10 research outputs found


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    Objective: This research work is aimed at production and evaluation of the physical-chemical, and sensory qualities of jam produced from the prickly pear fruit from two varieties: Timgad region (Batna, semi-dry area), Elkseur (Bejaia, temperate zone), and an industrial: Roumais jam (Elkseur). Methods: The soluble solids content is determined by measuring the Brix at 20°C using a digital refractometer. Ash was determined by combustion of the sample in a muffle furnace at 550°C for 5 h. The total soluble sugar content was examined using phenol-sulfuric acid colorimetric method using a spectrophotometer (UV–VIS, Shimadzu). The total nitrogen content was determined by the micro-Kjeldahl method and total protein content was calculated using a 6.25 factor. Pectin content was determined by method of Golou and Bev. Reducing sugars were determined by the Fehling’s test. The crude fiber content was determined using the traditional Van Soest method. Lipid content was determined using a Soxhlet apparatus HT 1034 according to the procedure described by Huang. Sensory evaluation was carried out by 10 panelists using a 9-point Hedonic scale. Results: The physical and chemical analysis results give a very moderate total sugars (53.7; 46.4; and 23.2%), pectin (17.1; 16.0; and 12.0%), acidity (1.84; 1.45; and 2.9 g/100 g), °Brix (60; 62.3; and 27%), humidity (30.4; 32.4; and 71.8%), and fiber (13.3; 22.6; and 22.9%). The sensory results give for color (8.10; 6.62; and 7.22), for taste (7.89; 5.81; and 7.44), for odor (8.20; 6.64; and 7.98), and for texture (7.50; 8.30; and 5.23). Conclusion: It would be good to extend the field of study to a mixture of prickly pear to others fruit to develop other quality products (jam, jelly, syrup, and candy) in the innovation framework

    Umjetna inteligencija i matematičko modeliranje kinetike sušenja prethodno obrađenih cjelovitih plodova marelice

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    This study involved monitoring and modelling the drying kinetics of whole apricots pre-treated with solutions of sucrose, NaCl, and sodium bisulphite. The drying was performed in a microwave oven at different power levels (200, 400, and 800 W). Two artificial intelligence models were used for the prediction of drying time (DT) and moisture ratio (MR): artificial neural network (ANN) and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). On the other hand, the MR prediction was also done with 21 semi-empirical models, one of which we created. The results showed that the drying time decreased with the increase in microwave oven power for the three treatments. The treatment with NaCl was the most suitable for our work. The correlation coefficients of drying time (0.9992) and moisture ratio (0.9997) of ANN were high compared to the ANFIS model, which were 0.9941 and 0.9995, respectively. Among twenty semi-empirical models that were simulated, three models were fitted to our study (Henderson & Papis modified, Henderson & Pabis, and Two Terms). By comparing the three models adapted to our work and the model that we proposed, as well as ANN for MR prediction, it was observed that the model that we created was the most appropriate for describing the drying kinetics of NaCl-treated apricot. This solution opens the prospect of using this potential model to simulate fruit and vegetable drying kinetics in the future.Ovim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je praćenje i modeliranje kinetike sušenja cjelovitih plodova marelice prethodno obrađenih otopinama saharoze, natrijeva klorida i natrijeva bisulfita. Sušenje je provedeno u mikrovalnoj pećnici pri različitim snagama (200, 400 i 800 W). Za predviđanje vremena sušenja (DT) i omjera vlage (MR) primijenjena su dva modela umjetne inteligencije: umjetna neuronska mreža (ANN) i prilagodljivi sustav neizrazitog zaključivanja zasnovanog na neuronskoj mreži (ANFIS). S druge strane, za predviđanje MR-a upotrijebljeno je 20 postojećih poluempirijskih modela te jedan koji su autori izradili sami. Rezultati su, kod sve tri primijenjene obrade, pokazali redukciju vremena sušenja s povećanjem snage mikrovalne pećnice. Tretman otopinom natrijeva klorida pokazao se najpogodnijim. Koeficijenti korelacije ANN modela za vrijeme sušenja (0,9992) i omjer vlage (0,9997) bili su viši nego kod ANFIS modela (0,9941 i 0,9995). Za dvadeset primijenjenih polu-empirijskih modela, tri modela pokazala su se podudarnim s rezultatima ovog istraživanja (modificirani model Hendersona i Pabisa, model Hendersona i Pabisa te model dvaju pojmova). Uspoređujući tri spomenuta modela i model predložen u ovom radu, kao i predviđanje MR-a ANN-om, uočeno je da je model predložen u radu najprikladniji za opisivanje kinetike sušenja marelice tretirane otopinom natrijeva klorida. Takvi rezultati ukazuju da bi se predloženi model potencijalno mogao ubuduće primjenjivati za simulaciji kinetike sušenja voća i povrća


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    Quercetin (QCT) is a flavonoid, existed as a pigment in various plants. It is a bioactive compound that has a favorable effect on human health. Our work concerns the selection of different rapid techniques for QCT extraction, published on the different scientific databases, as ultrasound-assisted enzymatic extraction process, supercritical CO2 extraction, microwave-assisted extraction and consists of researching the antiviral activity of QCT and derivatives against viruses such as coronaviruses, influenza virus, human respiratory syncytial virus, Epstein-Barr virus gastric tumor, anti-hepatitis B virus, Zika virus, and Ebola. Following this research, we found that this molecule has a broad-spectrum antiviral activity. Is it effective in controlling this new form of coronavirus, this devastating virus, which currently affects thousands of people


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    Objective: This study focuses on the production and evaluation of the physicochemical and sensory qualities of two jams, J1 and J2, produced from Opuntia ficus-indica cladodes. J1 made from cladodes with the addition of lemon juice and J2 made from cladodes with added 1/3 orange pulp and lemon juice. Methods: The moisture content is determined by drying the fresh cladodes in an oven at 103°C. The soluble solids content is determined by measuring the Brix at 20°C using a digital refractometer. Total soluble sugar content was examined using the phenol-sulfuric acid colorimetric method using a spectrophotometer ultraviolet (UV)-visible spectroscopy. Sensory evaluation was carried out by 20 panelists. The individual quality features were evaluated using significance factors: Color, texture, aroma, and taste. For instrumental color analysis, the measurement was carried out with the use of spectrophotometer UV-visible, the results were expressed using the CIE (L*, a*, and b*) system. Results: The physical and chemical analysis results give fairly appreciably results on average for total sugars (55.4 and 58.76%), Brix (65 and 67%), humidity (29.79 and 29.89%), and acidity (0.45 and 0.48 g/100 g). The sensory results give for color (3.73 and 6.42), for taste (4.89 and 5.21), for odor (3.00 and 3.57), and texture (4.21 and 4.21). The physicochemical analyses for cladodes showed a rich content for water 92.74, the total sugar content is 5.53. Conclusion: These elaborate jams meet the accepted international standards for jams. The sensory evaluation revealed that J2 was the most appreciate in terms of color, odor, texture, and taste

    Nutrición hospitalaria: características de la ingesta alimentaria en adultos con ENT (Argelia, 2020): Nutrición hospitalaria: características de la ingesta alimentaria entre adultos (Argelia, 2020)

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    Introduction: Hospital malnutrition is a common problem among non-communicable diseases' (NCDs) inpatients, and it is related to food intake characteristics. The aim of this study was to determine the current dietary intake characteristics of hospitalized adults with NCDs in Algeria. Methods: The study sample consisted of 105 inpatients. The dietary intake was evaluated using the 24 hours recall method, CIQUAL Table, 2016 was used for nutritional values and Subjective global assessment (SGA) for the nutritional status assessment. Results: The study design responds to a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out on a sample of 105 inpatients. The malnutrition percentage was 44.76% (B/C on SGA). Most consumed food was self-provided (78.09%) and 3.81% of food was hospital-provided. Energy intakes were low with a median of 4805 kJ/day; 24.76% of participants met 100% of their energy requirements while 13.33% met ≥75% of their protein requirements with no significant difference between well-nourished and malnourished patients. Dietary sugar was higher than 10% of total energy, and alpha-linolenic acid was at 0.06% of total energy with severe deficient of vitamins and minerals. Conclusions: Current food supply including non-regulated sources in hospital was not able to meet the dietary requirements of inpatients. Improving hospital nutritional services, supporting patients at mealtimes and nutritional education among patients’ families are solutions to improve patient nutritional status.Introducción: La malnutrición hospitalaria es un problema común entre los pacientes hospitalizados por enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT) y está relacionada con las características de la ingesta de alimentos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las características de la ingesta dietética actual de adultos hospitalizados con ENT en Argelia. Metodología: La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 105 pacientes hospitalizados. La ingesta dietética se evaluó mediante recordatorio de 24 horas, para determinar la ingesta de nutrimentos se utilizaron los datos de la tabla CIQUAL, 2016 y la evaluación del estado de nutrición se realizó mediante la escala global subjetiva (VGS). Resultados: El diseño del estudio responde a un estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en 105 pacientes hospitalizados. El porcentaje de desnutrición fue de 44,76% (B/C en VGS). La mayor parte de los alimentos consumidos fue autoabastecido (78,09%) y el 3,81% de los alimentos fue proporcionado por el hospital. Las ingestas de energía fueron bajas con una mediana de 4805 kJ/día; El 24,76 % de los participantes cumplió con el 100 % de sus necesidades energéticas, mientras que el 13,33 % cumplió con ≥75 % de sus necesidades proteicas sin diferencias significativas entre pacientes bien nutridos y desnutridos. El azúcar en la dieta fue superior al 10% de la energía total y el ácido alfa-linolénico fue del 0,06% de la energía total con una deficiencia severa de vitaminas y minerales. Conclusiones: El suministro actual de alimentos, incluidas las fuentes no reguladas en el hospital, no pudo satisfacer los requisitos dietéticos de los pacientes hospitalizados. Mejorar los servicios de nutrición hospitalaria, apoyar a los pacientes en las comidas y la educación nutricional entre las familias de los pacientes son soluciones para mejorar el estado nutricional de los pacientes

    Nutrición hospitalaria: características de la ingesta alimentaria en adultos con ENT (Argelia, 2020)

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    Introduction: Hospital malnutrition is a common problem among non-communicable diseases’ (NCDs) inpatients, and it is related to food intake characteristics. The aim of this study was to determine the current dietary intake characteristics of hospitalized adults with NCDs in Algeria.Methodology: The study sample consisted of 105 inpatients. The dietary intake was evaluated using the 24 hours recall method, CIQUAL Table, 2016 was used for nutritional values and Subjective global assessment (SGA) for the nutritional status assessment. Results: The study design responds to a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out on a sample of 105 inpatients. The malnutrition percentage was 44.76% (B/C on SGA). Most consumed food was self-provided (78.09%) and 3.81% of food was hospital-provided. Energy intakes were low with a median of 4,805 kJ/day; 24.76% of participants met 100% of their energy requirements while 13.33% met ≥75% of their protein requirements with no significant difference between well-nourished and malnourished patients. Dietary sugar was higher than 10% of total energy, and alpha-linolenic acid was at 0.06% of total energy with severe deficient of vitamins and minerals. Conclusions: Current food supply including non-regulated sources in hospital was not able to meet the dietary requirements of inpatients. Improving hospital nutritional services, supporting patients at mealtimes and nutritional education among patients’ families are solutions to improve patient nutritional status.Introducción: La malnutrición hospitalaria es un problema común entre los pacientes hospitali-zados por enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT) y está relacionada con las características de la ingesta de alimentos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las características de la ingesta dietética actual de adultos hospitalizados con ENT en Argelia. Metodología: La muestra del estudio estuvo compuesta por 105 pacientes hospitalizados. La ingesta dietética se evaluó mediante recordatorio de 24 horas, para determinar la ingesta de nu-trimentos se utilizaron los datos de la tabla CIQUAL, 2016 y la evaluación del estado de nutrición se realizó mediante la escala global subjetiva (VGS). Resultados: El diseño del estudio responde a un estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en 105 pacientes hospitalizados. El porcentaje de desnutrición fue de 44,76% (B/C en VGS). La mayor parte de los alimentos consumidos fue autoabastecido (78,09%) y el 3,81% de los alimentos fue proporcionado por el hospital. Las ingestas de energía fueron bajas con una mediana de 4.805 kJ/día; El 24,76% de los participantes cumplió con el 100% de sus necesidades energéticas, mientras que el 13,33 % cumplió con ≥75 % de sus necesidades proteicas sin diferencias significa-tivas entre pacientes bien nutridos y desnutridos. El azúcar en la dieta fue superior al 10% de la energía total y el ácido alfa-linolénico fue del 0,06% de la energía total con una deficiencia severa de vitaminas y minerales. Conclusiones: El suministro actual de alimentos, incluidas las fuentes no reguladas en el hospital, no pudo satisfacer los requisitos dietéticos de los pacientes hospitalizados. Mejorar los servicios de nutrición hospitalaria, apoyar a los pacientes en las comidas y la educación nutricional entre las familias de los pacientes son soluciones para mejorar el estado nutricional de los pacientes

    Polyphenols and Flavonoids Contents of Fresh and Dried Apricots Extracted by Cold Soaking and Ultrasound-assisted Extraction

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    This study was carried out to verify the influence of drying parameters on phenolic and flavonoid compounds of apricots (Prunus armeniaca L.) treated with sucrose, NaCl, and sodium bisulphite solutions dried by microwave at different powers (200, 400, and 800 W). We used two extraction methods, namely, cold soaking and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). Total phenolics and flavonoids in fresh and dried apricots and apricot dough were estimated using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and the aluminium trichloride method, respectively. Fresh apricot contained considerable amounts of polyphenols and flavonoids by the cold soaking and UAE (285.43 and 165.49 mg GAE/100 g DM and 48.57 and 12.11 mg QE/100 g DM, respectively). Analysis of the data showed that the decrease in polyphenol and flavonoid contents of the dried treated apricots compared to the fresh material was significant. The greatest losses of these nutrients were recorded when applying the ultrasonic extraction method

    Sadržaj polifenola i flavonoida u svježim i sušenim marelicama ekstrahiranim hladnim namakanjem i ekstrakcijom potpomognutom ultrazvukom

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    This study was carried out to verify the influence of drying parameters on phenolic and flavonoid compounds of apricots (Prunus armeniaca L.) treated with sucrose, NaCl, and sodium bisulphite solutions dried by microwave at different powers (200, 400, and 800 W). We used two extraction methods, namely, cold soaking and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). Total phenolics and flavonoids in fresh and dried apricots and apricot dough were estimated using the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and the aluminium trichloride method, respectively. Fresh apricot contained considerable amounts of polyphenols and flavonoids by the cold soaking and UAE (285.43 and 165.49 mg GAE/100 g DM and 48.57 and 12.11 mg QE/100 g DM, respectively). Analysis of the data showed that the decrease in polyphenol and flavonoid contents of the dried treated apricots compared to the fresh material was significant. The greatest losses of these nutrients were recorded when applying the ultrasonic extraction method.U ovom radu ispitan je utjecaj parametara sušenja na fenolne i flavonoidne spojeve marelica (Prunus armeniaca L.) tretiranih otopinama saharoze, natrijeva klorida i natrijeva bisulfita te sušene u mikrovalovoj pećnici pri različitim snagama (200, 400 i 800 W). Primijenjene su dvije metode ekstrakcije, hladno namakanje i ekstrakcija potpomognuta ultrazvukom (UAE). Ukupni fenoli u svježim i suhim marelicama te tijestu marelica određeni su primjenom Folin-Ciocalteu reagensa, dok su flavanoidi određeni metodom s aluminijevim(III) kloridom. Obje metode ekstrakcije pokazale su da je svježa marelica sadržavala znatne količine polifenola i flavonoida. U suženim marelicama zabilježene su znatno manje količine polifenola i flavanoida. Najveći gubici tih nutrijenata zabilježeni su prilikom primjene ekstrakcije potpomognute ultrazvukom

    Antioxidant and Biological Activities of Fresh and Dried Apricot Extracts Obtained by Cold Soaking and Ultrasonic Extraction

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant (AA), antibacterial, and antifungal activity of fresh and pre-treated apricot extracts, dried by microwave at different powers (200, 400, and 800 W), extracted by the cold soaking method, and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). Biological activity (bacterial and fungal) was estimated by agar disk diffusion test against four bacterial strains (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus sp.), and two fungal strains (Candida spp. and Geotrichum capitatum). Methanolic extracts of apricot fruits: fresh, dried processed, and apricot dough extracted by cold soaking showed a higher AA ranging from 34.22 to 96 % than the other extracts extracted by UAE with values ranging from 14.37 to 66.88 %. The results of tested extracts from fruits (Prunus armeniaca L.) extracted by both extraction methods showed the highest inhibitory activity against most of the tested bacterial and fungal strains with inhibition zones ranging from 4 to 45 mm. The biological activity (antibacterial and antifungal activity) has been improved using different treatments and microwave powers for drying apricots. In addition, the results of the biological activity of the extracts obtained by UAE are the best compared to cold soaking. However, it was determined that the UAE extraction method of cold soaking and drying of apricot fruits was more appropriate for the food industry due to the obtaining of extracts with good antibacterial and antioxidant potential, and their incorporation in foods would increase their production and uses, thus leading to the development of superior biofunctional foods, and the use of bio-solvent, such as methanol, which is easily available in high purity, highly safe, and completely biodegradable

    Antioksidativna i biološka aktivnost svježih i suhih ekstrakata marelica dobivenih hladnim namakanjem i ekstrakcijom potpomognutom ultrazvukom

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant (AA), antibacterial, and antifungal activity of fresh and pre-treated apricot extracts, dried by microwave at different powers (200, 400, and 800 W), extracted by the cold soaking method, and ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE). Biological activity (bacterial and fungal) was estimated by agar disk diffusion test against four bacterial strains (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus sp.), and two fungal strains (Candida spp. and Geotrichum capitatum). Methanolic extracts of apricot fruits: fresh, dried processed, and apricot dough extracted by cold soaking showed a higher AA ranging from 34.22 to 96 % than the other extracts extracted by UAE with values ranging from 14.37 to 66.88 %. The results of tested extracts from fruits (Prunus armeniaca L.) extracted by both extraction methods showed the highest inhibitory activity against most of the tested bacterial and fungal strains with inhibition zones ranging from 4 to 45 mm. The biological activity (antibacterial and antifungal activity) has been improved using different treatments and microwave powers for drying apricots. In addition, the results of the biological activity of the extracts obtained by UAE are the best compared to cold soaking. However, it was determined that the UAE extraction method of cold soaking and drying of apricot fruits was more appropriate for the food industry due to the obtaining of extracts with good antibacterial and antioxidant potential, and their incorporation in foods would increase their production and uses, thus leading to the development of superior biofunctional foods, and the use of bio-solvent, such as methanol, which is easily available in high purity, highly safe, and completely biodegradable.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti antioksidativno, antibakterijsko i antifungalno djelovanje ekstrakata svježih i obrađenih marelica (Prunus armeniaca L.), sušenih u mikrovalnoj pećnici pri različitim snagama (200, 400 i 800 W), dobivenih metodom hladnog namakanja i ekstrakcijom potpomognutom ultrazvukom. Biološka aktivnost (antibakterijska i antifungalna) procijenjena je difuzijskim testom na agar disku koristeći četiri bakterijska soja (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus i Streptococcus sp.) i dva gljivična soja (Candida spp. i Geotrichum capitatum). Metanolni ekstrakti svježih i sušenih plodova te tijesta marelice dobiveni hladnim namakanjem pokazali su antioksidativno djelovanje u rasponu od 34,22 do 96 %, što je više od ekstrakata dobivenih ekstrakcijom potpomognutom ultrazvukom s vrijednostima u rasponu od 14,37 do 66,88 %. Ekstrakata iz plodova marelice dobiveni objema ekstrakcijskim metodama pokazali su najveću inhibitornu aktivnost prema većini ispitivanih sojeva bakterija i gljiva sa zonama inhibicije u rasponu od 4 do 45 mm. Biološka aktivnost (antibakterijska i antifungalna) poboljšana je primjenom različitih intenziteta sušenja marelica. Osim toga, rezultati biološke aktivnosti ekstrakata dobivenih ekstrakcijom potpomognutom ultrazvukom bolji su u usporedbi s hladnim namakanjem