904 research outputs found

    Investigation of correlations between clinical signs and pathological findings in cats and dogs with inflammatory bowel disease

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    This paper compares the correlation between the clinical signs and the histopathological observations of the entire intestine in cats and dogs with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). To perform this study, hospital records of 53 dogs and 20 cats of different sex, ages, and breed diagnosed with IBD following the histopathological criteria of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) were evaluated. The results obtained in this study did show correlations between some clinical signs and the histopathological assessment of dogs and cats with IBD. Therefore, a slight association between diarrhea and lacteal dilation in the small bowel, and diarrhea and desquamation in the large bowel of dogs with IBD was seen, but no other associations were found between the rest of the lesions and symptoms. In contrast, cats only showed a correlation between anorexia with villous stunting and villous epithelial injury, without correspondence among other clinical signs and lesions. The results of this study propose that the evaluation of IBD can be complicated, especially with the use of retrospective records of archived intestinal biopsies and subjective clinical and histopathologic decisions

    Optokinetic stimulation rehabilitation in preventing seasickness

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    SummaryObjectivesSeasickness occurs when traveling on a boat: symptoms such as vomiting are very disturbing and may be responsible for discontinuing travel or occupation and can become life-threatening. The failure of classical treatment to prevent seasickness has motivated this retrospective study exploring optokinetic stimulation in reducing these symptoms.Patients and methodsExperimental training of 75 sailors with optokinetic stimulation attempted to reduce seasickness manifestations and determine the factors that could predict accommodation problems.ResultsEighty percent of the trained subjects were able to return on board. No predictive factors such as sex, occupation, degree of illness, number of treatment sessions, time to follow-up, and age were found to influence training efficacy.ConclusionOptokinetic stimulation appears to be promising in the treatment of seasickness. Nevertheless, statistically significant results have yet to demonstrate its efficacy

    Cell-specific discrimination of desmosterol and desmosterol mimetics confers selective regulation of LXR and SREBP in macrophages.

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    Activation of liver X receptors (LXRs) with synthetic agonists promotes reverse cholesterol transport and protects against atherosclerosis in mouse models. Most synthetic LXR agonists also cause marked hypertriglyceridemia by inducing the expression of sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)1c and downstream genes that drive fatty acid biosynthesis. Recent studies demonstrated that desmosterol, an intermediate in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway that suppresses SREBP processing by binding to SCAP, also binds and activates LXRs and is the most abundant LXR ligand in macrophage foam cells. Here we explore the potential of increasing endogenous desmosterol production or mimicking its activity as a means of inducing LXR activity while simultaneously suppressing SREBP1c-induced hypertriglyceridemia. Unexpectedly, while desmosterol strongly activated LXR target genes and suppressed SREBP pathways in mouse and human macrophages, it had almost no activity in mouse or human hepatocytes in vitro. We further demonstrate that sterol-based selective modulators of LXRs have biochemical and transcriptional properties predicted of desmosterol mimetics and selectively regulate LXR function in macrophages in vitro and in vivo. These studies thereby reveal cell-specific discrimination of endogenous and synthetic regulators of LXRs and SREBPs, providing a molecular basis for dissociation of LXR functions in macrophages from those in the liver that lead to hypertriglyceridemia

    Multifaceted contributions : health workers and smallpox eradication in India

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    Smallpox eradication in South Asia was a result of the efforts of many grades of health-workers. Working from within the confines of international organisations and government structures, the role of the field officials, who were of various nationalities and also drawn from the cities and rural enclaves of the countries in these regions, was crucial to the development and deployment of policies. However, the role of these personnel is often downplayed in official histories and academic histories, which highlight instead the roles played by a handful of senior officials within the World Health Organization and the federal governments in the sub-continent. This article attempts to provide a more rounded assessment of the complex situation in the field. In this regard, an effort is made to underline the great usefulness of the operational flexibility displayed by field officers, wherein lessons learnt in the field were made an integral part of deploying local campaigns; careful engagement with the communities being targeted, as well as the employment of short term workers from amongst them, was an important feature of this work

    A Culture of Fire: Identifying Community Risk Perceptions Surrounding Prescribed Burning in the Flint Hills, Kansas

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    In the Flint Hills region of eastern Kansas, there is a long tradition of spring prescribed burns. However, air quality concerns in downwind communities have sparked conversation regarding the environmental and social impacts of these burns. This study aimed to identify the risk perceptions associated with prescribed burns using two theoretical frameworks: the social amplification of risk framework and the protective action decision model. In April 2022, we conducted 18 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with Flint Hills community members from different social stations. Participants identified several benefits of prescribed burns: cattle production gains, invasive species management, prairie ecological health maintenance, and wildfire prevention. Some participants viewed prescribed burning as a protective response. However, risk perceptions differed between rural and urban participants: rural community members were primarily concerned with prescribed fires that went out of control, while those in downwind cities were primarily concerned with smoke exposure. Participants sometimes used protective actions to mitigate their risks, but also explained the complexities of changing burn practices that are integral to the local culture, economies, and greater society. Additionally, formal communication of health and safety risks from prescribed burns is not uniform across Kansas counties. We therefore recommend systematic county and statewide communication of burn practices and protective behaviors. Understanding community perceptions of the risks and effects of prescribed burns, and any protective actions taken, can inform how professional communicators approach burning in similar agricultural and ranching communities

    Manganese-induced cellular disturbance in the baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae with putative implications in neuronal dysfunction

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    Manganese (Mn) is an essential element, but in humans, chronic and/or acute exposure to this metal can lead to neurotoxicity and neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinsonism and Parkinson’s Disease by unclear mechanisms. To better understand the effects that exposure to Mn 2+ exert on eukaryotic cell biology, we exposed a non-essential deletion library of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to a sub-inhibitory concentration of M

    Mathematical Properties of a New Levin-Type Sequence Transformation Introduced by \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek, Zamastil, and Sk\'{a}la. I. Algebraic Theory

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    \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek, Zamastil, and Sk\'{a}la [J. Math. Phys. \textbf{44}, 962 - 968 (2003)] introduced in connection with the summation of the divergent perturbation expansion of the hydrogen atom in an external magnetic field a new sequence transformation which uses as input data not only the elements of a sequence {sn}n=0\{s_n \}_{n=0}^{\infty} of partial sums, but also explicit estimates {ωn}n=0\{\omega_n \}_{n=0}^{\infty} for the truncation errors. The explicit incorporation of the information contained in the truncation error estimates makes this and related transformations potentially much more powerful than for instance Pad\'{e} approximants. Special cases of the new transformation are sequence transformations introduced by Levin [Int. J. Comput. Math. B \textbf{3}, 371 - 388 (1973)] and Weniger [Comput. Phys. Rep. \textbf{10}, 189 - 371 (1989), Sections 7 -9; Numer. Algor. \textbf{3}, 477 - 486 (1992)] and also a variant of Richardson extrapolation [Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London A \textbf{226}, 299 - 349 (1927)]. The algebraic theory of these transformations - explicit expressions, recurrence formulas, explicit expressions in the case of special remainder estimates, and asymptotic order estimates satisfied by rational approximants to power series - is formulated in terms of hitherto unknown mathematical properties of the new transformation introduced by \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek, Zamastil, and Sk\'{a}la. This leads to a considerable formal simplification and unification.Comment: 41 + ii pages, LaTeX2e, 0 figures. Submitted to Journal of Mathematical Physic