420 research outputs found

    Insights on the Evolution of Prolyl 3-Hydroxylation Sites from Comparative Analysis of Chicken and Xenopus Fibrillar Collagens

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    Recessive mutations that prevent 3-hydroxyproline formation in type I collagen have been shown to cause forms of osteogenesis imperfecta. In mammals, all A-clade collagen chains with a GPP sequence at the A1 site (P986), except α1(III), have 3Hyp at residue P986. Available avian, amphibian and reptilian type III collagen sequences from the genomic database (Ensembl) all differ in sequence motif from mammals at the A1 site. This suggests a potential evolutionary distinction in prolyl 3-hydroxylation between mammals and earlier vertebrates. Using peptide mass spectrometry, we confirmed that this 3Hyp site is fully occupied in α1(III) from an amphibian, Xenopus laevis, as it is in chicken. A thorough characterization of all predicted 3Hyp sites in collagen types I, II, III and V from chicken and xenopus revealed further differences in the pattern of occupancy of the A3 site (P707). In mammals only α2(I) and α2(V) chains had any 3Hyp at the A3 site, whereas in chicken all α-chains except α1(III) had A3 at least partially 3-hydroxylated. The A3 site was also partially 3-hydroxylated in xenopus α1(I). Minor differences in covalent cross-linking between chicken, xenopus and mammal type I and III collagens were also found as a potential index of evolving functional differences. The function of 3Hyp is still unknown but observed differences in site occupancy during vertebrate evolution are likely to give important clues

    Elevated urinary excretion of free pyridinoline in Friesian horses suggests a breed-specific increase in collagen degradation

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    Background: Friesian horses are known for their high inbreeding rate resulting in several genetic diseases such as hydrocephaly and dwarfism. This last decade, several studies focused on two other presumed hereditary traits in Friesian horses: megaoesophagus and aortic rupture. The pathogenesis of these diseases remains obscure but an important role of collagen has been hypothesized. The purpose of this study was to examine possible breed-related differences in collagen catabolism. Urinary specimens from Friesian (n = 17, median age 10 years old) and Warmblood horses (n = 17, median age 10 years old) were assessed for mature collagen cross-links, i.e. pyridinoline (PYD) (=hydroxylysylpyridinoline/HP) and deoxypyridinoline (DPD) (lysylpyridinoline /LP). Solid-phase extraction was performed, followed by reversed-phase ion-paired liquid chromatography prior to tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) detection. Results: Mean urinary concentrations of free PYD, expressed as fPYD/creatinine ratio, were significantly higher in Friesian horses compared to Warmblood horses (28.5 ± 5.2 versus 22.2 ± 9.6 nmol/mmol, p = 0.02) while mean fDPD/creatinine ratios were similar in both horse breeds (3.0 ± 0.7 versus 4.6 ± 3.7 nmol/mmol, p = 0.09). Conclusions: Since DPD is considered a specific bone degradation marker and PYD is more widely distributed in connective tissues, the significant elevation in the mean PYD/DPD ratio in Friesian versus Warmblood horses (9.6 ± 1.6 versus 5.7 ± 1.8, p < 0.0001) suggests a soft tissue origin for the increased fPYD levels. Considering that a previous study found no differences in total collagen content between Friesian and Warmblood horses for tendon and aortic tissue, this indicates a higher rate of collagen degradation. The latter might, at least in part, explain the predisposition of Friesians to connective tissue disorders

    Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile in infants in Oxfordshire, UK: Risk factors for colonization and carriage, and genetic overlap with regional C. difficile infection strains

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    Background: Approximately 30-40% of children <1 year of age are Clostridium difficile colonized, and may represent a reservoir for adult C. difficile infections (CDI). Risk factors for colonization with toxigenic versus non-toxigenic C. difficile strains and longitudinal acquisition dynamics in infants remain incompletely characterized. Methods: Predominantly healthy infants (≤2 years) were recruited in Oxfordshire, UK, and provided ≥1 fecal samples. Independent risk factors for toxigenic/non-toxigenic C. difficile colonization and acquisition were identified using multivariable regression. Infant C. difficile isolates were whole-genome sequenced to assay genetic diversity and prevalence of toxin-associated genes, and compared with sequenced strains from Oxfordshire CDI cases. Results: 338/365 enrolled infants provided 1332 fecal samples, representing 158 C. difficile colonization or carriage episodes (107[68%] toxigenic). Initial colonization was associated with age, and reduced with breastfeeding but increased with pet dogs. Acquisition was associated with older age, Caesarean delivery, and diarrhea. Breastfeeding and pre-existing C. difficile colonization reduced acquisition risk. Overall 13% of CDI C. difficile strains were genetically related to infant strains. 29(18%) infant C. difficile sequences were consistent with recent direct/indirect transmission to/from Oxfordshire CDI cases (≤2 single nucleotide variants [SNVs]); 79(50%) shared a common origin with an Oxfordshire CDI case within the last ~5 years (0-10 SNVs). The hypervirulent, epidemic ST1/ribotype 027 remained notably absent in infants in this large study, as did other lineages such as STs 10/44 (ribotype 015); the most common strain in infants was ST2 (ribotype 020/014)(22%). Conclusions: In predominantly healthy infants without significant healthcare exposure C. difficile colonization and acquisition reflect environmental exposures, with pet dogs identified as a novel risk factor. Genetic overlap between some infant strains and those isolated from CDI cases suggest common community reservoirs of these C. difficile lineages, contrasting with those lineages found only in CDI cases, and therefore more consistent with healthcare-associated spread

    Influence of gold nanoparticles on collagen fibril morphology quantified using transmission electron microscopy and image analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Development of implantable biosensors for disease detection is challenging because of poor biocompatibility of synthetic materials. A possible solution involves engineering interface materials that promote selfassembly and adhesion of autologous cells on sensor surfaces. Crosslinked type-I collagen is an acceptable material for developing engineered basement membranes. In this study, we used functionalized gold nanoparticles as the crosslinking agent. Functionalized nanoparticles provide sites for crosslinking collagen as well as sites to deliver signaling compounds that direct selfassembly and reduce inflammation. The goal of this study was to obtain a quantitative parameter to objectively determine the presence of crosslinks. METHODS: We analyzed TEM images of collagen fibrils by two methods: Run length analysis and topology analysis after medial axis transform. RESULTS: Run length analysis showed a significant reduction of the interfibril spaces in the presence of nanoparticles (change of 40%, P < 0.05), whereas the fibril thickness remained unchanged. In the topological network, the number of elements, number of branches and number of sides increased significantly in the presence of nanoparticles (P < 0.05). Other parameters, especially the number of loops showed only a minimal and nonsignificant change. We chose a ratiometric parameter of the number of branches normalized by the number of loops to achieve independence from gross fibril density. This parameter is lower by a factor of 2.8 in the presence of nanoparticles (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The numerical parameters presented herein allow not only to quantify fibril mesh complexity and crosslinking, but also to help quantitatively compare cell growth and adhesion on collagen matrices of different degree of crosslinking in further studies

    A Selection Index for Gene Expression Evolution and Its Application to the Divergence between Humans and Chimpanzees

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    The importance of gene regulation in animal evolution is a matter of long-standing interest, but measuring the impact of selection on gene expression has proven a challenge. Here, we propose a selection index of gene expression as a straightforward method for assessing the mode and strength of selection operating on gene expression levels. The index is based on the widely used McDonald-Kreitman test and requires the estimation of four quantities: the within-species and between-species expression variances as well as the sequence heterozygosity and divergence of neutrally evolving sequences. We apply the method to data from human and chimpanzee lymphoblastoid cell lines and show that gene expression is in general under strong stabilizing selection. We also demonstrate how the same framework can be used to estimate the proportion of adaptive gene expression evolution

    Measurement of urinary collagen cross-links indicate response to therapy in patients with breast cancer and bone metastases

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    Objective assessment of response in bone metastases from breast cancer using radiological techniques takes up to 6 months of treatment to be certain of a response, and sclerotic metastases are not evaluable. Standard serum and urinary tumour markers may not always be utilized to predict response, as they may not be elevated, and therefore may not change on treatment. The development of the urinary pyridinoline cross-link assays which measure mature bone breakdown products have been shown to be highly sensitive and specific as a measure of bone change in osteoporosis. We have measured pyridinoline (Pyr) and deoxypyridinoline (Dpyr) cross-links sequentially in 36 breast cancer patients with bone metastases, to determine if the measurement of these analytes predicts response at an earlier stage than radiological assessment. Response was assessed by UICC criteria. Seventeen women responded to hormonal therapy, whilst 19 developed progressive disease. Both Pyr and Dpyr increased sequentially in women with progressive disease with changes becoming apparent by 8 weeks (P < 0.03). In responding women, cross-link levels did not change significantly. Pyr and Dpyr were more sensitive and specific than the standard serum tumour marker CA 15-3. Urinary cross-link measurements provide a novel objective method of assessing response to treatment in women with bone metastases. Initial elevated urinary cross-link markers identify patients who tend not to respond to changes in hormonal therap

    The effects of low-impact mutations in digital organisms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Avida is a computer program that performs evolution experiments with digital organisms. Previous work has used the program to study the evolutionary origin of complex features, namely logic operations, but has consistently used extremely large mutational fitness effects. The present study uses Avida to better understand the role of low-impact mutations in evolution.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When mutational fitness effects were approximately 0.075 or less, no new logic operations evolved, and those that had previously evolved were lost. When fitness effects were approximately 0.2, only half of the operations evolved, reflecting a threshold for selection breakdown. In contrast, when Avida's default fitness effects were used, all operations routinely evolved to high frequencies and fitness increased by an average of 20 million in only 10,000 generations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Avidian organisms evolve new logic operations only when mutations producing them are assigned high-impact fitness effects. Furthermore, purifying selection cannot protect operations with low-impact benefits from mutational deterioration. These results suggest that selection breaks down for low-impact mutations below a certain fitness effect, the <it>selection threshold</it>. Experiments using biologically relevant parameter settings show the tendency for increasing genetic load to lead to loss of biological functionality. An understanding of such genetic deterioration is relevant to human disease, and may be applicable to the control of pathogens by use of lethal mutagenesis.</p

    Mutation Accumulation in a Selfing Population: Consequences of Different Mutation Rates between Selfers and Outcrossers

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    Currently existing theories predict that because deleterious mutations accumulate at a higher rate, selfing populations suffer from more intense genetic degradation relative to outcrossing populations. This prediction may not always be true when we consider a potential difference in deleterious mutation rate between selfers and outcrossers. By analyzing the evolutionary stability of selfing and outcrossing in an infinite population, we found that the genome-wide deleterious mutation rate would be lower in selfing than in outcrossing organisms. When this difference in mutation rate was included in simulations, we found that in a small population, mutations accumulated more slowly under selfing rather than outcrossing. This result suggests that under frequent and intense bottlenecks, a selfing population may have a lower risk of genetic extinction than an outcrossing population
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