4 research outputs found

    Relationship between temperament with performance and meat quality of feedlot steers with predominantly Charolais or Nellore breed

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    The relation between temperament with performance and meat quality was determined in 79 Charolais × Nellore steers kept in feedlot. Temperament was evaluated according to exit velocity, scale composite score and flight distance four times in the finishing phase, along with body weight, intake and feed conversion measures. Cattle were classified as calm, intermediate and excited according to exit velocity measures at the beginning of the trial. Excited cattle presented larger values for composite score and flight distance. Irrespective of genotype, excited cattle presented lower average daily gain, dry matter intake and worse feed conversion. Temperament categories did not affect most of beef quality traits, except for calm Bos indicus steers, which presented greater pH measured 1 hour post mortem compared with more reactive steers. However, moderate but negative correlations were detected between exit velocity, flight distance and composite score and beef quality as well as Warner-Bratzler shear value, luminosity, pH measured 24 hours post mortem, although they were not consistent between genotypes raised under the same conditions

    Balanço eletrolítico e níveis de proteína bruta sobre parâmetros sangüíneos e ósseos de frangos de corte aos 21 dias de idade Electrolyte balance and crude protein levels on blood and bone parameters of 21 days broiler chicks

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    Foi realizado um experimento com o objetivo de determinar os melhores valores de balanço eletrolítico (BE) para frangos de corte de 1 a 21 dias. Utilizaram-se 2.112 pintinhos da marca comercial Ross, machos, criados em boxes de galpão de alvenaria, cobertos com maravalha e alimentados com duas rações basais, uma com 20 e outra com 23% de proteína bruta (PB) à base de milho e de farelo de soja, combinadas com níveis de BE de 00; 50; 100; 150; 200; 250; 300 e 350 mq/kg. Foi utilizado delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 8x2 (oito níveis de BE e dois níveis de PB), seis repetições e 22 aves por unidade experimental. Avaliaram-se os níveis sangüíneos de cálcio, fósforo e proteínas totais aos 21 dias de idade. As cinzas, o cálcio, o fósforo, o potássio, o sódio e o magnésio dos ossos também foram quantificados. Aos 21 dias de idade, os melhores valores estimados de BE foram 168 (20% PB) e 245 (23% PB) mEq/kg para o cálcio no sangue. O valor de BE obtido para o menor nível de proteínas totais foi de 189 (23% PB) mEq/kg. Os melhores valores de BE no sangue foram os pontos de mínimo na curva de regressão. O melhor valor de BE para o cálcio no tibiotarso foi de 132 mEq/kg (23% PB). O BE da dieta deve situar-se entre 150 e 200 mEq/kg para frangos de corte de 1 a 21 dias de idade.<br>An experiment was conducted to determine the best electrolyte balance (EB) for broiler chicks from one to 21 days of age, based on blood and bone parameters. One day old chicks, male, Ross were reared on floor covered with shaving woods and fed with two corn-soybean meal based diet with 20 and 23% of crude protein (CP) combined with 0; 50; 100; 150; 200; 250; 300 and 350 mEq/kg of EB. The experiment was analised as a completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement of treatments (two CP levels and eight EB) with six replicates of 22 chicks each. It were evaluated blood levels of calcium, phosphorus and total proteins. Ash, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium in the bone were also measured at 21 days of age. The best values of EB estimated were 168 (20% CP) and 245 (23% CP) mEq/kg for blood calcium. The EB value obtained for the lowest level of blood total protein was 189 (23% CP) mEq/kg. The optimum EB obtained in the blood were the minimum points of the regression curve. The best value for calcium in the bone was 132 mEq/kg (23% CP). The dietary EB should be from 150 to 200 mEq/kg, concerning the biological responses of broiler chicks (from 1 to 21 days of age)