28 research outputs found

    Human Amniocytes Are Receptive to Chemically Induced Reprogramming to Pluripotency

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    Restoring pluripotency using chemical compounds alone would be a major step forward in developing clinical-grade pluripotent stem cells, but this has not yet been reported in human cells. We previously demonstrated that VPA_ AFS cells, human amniocytes cultivated with valproic acid (VPA) acquired functional pluripotency while remaining distinct from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), questioning the relationship between the modulation of cell fate and molecular regulation of the pluripotency network. Here, we used single-cell analysis and functional assays to reveal that VPA treatment resulted in a homogeneous population of self-renewing non-transformed cells that fulfill the hallmarks of pluripotency, i.e., a short G1 phase, a dependence on glycolytic metabolism, expression of epigenetic modifications on histones 3 and 4, and reactivation of endogenous OCT4 and downstream targets at a lower level than that observed in hESCs. Mechanistic insights into the process of VPA-induced reprogramming revealed that it was dependent on OCT4 promoter activation, which was achieved independently of the PI3K (phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase)/ AKT/ mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) pathway or GSK3 beta inhibition but was concomitant with the presence of acetylated histones H3K9 and H3K56, which promote pluripotency. Our data identify, for the first time, the pluripotent transcriptional and molecular signature and metabolic status of human chemically induced pluripotent stem cells

    Counteracting bone fragility with amniotic fluid-derived fetal stem cells

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    The impaired maturation of bone-forming osteoblasts results in reduced bone formation and subsequent bone weakening, which leads to a number of conditions such as osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Transplantation of human fetal mesenchymal stem cells has been proposed as skeletal anabolic therapy to enhance bone formation, but the mechanisms underlying the contribution of the donor cells to bone health are poorly understood and require further elucidation. Here, we show that intraperitoneal injection of human amniotic mesenchymal stem cells (AFSCs) into a mouse model of OI (oim mice) reduced fracture susceptibility, increased bone strength, improved bone quality and micro-architecture, normalised bone remodelling and reduced TNFα and TGFβ sigalling. Donor cells engrafted into bones and differentiated into osteoblasts but importantly, also promoted endogenous osteogenesis and the maturation of resident osteoblasts. Together, these findings identify AFSC transplantation as a countermeasure to bone fragility. These data have wider implications in for bone health and fracture reduction

    Human chorionic stem cells: podocyte differentiation and potential for the treatment of Alport syndrome

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    Alport syndrome (AS) is a hereditary glomerulopathy caused by a mutation in type IV collagen genes, which disrupts glomerular basement membrane, leading to progressive glomerulosclerosis and end-stage renal failure. There is at present no cure for AS, and cell-based therapies offer promise to improve renal function. In this study, we found that human first trimester fetal chorionic stem cells (CSC) are able to migrate to glomeruli and differentiate down the podocyte lineage in vitro and in vivo. When transplanted into 7-week-old Alport 129Sv-Col4α3/J (-/-) mice, a single intraperitoneal injection of CSC significantly lowered blood urea and urine proteinuria levels over the ensuing 2 weeks. In addition, nearly two-thirds of transplanted -/- mice maintained their weight above the 80% welfare threshold, with both males and females weighing more than age-matched nontransplanted -/- mice. This was associated with less renal cortical fibrosis and interstitial inflammation compared to nontransplanted mice as shown by reduction in murine CD4, CD68, and CD45.2 cells. Transplanted CSC homed to glomeruli, where they expressed CR1, VEGFA, SYNAPTOPODIN, CD2AP, and PODOCIN at the RNA level and produced PODOCIN, CD2AP, and COLIVα3 proteins in nontransplanted -/- mice, indicating that CSC have adopted a podocyte phenotype. Together, these data indicate that CSC may be used to delay progression of renal pathology by a combination of anti-inflammatory effects and replacement of the defective resident podocytes

    Biological characteristics of stem cells from foetal, cord blood and extraembryonic tissues

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    Foetal stem cells (FSCs) can be isolated during gestation from many different tissues such as blood, liver and bone marrow as well as from a variety of extraembryonic tissues such as amniotic fluid and placenta. Strong evidence suggests that these cells differ on many biological aspects such as growth kinetics, morphology, immunophenotype, differentiation potential and engraftment capacity in vivo. Despite these differences, FSCs appear to be more primitive and have greater multi-potentiality than their adult counterparts. For example, foetal blood haemopoietic stem cells proliferate more rapidly than those found in cord blood or adult bone marrow. These features have led to FSCs being investigated for pre- and post-natal cell therapy and regenerative medicine applications. The cells have been used in pre-clinical studies to treat a wide range of diseases such as skeletal dysplasia, diaphragmatic hernia and respiratory failure, white matter damage, renal pathologies as well as cancers. Their intermediate state between adult and embryonic stem cells also makes them an ideal candidate for reprogramming to the pluripotent status

    The effects of culture on genomic imprinting profiles in human embryonic and fetal mesenchymal stem cells

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    Human embryonic stem (hES) cells and fetal mesenchymal stem cells (fMSC) offer great potential for regenerative therapy strategies. It is therefore important to characterize the properties of these cells in vitro. One major way the environment impacts on cellular physiology is through changes to epigenetic mechanisms. Genes subject to epigenetic regulation via genomic imprinting have been characterized extensively. The integrity of imprinted gene expression therefore provides a measurable index for epigenetic stability. Allelic expression of 26 imprinted genes and DNA methylation at associated differentially methylated regions (DMRs) was measured in fMSC and hES cell lines. Both cell types exhibited monoallelic expression of 13 imprinted genes, biallelic expression of six imprinted genes, and there were seven genes that differed in allelic expression between cell lines. fMSC s exhibited the differential DNA methylation patterns associated with imprinted expression. This was unexpected given that gene expression of several imprinted genes was biallelic. However, in hES cells, differential methylation was perturbed. These atypical methylation patterns did not correlate with allelic expression. Our results suggest that regardless of stem cell origin, in vitro culture affects the integrity of imprinted gene expression in human cells. We identify biallelic and variably expressed genes that may inform on overall epigenetic stability. As differential methylation did not correlate with imprinted expression changes we propose that other epigenetic effectors are adversely influenced by the in vitro environment. Since DMR integrity was maintained in fMSC but not hES cells, we postulate that specific hES cell derivation and culturing practices result in changes in methylation at DMRs