1,235 research outputs found

    Relations among perspective taking, egocentrism, and self-esteem in late adolescents

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    This study examined the relations among perspective taking, egocentrism, and self-esteem in a sample of 113 undergraduate college students. Self-report measures of the the three constructs were used. Subjects in different levels of perspective taking did not differ significantly from one another in either egocentrism or self-esteem. Pearson correlations revealed that egocentrism was not related to self-esteem in level 2 perspective takers, but that these two constructs were negatively related in 3 perspective takers. Additionally, when subjects were in level 2 perspective taking, feedback did not alter their perceptions of themselves. However, when in level 3, feedback did affect subjects\u27 self-esteem, dependent upon whether the feedback was congruent or incongruent with the subjects\u27 self-esteem. The theoretical importance of the results was discussed

    Robust Model Predictive Control for nonlinear discrete-time systems using iterative time-varying constraint tightening

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    Robust Model Predictive Control (MPC) for nonlinear systems is a problem that poses significant challenges as highlighted by the diversity of approaches proposed in the last decades. Often compromises with respect to computational load, conservatism, generality, or implementation complexity have to be made, and finding an approach that provides the right balance is still a challenge to the research community. This work provides a contribution by proposing a novel shrinking-horizon robust MPC formulation for nonlinear discrete-time systems. By explicitly accounting for how disturbances and linearization errors are propagated through the nonlinear dynamics, a constraint tightening-based formulation is obtained, with guarantees of robust constraint satisfaction. The proposed controller relies on iteratively solving a Nonlinear Program (NLP) to simultaneously optimize system operation and the required constraint tightening. Numerical experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed controller with three different choices of NLP solvers as well as significantly improved computational speed, better scalability, and generally reduced conservatism when compared to an existing technique from the literature.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Contro

    Perspectives on Systematic Analyses of Gene Function in Arabidopsis thaliana: New Tools, Topics and Trends

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    Since the sequencing of the nuclear genome of Arabidopsis thaliana ten years ago, various large-scale analyses of gene function have been performed in this model species. In particular, the availability of collections of lines harbouring random T-DNA or transposon insertions, which include mutants for almost all of the ~27,000 A. thaliana genes, has been crucial for the success of forward and reverse genetic approaches. In the foreseeable future, genome-wide phenotypic data from mutant analyses will become available for Arabidopsis, and will stimulate a flood of novel in-depth gene-function analyses. In this review, we consider the present status of resources and concepts for systematic studies of gene function in A. thaliana. Current perspectives on the utility of loss-of-function and gain-of-function mutants will be discussed in light of the genetic and functional redundancy of many A. thaliana genes

    Analysis of 101 nuclear transcriptomes reveals 23 distinct regulons and their relationship to metabolism, chromosomal gene distribution and co-ordination of nuclear and plastid gene expression

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    Post-endosymbiotic evolution of the proto-chloroplast was characterized by gene transfer to the nucleus. Hence, most chloroplast proteins are nuclear-encoded and the regulation of chloroplast functions includes nuclear transcriptional control. The expression profiles of 3292 nuclear Arabidopsis genes, most of them encoding chloroplast proteins, were determined from 101 different conditions and have been deposited at the GEO database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/) under GSE1160-GSE1260. The 1590 most-regulated genes fell into 23 distinct groups of co-regulated genes (regulons). Genes of some regulons are not evenly distributed among the five Arabidopsis chromosomes and pairs of adjacent, co-expressed genes exist. Except regulons 1 and 2, regulons are heterogeneous and consist of genes coding for proteins with different subcellular locations or contributing to several biochemical functions. This implies that different organelles and/or metabolic pathways are co-ordinated at the nuclear transcriptional level, and a prototype for this is regulon 12 which contains genes with functions in amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as genes associated with transport or transcription. The co-expression of nuclear genes coding for subunits of the photosystems or encoding proteins involved in the transcription/translation of plastome genes (particularly ribosome polypeptides) (regulons 1 and 2, respectively) implies the existence of a novel mechanism that co-ordinates plastid and nuclear gene expression and involves nuclear control of plastid ribosome abundance. The co-regulation of genes for photosystem and plastid ribosome proteins escapes a previously described general control of nuclear chloroplast proteins imposed by a transcriptional master switch, highlighting a mode of transcriptional regulation of photosynthesis which is different compared to other chloroplast functions. From the evolutionary standpoint, the results provided indicate that functional integration of the proto-chloroplast into the eukaryotic cell was associated with the establishment of different layers of nuclear transcriptional control

    A Survey of Chloroplast Protein Kinases and Phosphatases in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Protein phosphorylation is a major mode of regulation of metabolism, gene expression and cell architecture. In chloroplasts, reversible phosphorylation of proteins is known to regulate a number of prominent processes, for instance photosynthesis, gene expression and starch metabolism. The complements of the involved chloroplast protein kinases (cpPKs) and phosphatases (cpPPs) are largely unknown, except 6 proteins (4 cpPKs and 2 cpPPs) which have been experimentally identified so far. We employed combinations of programs predicting N-terminal chloroplast transit peptides (cTPs) to identify 45 tentative cpPKs and 21 tentative cpPPs. However, test sets of 9 tentative cpPKs and 13 tentative cpPPs contain only 2 and 7 genuine cpPKs and cpPPs, respectively, based on experimental subcellular localization of their N-termini fused to the reporter protein RFP. Taken together, the set of enzymes known to be involved in the reversible phosphorylation of chloroplast proteins in A. thaliana comprises altogether now 6 cpPKs and 9 cpPPs, the function of which needs to be determined in future by functional genomics approaches. This includes the calcium-regulated PK CIPK13 which we found to be located in the chloroplast, indicating that calcium-dependent signal transduction pathways also operate in this organelle
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