10,666 research outputs found

    A direct proof of Kim's identities

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    As a by-product of a finite-size Bethe Ansatz calculation in statistical mechanics, Doochul Kim has established, by an indirect route, three mathematical identities rather similar to the conjugate modulus relations satisfied by the elliptic theta constants. However, they contain factors like 1−qn1 - q^{\sqrt{n}} and 1−qn21 - q^{n^2}, instead of 1−qn1 - q^n. We show here that there is a fourth relation that naturally completes the set, in much the same way that there are four relations for the four elliptic theta functions. We derive all of them directly by proving and using a specialization of Weierstrass' factorization theorem in complex variable theory.Comment: Latex, 6 pages, accepted by J. Physics

    Entropy of Folding of the Triangular Lattice

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    The problem of counting the different ways of folding the planar triangular lattice is shown to be equivalent to that of counting the possible 3-colorings of its bonds, a dual version of the 3-coloring problem of the hexagonal lattice solved by Baxter. The folding entropy Log q per triangle is thus given by Baxter's formula q=sqrt(3)(Gamma[1/3])^(3/2)/2pi =1.2087...Comment: 9 pages, harvmac, epsf, uuencoded, 5 figures included, Saclay preprint T/9401

    High temperature materials study

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    High temperature operating electronic devices for vapor deposition reactor syste

    Bethe Ansatz Equations for the Broken ZNZ_{N}-Symmetric Model

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    We obtain the Bethe Ansatz equations for the broken ZN{\bf Z}_{N}-symmetric model by constructing a functional relation of the transfer matrix of LL-operators. This model is an elliptic off-critical extension of the Fateev-Zamolodchikov model. We calculate the free energy of this model on the basis of the string hypothesis.Comment: 43 pages, latex, 11 figure

    High-temperature-materials study

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    Chemical vapor deposition of aluminum phosphides onto single crystals of silicon and gallium arsenide for producing high temperature operating solid state electronic device

    Critical and Tricritical Hard Objects on Bicolorable Random Lattices: Exact Solutions

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    We address the general problem of hard objects on random lattices, and emphasize the crucial role played by the colorability of the lattices to ensure the existence of a crystallization transition. We first solve explicitly the naive (colorless) random-lattice version of the hard-square model and find that the only matter critical point is the non-unitary Lee-Yang edge singularity. We then show how to restore the crystallization transition of the hard-square model by considering the same model on bicolored random lattices. Solving this model exactly, we show moreover that the crystallization transition point lies in the universality class of the Ising model coupled to 2D quantum gravity. We finally extend our analysis to a new two-particle exclusion model, whose regular lattice version involves hard squares of two different sizes. The exact solution of this model on bicolorable random lattices displays a phase diagram with two (continuous and discontinuous) crystallization transition lines meeting at a higher order critical point, in the universality class of the tricritical Ising model coupled to 2D quantum gravity.Comment: 48 pages, 13 figures, tex, harvmac, eps

    Ground State of the Quantum Symmetric Finite Size XXZ Spin Chain with Anisotropy Parameter Δ=1/2\Delta = {1/2}

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    We find an analytic solution of the Bethe Ansatz equations (BAE) for the special case of a finite XXZ spin chain with free boundary conditions and with a complex surface field which provides for Uq(sl(2))U_q(sl(2)) symmetry of the Hamiltonian. More precisely, we find one nontrivial solution, corresponding to the ground state of the system with anisotropy parameter Δ=1/2\Delta = {1/2} corresponding to q3=−1q^3 = -1.Comment: 6 page

    Directed-loop Monte Carlo simulations of vertex models

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    We show how the directed-loop Monte Carlo algorithm can be applied to study vertex models. The algorithm is employed to calculate the arrow polarization in the six-vertex model with the domain wall boundary conditions (DWBC). The model exhibits spatially separated ordered and ``disordered'' regions. We show how the boundary between these regions depends on parameters of the model. We give some predictions on the behavior of the polarization in the thermodynamic limit and discuss the relation to the Arctic Circle theorem.Comment: Extended version with autocorrelations and more figures. Added 2 reference

    Interpenetration as a Mechanism for Liquid-Liquid Phase Transitions

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    We study simple lattice systems to demonstrate the influence of interpenetrating bond networks on phase behavior. We promote interpenetration by using a Hamiltonian with a weakly repulsive interaction with nearest neighbors and an attractive interaction with second-nearest neighbors. In this way, bond networks will form between second-nearest neighbors, allowing for two (locally) distinct networks to form. We obtain the phase behavior from analytic solution in the mean-field approximation and exact solution on the Bethe lattice. We compare these results with exact numerical results for the phase behavior from grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations on square, cubic, and tetrahedral lattices. All results show that these simple systems exhibit rich phase diagrams with two fluid-fluid critical points and three thermodynamically distinct phases. We also consider including third-nearest-neighbor interactions, which give rise to a phase diagram with four critical points and five thermodynamically distinct phases. Thus the interpenetration mechanism provides a simple route to generate multiple liquid phases in single-component systems, such as hypothesized in water and observed in several model and experimental systems. Additionally, interpenetration of many such networks appears plausible in a recently considered material made from nanoparticles functionalized by single strands of DNA.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Star-Triangle Relation for a Three Dimensional Model

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    The solvable sl(n)sl(n)-chiral Potts model can be interpreted as a three-dimensional lattice model with local interactions. To within a minor modification of the boundary conditions it is an Ising type model on the body centered cubic lattice with two- and three-spin interactions. The corresponding local Boltzmann weights obey a number of simple relations, including a restricted star-triangle relation, which is a modified version of the well-known star-triangle relation appearing in two-dimensional models. We show that these relations lead to remarkable symmetry properties of the Boltzmann weight function of an elementary cube of the lattice, related to spatial symmetry group of the cubic lattice. These symmetry properties allow one to prove the commutativity of the row-to-row transfer matrices, bypassing the tetrahedron relation. The partition function per site for the infinite lattice is calculated exactly.Comment: 20 pages, plain TeX, 3 figures, SMS-079-92/MRR-020-92. (corrupted figures replaced
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