fatigue on kinematics and kinetics in basketball dribbling. There are two primary aims of this study: (1) to explore the effect of fatigue on kinematics and kinetics in dribbling with the change of directions; (2) to determine the effect of fatigue on dribbling speed. Fourteen Croatian senior male basketball players (age: 21.16±3.43 years; body height: 188.81±6.88 cm; body mass: 87.81±6.06 kg; body fat: 13.34±3.52%), not power forwards or centers, participated in the study. Each player performed two types of change of direction (COD) while dribbling: front COD and spin move in the non-fatigued and then in the fatigued state. Xsens suit and Novel insoles were used to measure the kinematic and kinetic parameters. In terms of the front COD, the results of this study demonstrated that the maximum angular velocity in the knee (p=.028) and wrist joint (p=.007) as well as maximum force (p=.004) significantly decreased in the fatigued state. In terms of the spin move, the results showed that there were significant differences in pelvis velocity (p=.000), the maximum angular velocity in the knee joint (p=.020), and the first step velocity (p=.010) between the fatigued and non-fatigued states. No significant difference was found in the pelvis position, minimum angle in the knee joint and maximum force. Importantly, dribbling speed significantly decreased in the fatigued state (p=.002). The findings of this study suggest that coaching staff should design appropriate training programs to optimize players’ ability to resist fatigue when dribbling under real game speed conditions


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    Prehrana sportaša interes je znanstvenika već desetljećima, od kada postoje takmičenja prisutno je pitanje što jesti i piti da bi se poboljšao rezultat. Danas sigurno znamo da prehrana sportaša utječe na njihovo zdravlje, sastav tijela i masu, iskoristivost energenata za vrijeme aktivnosti, oporavak i izvedbu. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje znanja o prehrani kod sportskih trenera – trenera košarke i skijanja. Uzorak ispitanika bio je sastavljen od hrvatskih košarkaških trenera (N=32) i trenera skijanja (N=24). Znanje o sportskoj prehrani utvrđeno je putem odgovarajućeg upitnika. Upitnik o znanju o sportskoj prehrani bio je koncipiran tako da utvrdi znanje sportaša o prehrani općenito, o sastojcima neophodnim da bi sportaši osigurali dovoljne količine energije za trening i natjecanja, o dodacima prehrani, o obrocima prije treninga i natjecanja, kao i tijekom oporavka te o značaju tekućine, dehidraciji i rehidraciji za vrijeme treninga i natjecanja. Anketa je bila anonimna. Dobiveni podaci su obrađeni odgovarajućim statističkim postupcima, pomoću statističkog paketa STATISTICA. Sagledavajući rezultate u cjelini može se zaključiti da je poznavanje prehrane od strane košarkaških i skijaških trenera zadovoljavajuće. Od ukupno 1232 ispravna odgovora oni su ostvarili 959 ili 77.8% ispravnih odgovora ili u prosjeku po pojedinom pitanju 43 ispravna odgovora uz raspon od 24 točna odgovora pa do punih 56. Međutim kada se pogledaju pojedinačni odgovori onda se zadovoljstvo zbog relativno visokog postotka ispravnih odgovora donekle gubi jer se mogu jasno uočiti neke značajne manjkavosti u sveukupnom znanju i to o vrlo bitnim pitanjima prehrane sportaša. Upravo stoga može se ustvrditi da bi sportski nutricionist trebao biti jedan od važnih čimbenika u trenerskom timu.The nutrition of athletes has been of interest to scientists for decades and since the origins of sports competitions the questions about what to eat and what to drink in order to improve performance have been raised. Today there are scientific proofs that an adequate dietary habits influences in a large extent to an athlete\u27s health, body composition, and energetic pathways during the activity as well as during the competition or recovery. Athletes should be well informed about the food groups, caloric intake, and daily meal schedule. As the previous investigations showed, the athletes obtain most of their knowledge about nutrition from their coaches, especially physical conditioning coaches. The major aim of this study would be determination of the level of knowledge about nutrition. The sample consisted of 32 basketball and 24 skiing coaches from Croatia. The knowledge about the sports nutrition was tested by means of questionnaire. The questionnaire was constructed based on the results of previous studies conducted at the Faculty of Kinesiology and the results from international studies. It consisted of items determining the general knowledge about nutrition, nutritional ingredients needed for providing adequate energy level in sports, items about supplements, meal schedule before training and competition and recovery, and of items testing the knowledge about importance of liquids, dehydration and rehydration during and after training and competition. Surveys were anonymous and the data obtained were analysed by statistical software STATISTICA for WINDOWS. According to the results obtained we concluded that the level of knowledge about nutrition basketball and skiing coaches globally is satisfactory but inadequate in some segments, especially in the part of nutritional supplements and energy sources. It also can be concluded that the sources of information for nutritional facts that coaches use are not always scientifically justified

    Vrijednost aplikativnih metoda motoričkog učenja u radu s košarkaškim početnicima

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    The aim of this study was to identify the efficacy of three different teaching methods existing in contemporary sport: the analytical, synthetic and situational methods. The sample of subjects comprised 90 boys, 9 – 10 years of age, who were beginners in basketball. A six-month program was implemented that, regarding the groups analyzed, varied only according to the selection of the motor teaching methods. The assessment of the effects of certain methods was carried out through the analysis of the development of the basic elements of basketball technique. The effects of the program were analyzed using the variance analysis. The kinesiological influence that the subjects were exposed to led to significant changes, regardless of the teaching method, in most of the applied tests for the assessment of the basic motor abilities and the specific motor skills. The biggest effects were initiated by the synthetic teaching method; the analytical method proved to be the most successful one in the most demanding elements, whereas the positive effects of the situational teaching method were manifested the least.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi djelotvornost metoda učenja – analitičke, sintetičke, situacijske, u poduci košarkaške igre. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 90 dječaka uzrasta od 9 do 10 godina, košarkaških početnika. Proveden je šestomjesečni program rada koji se razlikovao jedino prema navedenim metodama učenja između odabranih podskupina. Procjena efekata pojedinih metoda učenja provedena je uvidom u razvoj specifičnih motoričkih znanja – temeljnih elemenata košarkaške tehnike i uspješnosti u igri. Učinci programa analizirani su jednosmjernom analizom varijance. Kineziološki program kojemu su bili podvrgnuti ispitanici uključivao je tri košarkaška treninga tjedno i nastavu tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Tijekom trajanja programa došlo je do značajnih pozitivnih promjena, neovisno o metodi učenja u svim testovima za procjenu specifičnih motoričkih znanja. Najveći pomaci kako kod većine elemenata košarkaške tehnike tako i kod uspješnosti u igri uočljivi su uvidom u rezultate grupe koja je trenirala sintetičkom metodom učenja. Analitička metoda pokazala se najprimjenjivijom kod usvajanja složenijih elemenata osnovne košarkaške tehnike, dok su pozitivni efekti situacijske metode bili najmanje izraženi. Prema dobivenim rezultatima i provedenoj analizi može se zaključiti da je za populaciju djece, košarkaških početnika, u procesu učenja košarkaške igre najprimjenjivija sintetička metoda, dok bi se analitička metoda trebala primjenjivati u procesu učenja strukturalno složenih elemenata

    Physiological load of referees during basketball games

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    The objective of this study was to establish physiological loads elite basketball referees sustain during competitive games. Thirty-one referees (age: 33.35±5.17 years, body mass: 88.04±7.47 kg, height: 186.37±5.40 cm), all classified as A-list referees of the 1st Croatian Basketball League, were subjected to progressive spiroergometric testing on the treadmill in order to determine the anaerobic threshold (V-slope method). The referees were monitored electrocardiographically for the establishment of physiological load during competitive games. Their heart rate (HR) was measured during the games using a POLAR RS400 cardiotachometer. The level of physiological load was determined according to individual work intensity zones that had been determined using laboratory testing for each subject separately. The lowest intensity zone of load was below 79% of HR at the ventilatory threshold, the following zone included HRs between 80 and 89% of HR at the ventilatory threshold, then between 90 and 100% of HR at the ventilatory threshold, whereas the highest zone was above the HR at the ventilatory threshold. The time each subject spent in a particular intensity zone was determined and expressed as a percentage of the total game time. The average HR during a game was 131.52±9.10 bpm, that is, 77.34±6.05% of the HR at the anaerobic threshold. It was established that the referees spent 50% of the total game time in zones of high aerobic load (extensive and intensive aerobic zone), whereas if we only examine the time during the quarters, then this percentage amounts up to 60%. The referees spent only 1-2% of the total game time in the anaerobic energetic process load zone. There were no significant differences between younger and older referees in physiological load they sustain during the games. These findings indicate basketball referees must possess a high aerobic capacity to withstand physiological load during a basketball game

    A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Positive Illusions and Sport Performance Levels in American, Croatian, and Norwegian Basketball Players

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    The present study examined the degree to which positive illusion is associated with sport performance in basketball players among 3 different cultures: The United States of America, Croatia, and Norway. Positive illusion is a cognitive characteristic that is common in mentally healthy individuals, and becomes especially important in the athletic arena2. The model tested in this study depicts the level of positive illusion as the main predictor variable and the performance of the basketball players as the criterion variable. The Positive Illusion Sports Scale3 was used to measure the predictor variable while The Basketball Evaluation System4 was used to measure the criterion variable. Participants were 239 competitive male basketball players, 122 from USA, 57 from Croatia and 60 from Norway. Results showed that positive illusion was directly (positively) related to actual success and that these relationships were statistically significant and consistent with positive illusion as a theoretical construct for predicting behavior and success


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    The main objective of this study was to establish whether fatigue has an effect on accuracy during basketball shooting. Aside from basketball shooting accuracy, two very important kinematic parameters were also examined as they have an effect on the level of accuracy during shooting: the speed of performing the actual shot and the angle at which the ball enters into the basket after a jump shot is performed. In conducting this research one examinee was observed, a member of the Croatian U16 National Basketball Team. This research included a precisely defined protocol according to which the following parameters were established: the accuracy of basketball shooting (ratio between successful and missed shots), the speed of performing the shot and the angle of entry of the ball into the basket. The physiological load was determined by performing the standardised specific protocol which the examinee performed until exhaustion. The results which were obtained indicate that there are no significant changes in the accuracy during one point, two point or three point shooting under the influence of physical fatigue. The obtained results of kinematic parameters indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the shooting speed before and after loading in two point and three point shots. During performing free throws the angle of entry of the ball into the basket changes, whereas the accuracy remains unchanged.Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi ima li umor utjecaj na preciznost šuta u košarci. Osim preciznosti takoðer su analizirana i dva vrlo važna kinematička parametra za koja su dosadašnja istraživanja utvrdila utjecaj na preciznost šuta: brzina izvoðenja samog šuta i kut pri kojem lopta ulazi u koš nakon skok šuta. U provedbi ovog istraživanja sudjelovao je jedan ispitanik, čan Hrvatske U16 košarkaške reprezentacije. Istraživanje ukljuèuje precizno definiran protokol prema kojem su uspostavljeni sljedeći parametri: preciznost šuta (omjer izmeðu uspješnih i neuspješnih šuteva), brzina izvedbe šuta i kut ulaska lopte u koš. Umor je izazvan izvoðenjem standardiziranog protokola fiziološkog opterećenja trčanjem koji ispitanik obavlja do iscrpljenosti. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da nema značajne promjene u preciznosti šuta za jedan, dva ili tri poena pod utjecajem tjelesnog umora. Dobiveni rezultati kinematičkih parametara pokazuju da postoje statistički značajne razlike u brzini šuta prije i poslije opterećenja pri šutu za dva i tri poena. Tijekom izvoðenja slobodnih bacanja kut ulaska lopte u koš se mijenja ali bez promjene preciznosti