1,458 research outputs found

    Acoustic Tests of a Flexible Spacecraft Model

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    Acoustic tests of flexible spacecraft mode

    Transfer of Triplet Excitons in Singlet Fission-Silicon Solar Cells:Experiment and Theory Towards Breaking the Detailed-Balance Efficiency Limit

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    The power of the sun can be harvested with a solar cell, and much effort has been put into making this process more efficient. This thesis is about a novel type of solar cell that has a higher theoretical efficiency, the Singlet Fission-silicon solar cell. This new type of solar cell can use the energy in the different colors of the light more efficiently. The Singlet Fission layer absorbs light with a high energy and splits the energy into smaller energy packets, that are then transferred into a silicon solar cell. The silicon solar cell absorbs all low energy light and together, both layers use more of the energy in the solar spectrum for energy generation. So far, the transfer of energy is the main bottleneck in this process. In this thesis we first describe a way to use quantum dots as a layer that facilitates the energy transfer in between the Singlet Fission layer and silicon. Then, we describe a new optical method to detect the transfer of energy. We also manufacture a real-world Singlet Fission-Silicon solar cell and use the special behavior of the Singlet Fission process under a magnetic field to detect the energy transfer, and show that the change in the crystal structure in the Singlet Fission material is responsible for the transfer of energy. With these new techniques and insights, we hope that real life Singlet Fission-silicon solar cells have become closer to realization

    Der Missionar Raimundus Lullus und seine Kritik am Islam

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    1918 – Gießens zwei Jahre alte Slavistik

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    Die Strategie mündlicher Narrative und das kommunikative Gedächtnis

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    Культурологическое понятие «коммуникативной памяти» является вопросом лингвистики текста, демонстрируется на конкретном материале общий всем индивидам вид биографической повести, которая соединяет индивидуальное содержание воспоминаний и общую форму его оценки. В статье сравнивается характеристика коммуникативной памяти как «пределы (рамы) опыта» с более широким лингвистическим понятием «всем известное знание мира» (commonsense knowledge, Weltwissen), обсуждаются методологические вопросы анализа устных нарративов. На материале короткого, замкнутого устного повествования в статье проил люстрировано, каким образом собеседники сообщают друг другу общие для них ценности.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Identification of marsh vegetation and coastal land use in ERTS-1 imagery

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    Coastal vegetation species appearing in the ERTS-1 images taken of Delaware Bay on August 16, and October 10, 1972 have been correlated with ground truth vegetation maps and imagery obtained from high altitude RB-57 and U-2 overflights. The vegetation maps of the entire Delaware Coast were prepared during the summer of 1972 and checked out with ground truth data collected on foot, in small boats, and from low-altitude aircraft. Multispectral analysis of high altitude RB-57 and U-2 photographs indicated that five vegetation communities could be clearly discriminated from 60,000 feet altitude including: (1) salt marsh cord grass, (2) salt marsh hay and spike grass, (3) reed grass, (4) high tide bush and sea myrtle, and (5) a group of fresh water species found in impoundments built to attract water fowl. All of these species are shown in fifteen overlay maps, covering all of Delaware's wetlands prepared to match the USGS topographic map size of 1:24,000