31 research outputs found

    Pomologia classica: importanza pregressa e futura

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    Quality fruit traits in apricot progenies. 2e Rencontre du Groupe Abricotier

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    Caratterizzazione varietale e sistemi computerizzati di tassonomia morfo-fenologica in frutti-viticoltura

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    Le numérique à l'ère des designs (contenus, interactions, espaces, environnements, services, objets, oeuvres, programmes...): de l’hypertexte à l’hyper-expérience 18, 19 et 20 octobre 2017, Valenciennes - Arenberg Creative Mine La 14ème édition de la conférence, H2PTM'2017, est de retour à Valenciennes, où s'était déjà tenue la conférence H2PTM'01 en 2001. Elle se tiendra les 18, 19 et 20 octobre 2017 à Arenberg Creative Mine, et réunira des chercheurs français et internationaux pour rendre c..

    Patterns and heritability of carboxylic acids and soluble sugars in fruits of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.)

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    The investigation of acid and sugar content in an array of apricot cultivars and progenies indicates the existence of marked variability. Citric acid varied from 0.17 to 1.20% and malic acid from 0.21 to 1.51% on fresh weight. Fructose varied from 0.27 to 1.60%, glucose from 0.90 to 3.13% and sucrose from 1.92 to 6.92%. The estimate of heritability was high for total and main sugars, reaching over 0.50%. Acids generally showed low coefficients, although those for citric (0.27) and malic (0.36) were good. With the exception of one progeny, all genotype/year comparisons were not significant, showing constant patterns for acid and sugars over the years regardless of the variability in absolute values. This means that the patterns of each genotype are under genetic control. The wide range of diversity in acid and sugar content apricot germplasm and the independent heritability for most of these compounds make it possible to breed and select cultivars with improved flavour on the basis of superior phenotypes

    Condizioni di produzione in qualità degli oli vergini di oliva

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