717 research outputs found

    MADURESE PROVERBS (A Sociolinguistics Cognitive perspective of Madurese Meaning of life)

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    This paper aim to continue Rifai's Manusia Madura description of Madurese people various way through proverbs, from one of the cognitive science sight, cognitive linguistics. A work that based on some traditional and old proverbs well known by Madurese, especially old people, reflects to their habits, characteristics, life and work ethos, appearances, point of views and principles. One of the proverb, such as like Buppa' babbhu ghuru rato is one of the basic Madurese proverb that is short in form and has fundamental interpretation in meaning to describe Madurese people in general. A life of one of the biggest races population that has been mostly related with rudeness, underestimation, and other bad things, whereas its language takes important role of how to know the world, instead of to know the knowledge Madurese language itself first. Many of Linguistics works are in descriptive try to describe and explain the language phenomena related to other things, where these will be found in this paper through proverbs and their generated ideas linked to postulates and factual things in the real world. The expectation of these proverbs that is as part of Madurese identity may be different with what is happening to Madurese people in this globalization era, such as what did happen to the former Bangkalan's Bupati. Therefore the result of this work would be like some model of Madurese paroles in corpus data that may opposite with the proverbs meaning, so it can be awareness; prediction of Madurese people mind works to be understood through their comprehension of proverbs; and the representative strategies and maintenance for Madura through the use of Madurese language reflecting cognition and knowledge


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    Matan hadith understanding of the women position in the family, in variety of classical fiqh books, especially the discussion about morals and the rights and obligations of one's wife in the family, tend to give a low position for women compared to the husband position. The wife is represented as the super, perfect and completely able to be submissive and obedient in total, so it is quite narrow opportunities for her to get a fair life as the position of her husband's life. This study discuss the meaning and interpretation by using a contextual approach and rational. This study aims to provide a more comprehensive directive in the meaning of the text of the hadith and dismissed accusations that lead to less humane view of the treatment of women in the household as well as being a comparison of thought in understanding the hadith of the prophet

    Hamzah Fanshuri tentang Konsep Wujud

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    The purpose of this research is to explain about Sufism formulated by Sheikh Hamzah Fanshuri. He is quite famous in the 16th century AD Although the concept of Sufism Hamzah Fansuri already very old, but until now, this teaching is still studied in Aceh and in several other regions in Indonesia. Among the concepts of Hamzah Fansuri's Sufism that are still studied by many people is about the concept of existence. In the opinion of Sheikh Hamzah Fansuri, the essence of existence is one, namely the existence of God. Apart from the existence of God everything is not a real existence, but a reflection of the real existence. While this form is a relationship beamong matter, nature, asthma and af'al Allah. Regarding the existence of human beings, Sheikh Hamzah Fansuri  explained that human beings are the lowest form, even so,  they still have the opportunity to rise to a higher dignity

    Diskursus Keperawanan: Kekerasan terhadap Seksualitas Perempuan

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    Virginity becomes a complicated discourse for women. It is a holiness and glory in religion and ethic, nevertheless hiding discriminated contruction for the owner. It is more grinding, when myth and medic contribute creating power-knowledge to confirm sexuality violence for this context be undisputed answer and looking at virginity as self-identity of women which must be disciplined, controlled and normalisized along time. This article attempts to describe existing concept of virginity in the mythic, medical, and Islamic discourse by using social-critics perspective as an analysis. The result shows virginity, in the mythical discourse, emerging double-ethic standard which difference between male and female. While medical discourse trys to create ‘virginity detection’ for women as control and supervising form. Interpretation, and then, of religious doctrine legitimates by which misogynic understanding tend to weakness women existing. And the end of all, virginity discourse emerges sexuality violence for women

    The Hadith of Rajab Fasting in A Simultaneous Reserch

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    The researched Hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW about Rajab fasting was a narrated hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas booked by Muslim. In hadith above, there were some narrators/rawi such as Abu Bakr Ibn Aby Shaybah, Abd Allah Ibn Numair, Uthman Ibn Hakim al Ansari, Sa’id Ibn Jubayr and Abd Allah Ibn ‘Abbas. In his partial analyses, there were some conclusions that: 1. All of narrators that involved in Hadith sanad were qualified: 2. Thiqa, All the narrators met with another narrators as the teachers: 3. And the hadith matan was free from shadh aspect: 4. The hadith matan was free from illat. So it can be concluded that narrated hadiths of Anas Ibn Malik which were collected by Muslim were qualified (sahih). In simultaneous analyzes, found that that hadith had 4 (four) tabi’ qasir. Because all of the narrators who were narrated by Muslim were thiqah qualified and the sanad connectivity was also muttasil, so the present of 4 tabi’ ´hadiths couldn’t improve the quality of main hadith sanad or mutaba’ that had been sahih in quality. Later on, simultaneously, that hadith had 4 (four) shahid ma’nawi hadiths. Those hadiths were narrated by 4 (four) different friends, as: Sa’id Ibn Sa’id, Anas Ibn Malik, ‘Abd Allah Ibn ‘Umar, and Abi Dharr. So the hadith of Rajab fasting had been narrated by 5 (five) friends. Thus, quantitatively, those hadiths improved to be mashhur (ahad mashhur) because they were narrated by five friends

    Book Review Lived Islam: Agama Koloqial dalam Tradisi Kosmopolitan

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    Dua fakta yang tampak seolah-olah kontradiktif selalu muncul ketika peneliti mencoba mengkaji Islam: pertama, adanya keberbagaian variasi yang menakjubkan dari praktik-praktik dan keyakinan-keyakinan Islam; kedua, kaum muslim, terlepas dari beragam perbedaan nyata dalam praktik maupun keyakinan tersebut, tetap saling memperlakukan dan menganggap satu dengan lainnya sebagai sesama pemeluk Islam yang berbeda dari pemeluk agama lain. Buku ini merupakan hasil ikhtiar akademik A. Kevin Reinhart yang mencoba menyodorkan sebuah tawaran pendekatan dalam mengkaji dua realitas keislaman yang kerap membingungkan sebagian para peneliti tersebut sembari tak lupa mengklarifikasi dan menjernihkan ulang makna sesungguhnya terma “Islam” ketika para peneliti menggunakannya. Sebab, menurut Kevin Reinhart, ada kecenderungan umum di kalangan sebagian para pengkaji Islam untuk meletakkan “Islam” sebagai kata yang kabur, samar, dan bahkan tanpa makna. Padahal, kajian Islam sangat bergantung pada pemahaman ihwal kata “Islam” tersebut: apakah Islam yang dikaji adalah yang dianggap sebagai suatu esensi yang stabil, atau Islam yang merupakan sesuatu yang berbeda sesuai dengan tempat di mana dan untuk siapa ia hadir, atau Islam sebagai “diskursus” dalam pengertian yang ditawarkan Talal Asad,  misalnya? Saat dihadapkan pada ekspresi praktik dan keyakinan Islam yang sangat majemuk pada tempat dan waktu yang berbeda-beda, sebagian peneliti, di satu sisi, menilai praktik-praktik tertentu sebagai sesuatu yang benar-benar islami (authentically or essentially Islamic); di sisi lain, sebagian praktik-praktik keislaman kaum muslim mereka nilai sebagai sesuatu yang tidak islami karena terkontaminasi aspek-aspek asing dari keyakinan maupun kebudayaan lokal. Para peneliti, pada titik ini, sebenarnya sedang mengambil alih peran dan tugas para agamawan atau teolog

    Kaum Minoritas Muslim Di Barat: Tantangan Dan Masa Depan

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    The Muslim minorities in the West face various challenges originally come from within Muslim communities as well as Western\u27s negative attitudes upon them. Unfortunately, those challenges often lead Western Muslims to take two different attitudes with similar danger: preaching isolationist stance that considers everything seemed more or less characteristic of the West in manners or style as dangerous and they contrives to forbid or avoid it as much as possible; or campaigning assimilation, in its literal sense—complete adaptation to the Western way of life. This book deals with the challenges of Western Muslims and the theoretical-practical efforts they must undertake for their better future as well. Tariq Ramadan calls all Western Muslims to reread their Islamic classical texts as well as ground them in Western socio- political context. In so doing, Tariq Ramadan contends that, through fresh interpretations of universal Islamic principles, the path towards an authentic integration is open for Western Muslims


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    Hadits has been born since fourteen centuries ago, the same age as the birth of Islam conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Over time, the hadits is now available in a variety of books, in fiqh, tafsir, sirah, morals, article on Islamic studies, even various electronic media. Therefore it could be prophetic narrations it will experience a shift in the text or oversight in the quote. Consequently misuse or forgery wide open function. Posts wants to reveal how someone who was about to conduct a search of a hadits that the origin can be ascertained the validity of the hadits, is it true of the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW or not, whether he is qualified valid or weak, whether he is there in the book of hadits collection or not. Necessary to determine their authenticity and tracking system that measure can be taken by the reviewer. This article aims to give a simple direction in order to ward off some of the assumptions that lead to the negative charges of the hadits, that hadits it is completely free of accusations-accusations that lead to disputes and misunderstandings

    Book Review MuḼammad ʿAbduh: Islam Modern dan Budaya Ketaksaan

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    Para pengkaji khazanah intelektual muslim sering kali menemukan kontradiksi dan inkonsistensi dalam karya-karya yang diwariskan seorang intelektual muslim. Warisan intelektual yang kompleks dari tokoh pembaharu muslim seperti Muhammad ‘Abduh (1849-1905) yang dikaji oleh Oliver Scharbrodt dalam buku ini merupakan salah satu contoh terbaiknya. Oliver Scharbrodt menunjukkan, akibat nyata dari pelbagai kontradiksi dan inkonsistensi dalam karya-karya Muhammad ‘Abduh tidak saja menghasilkan kajian kesarjanaan tentang Muhammad ‘Abduh menjadi tidak tunggal dan satu suara; tapi bahkan para pengikut dan murid Muhammad ‘Abduh pun secara jelas menunjukkan aliran pemikiran serta trajektori intelektual mereka secara berbeda-beda antara satu dengan lainnya. Buku ini menyuguhkan cara-baca baru atas legasi intelektual Muhammad ‘Abduh yang, berbeda dari kesarjanaan tentang Muhammad ‘Abduh sebelumnya, meneroka seluruh karya-karyanya tanpa mengabaikan karya-karya awalnya yang umumnya tidak diperhitungkan

    Monitoring of air ducting using mechanical robot for indoor air quality (IAQ) improvement

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    Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has become public concern recently. Air ducting is used in Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning (MVAC) system to deliver air to the building occupants. Without proper maintenance of the ducting system, it will affect the IAQ of overall building. Monitoring air ducting is the preliminary step to get real view inside the ducting. This study focused on the development of the Mechanical Ducting Robot (MerDuct) to monitor the ducting and data collection at real time (in�situ). The developments of the MerDuct have been performed in three phases. MerDuct were controlled wirelessly, and equipped with lamp and camera to get real visual inside the ducting. Case studies were visually performed suing MerDuct in three different scenarios namely full operation ducting, second is seldom operation ducting and third is abandoned ducting. Three case studies had been conducted in Block A4 Academic Office Building UTHM, Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) at Thermal Environmental Laboratory UTHM, and Building Services Laboratory Block E6, Faculty of Engineering Technology UTHM respectively. MerDuct was designed to be able travel to the various ranges along the ducting and using analog joystick to make it user friendly .The seldom operation of ducting was clearly shows clean ducting without any trapped dust and web since the LEV was only used once a week and it is only less than 1 year old. The other two scenarios clearly showed trapped dust and web from photo captured by MerDuct. From the experimental data, MerDuct was successfully performed as monitoring robot to detect Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) problem source. The image taken by MerDuct could help building owner to predict necessary time to perform the duct cleaning to improve the IAQ based on occupational safety and health for sustainable development
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