166 research outputs found

    Local displacement and strain uncertainties in different bone types by digital volume correlation of synchrotron microtomograms

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    Understanding bone mechanics at different hierarchical levels is fundamental to improve preclinical and clinical assessments of bone strength. Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) is the only experimental measurement technique used for measuring local displacements and calculating local strains within bones. To date, its combination with laboratory source micro-computed tomography (LS-microCT) data typically leads to high uncertainties, which limit its application. Here, the benefits of synchrotron radiation micro-computed tomography (SR-microCT) for DVC are reported. Specimens of cortical and trabecular bovine bone and murine tibiae, were each scanned under zero-strain conditions with an effective voxel size of 1.6 μm. In order to consider the effect of the voxel size, analyses were also performed on downsampled images with voxel size of 8 μm. To evaluate displacement and strain uncertainties, each pair of tomograms was correlated using a global DVC algorithm (ShIRT-FE). Displacement random errors for original SR-microCT ranged from 0.024 to 0.226 μm, depending on DVC nodal spacing. Standard deviation of strain errors was below 200 microstrain (ca. 1/10 of the strain associated with physiological loads) for correlations performed with a measurement spatial resolution better than 40 μm for cortical bovine bone (240 μm for downsampled images), 80 μm for trabecular bovine bone (320 μm for downsampled images) and murine tibiae (120 μm for downsampled images). This study shows that the uncertainties of SR-microCT-based DVC, estimated from repeated scans, are lower than those obtained from LS-microCT-based DVC on similar specimens and low enough to measure accurately the local deformation at the tissue level

    Early assessment of cardiomyopathy in Duchenne patients by means of longitudinal strain echocardiography

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    Introduction: The diagnosis of Duchenne-linked cardiomyopathy may be challenging. Conventional echocardiographic measurements typically show deterioration beyond the second decade. Global longitudinal strain has been proposed as an earlier marker than left ventricular ejection fraction. Material and methods: A prospective, observational, cross-sectional, case-control study was carried out. Both Duchenne patients and control subjects underwent transthoracic echocardiogram in order to assess left ventricle function. Bayesian linear regression was the main tool for inference. Age effects were parameterised by means of a spline function because of its simplicity to characterise continuous variables and smooth contributions. The posterior distribution of the marginal age effects was used to assess the earliest age of deterioration of each marker. Results: Sixteen Duchenne patients and twenty-two healthy male subjects were enrolled. On overage, cardiac function measures were found for ejection fraction and longitudinal strain among different groups. Age effects on global longitudinal strain are more reliably found at ages of 6 and above, while ejection fraction starts to deteriorate at an older age. Progressive left ventricular dysfunction in Duchenne patients is one of the key issues and starts at an early age with subtle symptoms. Conclusion: This cross-sectional study provides supporting evidence that global longitudinal strain is an earlier marker of disease progression than ejection fraction in Duchenne patients

    Alimentación de las ranas pardas, Rana gr. temporaria, en el circo de Piedrafita, (Pirineos, España)

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    Feeding of high Pyrenean mountain brown frogs were studied in the pre-wintering period. The main prey is beetles (44'97o), two-winged flies (12'9%) and bees, wasps, ants, etc (11'4%). For the whole of the frogs, the most frequent prey size is the small (smaller than 10 mm). Big frogs tend to consume bigger prey in not ,o. many quantity, while small frogs consume more quantity of preys but smaller in size. From prey way of life, frogs eat mainly terrestrial and aerial preys, although capture of aquatic prey was observed (11'5%) and these preys were eaten inside the water.Se ha estudiado la dieta de las ranas pardas en alta montaña pirenaica durante el periodo pre-invernal. Las ranas consumen principalmente coleópteros (44'9%), dípteros (12'9%) e himenópteros (11'4%). Para el conjunto de todas las ranas estudiadas, las presas más consumidas son las de pequeño tamaño (menores de 10 mm). Las ranas de mayor talla tienden a consumir presas más grandes y en poca cantidad, mientras que las ranas pequeñas consumen más presas aunque de pequeño tamaño. En cuanto a forma de vida las presas más consumidas son terrestres y aéreas, aunque también se ha comprobado la captura de presas acuáticas (11'5%) que son consumidas por las ranas dentro del agua

    Rapid In Situ Detection of THC and CBD in Cannabis sativa L. by 1064 nm Raman Spectroscopy

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    The need to find a rapid and worthwhile technique for the in situ detection of the content of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) in Cannabis sativa L. is an ever-increasing problem in the forensic field. Among all the techniques for the detection of cannabinoids, Raman spectroscopy can be identified as the most cost-effective, fast, noninvasive, and nondestructive. In this study, 42 different samples were analyzed using Raman spectroscopy with 1064 nm excitation wavelength. The use of an IR wavelength laser showed the possibility to clearly identify THC and CBD in fresh samples, without any further processing, knocking out the contribution of the fluorescence generated by visible and near-IR sources. The results allow assigning all the Raman features in THC- and CBD-rich natural samples. The multivariate analysis underlines the high reproducibility of the spectra and the possibility to distinguish immediately the Raman spectra of the two cannabinoid species. Furthermore, the ratio between the Raman bands at 1295/1440 and 1623/1663 cm-1 is identified as an immediate test parameter to evaluate the THC content in the samples

    Epigenetics and Oxidative Stress in Aging

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    Aging is a multifactorial process characterized by the progressive loss of physiological functions, leading to an increased vulnerability to age-associated diseases and finally to death. Several theories have been proposed to explain the nature of aging. One of the most known identifies the free radicals produced by the mitochondrial metabolism as the cause of cellular and DNA damage. However, there are also several evidences supporting that epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation, noncoding RNAs, and histone modifications, play a critical role in the molecular mechanism of aging. In this review, we explore the significance of these findings and argue how the interlinked effects of oxidative stress and epigenetics can explain the cause of age-related declines

    How to measure student's performance in PBL?

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    [EN] In this paper, we present an analysis of metrics for teamwork efficiency in University degrees, by considering Project Based Learning as a teaching methodology. We defined indicators to evaluate the ability to prioritize tasks, the group communication and the produced value. Such parameters were designed to provide objective information about teamwork efficiency. To test the effectiveness of the proposed indicators, an experiment based on a classic team-building game was performed in the context of the Interactive Technologies Degree at Universitat Politècnica de València. Students were divided into two groups (one from the first course and another the fourth course) and were asked to solve a problem in a limited amount of time. Our hypothesis was that the group corresponding to the fourth course would achieve higher teamwork efficiency because of their experience with the Project Based Learning methodology. After measuring the proposed indicators and other state-of-the-art parameters, we assessed the evolution and improvement of teamwork efficiency by comparing the results of both sets of metrics. Finally, we concluded that the presented metrics can be useful for teamwork efficiency evaluation, but also for students to manage their work.This work has been partially financed by UPV-Innovation Project PIME-I 1776 (2022-2024).Pérez Pascual, MA.; Alberola Oltra, JM.; Marín-Roig Ramón, J.; Toledo Alarcón, JF.; Palacio Samitier, D.; Giménez López, JL.; Heras, S.... (2023). How to measure student's performance in PBL?. IATED. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2023.08461

    Polymerase IV occupancy at RNA-directed DNA methylation sites requires SHH1

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    DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification that plays critical roles in gene silencing, development, and genome integrity. In Arabidopsis, DNA methylation is established by DOMAINS REARRANGED METHYLTRANSFERASE 2 (DRM2) and targeted by 24 nt small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) through a pathway termed RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM)1. This pathway requires two plant-specific RNA polymerases: Pol-IV, which functions to initiate siRNA biogenesis and Pol-V, which functions to generate scaffold transcripts that recruit downstream RdDM factors1,2. To understand the mechanisms controlling Pol-IV targeting we investigated the function of SAWADEE HOMEODOMAIN HOMOLOG 1 (SHH1)3,4, a Pol-IV interacting protein3. Here we show that SHH1 acts upstream in the RdDM pathway to enable siRNA production from a large subset of the most active RdDM targets and that SHH1 is required for Pol-IV occupancy at these same loci. We also show that the SHH1 SAWADEE domain is a novel chromatin binding module that adopts a unique tandem Tudor-like fold and functions as a dual lysine reader, probing for both unmethylated K4 and methylated K9 modifications on the histone 3 (H3) tail. Finally, we show that key residues within both lysine binding pockets of SHH1 are required in vivo to maintain siRNA and DNA methylation levels as well as Pol-IV occupancy at RdDM targets, demonstrating a central role for methylated H3K9 binding in SHH1 function and providing the first insights into the mechanism of Pol-IV targeting. Given the parallels between methylation systems in plants and mammals1,5, a further understanding of this early targeting step may aid in our ability to control the expression of endogenous and newly introduced genes, which has broad implications for agriculture and gene therapy

    Protocol for the BAG-RECALL clinical trial: a prospective, multi-center, randomized, controlled trial to determine whether a bispectral index-guided protocol is superior to an anesthesia gas-guided protocol in reducing intraoperative awareness with explicit recall in high risk surgical patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Awareness with explicit recall of intra-operative events is a rare and distressing complication that may lead to severe psychological symptoms. Candidate depth of anesthesia monitors have been developed, partly with the aim of preventing this complication. Despite conflicting results from clinical trials and the lack of incisive validation, such monitors have enjoyed widespread clinical adoption, in particular the bispectral index. The American Society of Anesthesiologists has called for adequately powered and rigorously designed clinical trials to determine whether the use of such monitors decreases the incidence of awareness in various settings. The aim of this study is to determine with increased precision whether incorporating the bispectral index into a structured general anesthesia protocol decreases the incidence of awareness with explicit recall among a subset of surgical patients at increased risk for awareness and scheduled to receive an inhalation gas-based general anesthetic.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>BAG-RECALL is a multi-center, randomized, controlled clinical trial, in which 6,000 patients are being assigned to bispectral index-guided anesthesia (target range, 40 to 60) or end-tidal anesthetic gas-guided anesthesia (target range, 0.7 to 1.3 age-adjusted minimum alveolar concentration). Postoperatively, patients are being assessed for explicit recall at two intervals (0 to 72 hours, and 30 days after extubation). The primary outcome of the trial is awareness with explicit recall. Secondary outcomes include postoperative mortality, psychological symptoms, intensive care and hospital length of stay, average anesthetic gas administration, postoperative pain and nausea and vomiting, duration of stay in the recovery area, intra-operative dreaming, and postoperative delirium.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This trial has been designed to complement two other clinical trials: B-Unaware and MACS (ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT00281489 and NCT00689091). With the large patient numbers and complementary rigorous designs, it is envisaged that pre-specified meta-analyses will address some of the outstanding controversies and questions relating to processed electroencephalography monitoring.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00682825</p

    Biodegradable collagen matrix implant vs mitomycin-C as an adjuvant in trabeculectomy: a 24-month, randomized clinical trial

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    AIM: To verify the safety and efficacy of Ologen (OLO) implant as adjuvant compared with low-dosage mitomycin-C (MMC) in trabeculectomy. METHODS: This was a prospective randomized clinical trial with a 24-month follow-up. Forty glaucoma patients (40 eyes) were assigned to trabeculectomy with MMC or OLO. Primary outcome includes target IOP at ≤21, ≤17, and ≤15 mm Hg; complete (target IOP without medications), and qualified success (target IOP regardless of medications). Secondary outcomes include bleb evaluation, according to Moorfields Bleb Grading System (MBGS); spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) examination; number of glaucoma medications; and frequency of postoperative adjunctive procedures and complications. RESULTS: The mean preoperative IOP was 26.5 (±5.2) in MMC and 27.3 (±6.0) in OLO eyes, without statistical significance. One-day postoperatively, the IOP dropped to 5.2 (±3.5) and 9.2 (±5.5) mm Hg, respectively (P=0.009). The IOP reduction was significant at end point in all groups (P=0.01), with a mean IOP of 16.0 (±2.9) and 16.5 (±2.1) mm Hg in MMC and OLO, respectively. The rates and Kaplan-Meier curves did not differ for both complete and qualified success at any target IOP. The bleb height in OLO group was higher than MMC one (P<0.05). SD-OCT analysis of successful/unsuccessful bleb in patients with or without complete success at IOP ≤17  mm Hg indicated a sensitivity of 83% and 73% and a specificity of 75% and 67%, respectively, for MMC and OLO groups. No adverse reaction to OLO was noted. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that OLO implant could be a new, safe, and effective alternative to MMC, with similar long-term success rate
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