28 research outputs found

    Discrete and continuum third quantization of Gravity

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    We give a brief introduction to matrix models and the group field theory (GFT) formalism as realizations of the idea of a third quantization of gravity, and present in some more detail the idea and basic features of a continuum third quantization formalism in terms of a field theory on the space of connections, building up on the results of loop quantum gravity that allow to make the idea slightly more concrete. We explore to what extent one can rigorously define such a field theory. Concrete examples are given for the simple case of Riemannian GR in 3 spacetime dimensions. We discuss the relation between GFT and this formal continuum third quantized gravity, and what it can teach us about the continuum limit of GFTs.Comment: 21 pages, 5 eps figures; submitted as a contribution to the proceedings of the conference "Quantum Field Theory and Gravity Conference Regensburg 2010" (28 September - 1 October 2010, Regensburg/Bavaria); v2: preprint number include

    Random volumes from matrices

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    We propose a class of models which generate three-dimensional random volumes, where each configuration consists of triangles glued together along multiple hinges. The models have matrices as the dynamical variables and are characterized by semisimple associative algebras A. Although most of the diagrams represent configurations which are not manifolds, we show that the set of possible diagrams can be drastically reduced such that only (and all of the) three-dimensional manifolds with tetrahedral decompositions appear, by introducing a color structure and taking an appropriate large N limit. We examine the analytic properties when A is a matrix ring or a group ring, and show that the models with matrix ring have a novel strong-weak duality which interchanges the roles of triangles and hinges. We also give a brief comment on the relationship of our models with the colored tensor models.Comment: 33 pages, 31 figures. Typos correcte

    Exact Results and Holography of Wilson Loops in N=2 Superconformal (Quiver) Gauge Theories

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    Using localization, matrix model and saddle-point techniques, we determine exact behavior of circular Wilson loop in N=2 superconformal (quiver) gauge theories. Focusing at planar and large `t Hooft couling limits, we compare its asymptotic behavior with well-known exponential growth of Wilson loop in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. For theory with gauge group SU(N) coupled to 2N fundamental hypermultiplets, we find that Wilson loop exhibits non-exponential growth -- at most, it can grow a power of `t Hooft coupling. For theory with gauge group SU(N) x SU(N) and bifundamental hypermultiplets, there are two Wilson loops associated with two gauge groups. We find Wilson loop in untwisted sector grows exponentially large as in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We then find Wilson loop in twisted sector exhibits non-analytic behavior with respect to difference of two `t Hooft coupling constants. By letting one gauge coupling constant hierarchically larger/smaller than the other, we show that Wilson loops in the second type theory interpolate to Wilson loop in the first type theory. We infer implications of these findings from holographic dual description in terms of minimal surface of dual string worldsheet. We suggest intuitive interpretation that in both type theories holographic dual background must involve string scale geometry even at planar and large `t Hooft coupling limit and that new results found in the gauge theory side are attributable to worldsheet instantons and infinite resummation therein. Our interpretation also indicate that holographic dual of these gauge theories is provided by certain non-critical string theories.Comment: 52 pages, 7 figures v2. more figures embedded v3. minor stylistic changes, v4. published versio

    Phases of planar 5-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory

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    In this paper we investigate the large-NN behavior of 5-dimensional N=1\mathcal{N}=1 super Yang-Mills with a level kk Chern-Simons term and an adjoint hypermultiplet. As in three-dimensional Chern-Simons theories, one must choose an integration contour to completely define the theory. Using localization, we reduce the path integral to a matrix model with a cubic action and compute its free energy in various scenarios. In the limit of infinite Yang-Mills coupling and for particular choices of the contours, we find that the free-energy scales as N5/2N^{5/2} for U(N)U(N) gauge groups with large values of the Chern-Simons 't\,Hooft coupling, λ~N/k\tilde\lambda\equiv N/k. If we also set the hypermultiplet mass to zero, then this limit is a superconformal fixed point and the N5/2N^{5/2} behavior parallels other fixed points which have known supergravity duals. We also demonstrate that SU(N)SU(N) gauge groups cannot have this N5/2N^{5/2} scaling for their free-energy. At finite Yang-Mills coupling we establish the existence of a third order phase transition where the theory crosses over from the Yang-Mills phase to the Chern-Simons phase. The phase transition exists for any value of λ~\tilde\lambda, although the details differ between small and large values of λ~\tilde\lambda. For pure Chern-Simons theories we present evidence for a chain of phase transitions as λ~\tilde\lambda is increased. We also find the expectation values for supersymmetric circular Wilson loops in these various scenarios and show that the Chern-Simons term leads to different physical properties for fundamental and anti-fundamental Wilson loops. Different choices of the integration contours also lead to different properties for the loops.Comment: 40 pages, 17 figures, Minor corrections, Published versio

    The Spin Foam Approach to Quantum Gravity

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    This article reviews the present status of the spin foam approach to the quantization of gravity. Special attention is payed to the pedagogical presentation of the recently introduced new models for four dimensional quantum gravity. The models are motivated by a suitable implementation of the path integral quantization of the Plebanski formulation of gravity on a simplicial regularization. The article also includes a self-contained treatment of the 2+1 gravity. The simple nature of the latter provides the basis and a perspective for the analysis of both conceptual and technical issues that remain open in four dimensions.Comment: To appear in Living Reviews in Relativit