100 research outputs found

    Anaerobic co-digestion of acetate-rich with lignin-rich wastewater and the effect of hydrotalcite addition

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    The methane potential and biodegradability of different ratios of acetate and lignin-rich effluents from a neutral sulfite semi-chemical (NSSC) pulp mill were investigated. Results showed ultimate methane yields up to 333 ± 5 mL CH4/gCOD when only acetate-rich substrate was added and subsequently lower methane potentials of 192 ± 4 mL CH4/gCOD when the lignin fraction was increased. The presence of lignin showed a linear decay in methane production, resulting in a 41% decrease in methane when the lignin-rich feed had a 30% increase. A negative linear correlation between lignin content and biodegradability was also observed. Furthermore, the effect of hydrotalcite (HT) addition was evaluated and showed increase in methane potential of up to 8%, a faster production rate and higher soluble lignin removal (7–12% higher). Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies between 64 and 83% were obtained for all samples.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibilities for chemical consumption reduction in P-P-Paa-P bleaching (P alkaline peroxide stage, Paa peracetic stage) of hot water treated straw and the effect of the wheat straw variability on the process. Papermaking fibre production from wheat straw using such a process could be implemented on a small scale if chemical consumption was low enough to eliminate the need for chemical recovery. The pulp properties obtained with this process are equal to or even superior to the properties of wheat straw soda pulp. The possibility of enhancing the first peroxide stage with oxygen and pressure was studied. The possibility for substitution of sodium hydroxide partially with sodium carbonate was also investigated. The objective was to achieve International Standardization Organization (ISO) brightness of 75%, with minimal sodium hydroxide consumption, whilst maintaining the pulp properties. The optimization of the peroxide bleaching is challenging if the final brightness target cannot be reduced. Results indicate that up to 25% of the sodium hydroxide could be substituted with sodium carbonate without losing brightness or affecting pulp properties. Another possibility is a mild alkali treatment between the hot water treatment and the bleaching sequence

    New alternative energy pathway for chemical pulp mills: from traditional fibers to methane production

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    Chemical pulp mills have a need to diversify their end-product portfolio due to the current changing bio-economy. In this study, the methane potential of brown, oxygen delignified and bleached pulp were evaluated in order to assess the potential of converting traditional fibers; as well as microcrystalline cellulose and filtrates; to energy. Results showed that high yields (380 mL CH4/gVS) were achieved with bleached fibers which correlates with the lower presence of lignin. Filtrates from the hydrolysis process on the other hand, had the lowest yields (253 mL CH4/gVS) due to the high amount of acid and lignin compounds that cause inhibition. Overall, substrates had a biodegradability above 50% which demonstrates that they can be subjected to efficient anaerobic digestion. An energy and cost estimation showed that the energy produced can be translated into a significant profit and that methane production can be a promising new alternative option for chemical pulp mills.Postprint (author's final draft

    A multicomponent approach to using waste-derived biochar in biofiltration : A case study based on dissimilar types of waste

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    The environmental legislation and strict enforcement of environmental regulations are the tools effectively used for developing the market of materials for environmental protection technologies. Sustain ability criteria shift environmental engineering systems to more sustainable-material-based technologies. For carbon-based medium materials in biofiltration, this trend results in attempts to use biochar for biofiltration purposes. The paper presents the analysis of biochar properties based on the main criteria for biofiltration medium integrating the environmental quality properties of biochar, following the European Biochar Certificate guidelines. Three types of biochar produced from feedstock of highly popular and abundant types of waste are analysed. A multi component approach was applied to summarize the results. The lignocellulosic type of biochar was found to be more competitive for use as a biofiltration medium than the types of biochar with high ash or lignin content. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Teollisuuden päästödirektiivin (IED) voimaansaattaminen ja muita ympäristönsuojelulain kehittämisajatuksia

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    Teollisuuden päästöjä koskeva direktiivi (2010/75/EU, IE-direktiivi) tulee voimaan 6.1.2011. IE-direktiivin myötä ympäristönsuojelulakia (YSL) on välttämätöntä uudistaa laaja-alaisesti. Direktiivin yksityiskohtaisen sääntely ja siitä johtuva kansallisen lainsäädännön uudistamistarve johtaa merkittäviin muutoksiin. IE-direktiivi korvaa myös eräät teollisia toimintoja koskevat erityisvaatimukset, joista aiemmin on säädetty omina toimialakohtaisina direktiiveinään. Tärkein muutos IE-direktiivissä on parasta käyttökelpoista tekniikkaa (BAT) koskeva muutos, kun BAT-vertailuasiakirjojen BAT-päätelmiin sisältyvät päästötasot tulevat sitoviksi. Raportissa on hahmoteltu IE-direktiivistä johtuvat muutokset nykyiseen ympäristönsuojelulainsäädäntöömme. IE-direktiivistä johtuvien muutosten tekemisen yhteydessä olisi käytännöllistä uudistaa YSL:ia laajemminkin sekä rakenteellisesti että sisällöllisesti. Raportissa on hahmoteltu erilaisia, muuhun kuin IE-direktiiviin perustuvia YSL:n sisällöllisiä muutoksia – osa on pieniä sanamuodon tarkistuksia ja osa laajempia uudistuksia. Lisätiedot: Neuvotteleva virkamies Sirpa Salo-Asikainen, ympäristöministeriö, [email protected] Tohtorikoulutettava Eeva-Maija Puheloinen, Helsingin yliopisto,  [email protected]

    IFN-α with dasatinib broadens the immune repertoire in patients with chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia

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    In chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), combination therapies with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) aim to improve the achievement of deep molecular remission that would allow therapy discontinuation. IFN-alpha is one promising candidate, as it has long-lasting effects on both malignant and immune cells. In connection with a multicenter clinical trial combining dasatinib with IFN-alpha in 40 patients with chronic-phase CML (NordCML007, NCT01725204), we performed immune monitoring with single-cell RNA and T cell receptor (TCR) sequencing (n = 4, 12 samples), bulk TCR beta sequencing (n = 13, 26 samples), flow cytometry (n = 40, 106 samples), cytokine analyses (n = 17, 80 samples), and ex vivo functional studies (n = 39, 80 samples). Dasatinib drove the immune repertoire toward terminally differentiated NK and CD8+ T cells with dampened functional capabilities. Patients with dasatinib-associated pleural effusions had increased numbers of CD8(+) recently activated effector memory T (Temra) cells. In vitro, dasatinib prevented CD3-induced cell death by blocking TCR signaling. The addition of IFN-alpha reversed the terminally differentiated phenotypes and increased the number of costimulatory intercellular interactions and the number of unique putative epitope-specific TCR clusters. In vitro IFN-alpha had costimulatory effects on TCR signaling. Our work supports the combination of IFN-alpha with TKI therapy, as IFN-alpha broadens the immune repertoire and restores immunological function.Peer reviewe

    Cerebral Microbleeds and Structural White Matter Integrity in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury-A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study

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    Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is a common neuropathological manifestation of traumatic brain injury (TBI), presenting as traumatic alterations in the cerebral white matter (WM) microstructure and often leading to long-term neurocognitive impairment. These WM alterations can be assessed using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) are a common finding on head imaging in TBI and are often considered a visible sign of DAI, although they represent diffuse vascular injury. It is poorly known how they associate with long-term white matter integrity. This study included 20 patients with TBI and CMBs, 34 patients with TBI without CMBs, and 11 controls with orthopedic injuries. DTI was used to assess microstructural WM alterations. CMBs were detected using susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) and graded according to their location in the WM and total lesion load was counted. Patients underwent SWI within 2 months after injury. DTI and clinical outcome assessment were performed at an average of eight months after injury. Outcome was assessed using the extended Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOSe). The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and length of post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) were used to assess clinical severity of the injury. We found that CMB grading and total lesion load were negatively associated with fractional anisotropy (FA) and positively associated with mean diffusivity (MD). Patients with TBI and CMBs had decreased FA and increased MD compared with patients with TBI without CMBs. CMBs were also associated with worse clinical outcome. When adjusting for the clinical severity of the injury, none of the mentioned associations were found. Thus, the difference in FA and MD is explained by patients with TBI and CMBs having more severe injuries. Our results suggest that CMBs are not associated with greater WM alterations when adjusting for the clinical severity of TBI. Thus, CMBs and WM alterations may not be strongly associated pathologies in TBI

    Unmet Rehabilitation Needs after Traumatic Brain Injury across Europe: Results from the CENTER-TBI Study

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    This study aims to assess rehabilitation needs and provision of rehabilitation services for individuals with moderate-to-severe disability and investigate factors influencing the probability of receiving rehabilitation within six months after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Overall, the analyses included 1206 individuals enrolled in the CENTER-TBI study with severe-to-moderate disability. Impairments in five outcome domains (daily life activities, physical, cognition, speech/language, and psychological) and the use of respective rehabilitation services (occupational therapy, physiotherapy, cognitive and speech therapies, and psychological counselling) were recorded. Sociodemographic and injury-related factors were used to investigate the probability of receiving rehabilitation. Physiotherapy was the most frequently provided rehabilitation service, followed by speech and occupational therapy. Psychological counselling was the least frequently accessed service. The probability of receiving a rehabilitative intervention increased for individuals with greater brain injury severity (odds ratio (OR) 1.75, CI 95%: 1.27-2.42), physical (OR 1.92, CI 95%: 1.21-3.05) and cognitive problems (OR 4.00, CI 95%: 2.34-6.83) but decreased for individuals reporting psychological problems (OR 0.57, CI 95%: 1.21-3.05). The study results emphasize the need for more extensive prescription of rehabilitation services for individuals with disability. Moreover, targeted rehabilitation programs, which aim to improve outcomes, should specifically involve psychological services to meet the needs of individuals recovering from TBI
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