510 research outputs found

    Interstitial compounds as fuel cell catalysts - Their preparative techniques and electrochemical testing

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    Preparation and electrochemical testing methods for fuel cell catalysts using interstitial compound

    Development of an improved oxygen electrode for use in alkaline H2-O2 fuel cells Quarterly report, Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 1966

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    Interstitial compounds of transition elements prepared for improving oxygen electrode in alkaline hydrox fuel cel

    Towards More Practical Linear Programming-based Techniques for Algorithmic Mechanism Design

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    R. Lavy and C. Swamy (FOCS 2005, J. ACM 2011) introduced a general method for obtaining truthful-in-expectation mechanisms from linear programming based approximation algorithms. Due to the use of the Ellipsoid method, a direct implementation of the method is unlikely to be efficient in practice. We propose to use the much simpler and usually faster multiplicative weights update method instead. The simplification comes at the cost of slightly weaker approximation and truthfulness guarantees

    Development of an improved oxygen electrode for use in alkaline H2-O2 fuel cells Quarterly report, Apr. 1 - Jun. 30, 1967

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    Preparation of institial compounds of transition metals for hydrogen oxygen fuel cell cathode

    Could Nano-Structured Materials Enable the Improved Pressure Vessels for Deep Atmospheric Probes?

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    A viewgraph presentation on the use of Nano-Structured Materials to enable pressure vessel structures for deep atmospheric probes is shown. The topics include: 1) High Temperature/Pressure in Key X-Environments; 2) The Case for Use of Nano-Structured Materials Pressure Vessel Design; 3) Carbon based Nanomaterials; 4) Nanotube production & purification; 5) Nanomechanics of Carbon Nanotubes; 6) CNT-composites: Example (Polymer); 7) Effect of Loading sequence on Composite with 8% by volume; 8) Models for Particulate Reinforced Composites; 9) Fullerene/Ti Composite for High Strength-Insulating Layer; 10) Fullerene/Epoxy Composite for High Strength-Insulating Layer; 11) Models for Continuous Fiber Reinforced Composites; 12) Tensile Strength for Discontinuous Fiber Composite; 13) Ti + SWNT Composites: Thermal/Mechanical; 14) Ti + SWNT Composites: Tensile Strength; and 15) Nano-structured Shell for Pressure Vessels

    Planar Embeddings with Small and Uniform Faces

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    Motivated by finding planar embeddings that lead to drawings with favorable aesthetics, we study the problems MINMAXFACE and UNIFORMFACES of embedding a given biconnected multi-graph such that the largest face is as small as possible and such that all faces have the same size, respectively. We prove a complexity dichotomy for MINMAXFACE and show that deciding whether the maximum is at most kk is polynomial-time solvable for k4k \leq 4 and NP-complete for k5k \geq 5. Further, we give a 6-approximation for minimizing the maximum face in a planar embedding. For UNIFORMFACES, we show that the problem is NP-complete for odd k7k \geq 7 and even k10k \geq 10. Moreover, we characterize the biconnected planar multi-graphs admitting 3- and 4-uniform embeddings (in a kk-uniform embedding all faces have size kk) and give an efficient algorithm for testing the existence of a 6-uniform embedding.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, extended version of 'Planar Embeddings with Small and Uniform Faces' (The 25th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, 2014

    The Complexity of Drawing Graphs on Few Lines and Few Planes

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    It is well known that any graph admits a crossing-free straight-line drawing in R3\mathbb{R}^3 and that any planar graph admits the same even in R2\mathbb{R}^2. For a graph GG and d{2,3}d \in \{2,3\}, let ρd1(G)\rho^1_d(G) denote the minimum number of lines in Rd\mathbb{R}^d that together can cover all edges of a drawing of GG. For d=2d=2, GG must be planar. We investigate the complexity of computing these parameters and obtain the following hardness and algorithmic results. - For d{2,3}d\in\{2,3\}, we prove that deciding whether ρd1(G)k\rho^1_d(G)\le k for a given graph GG and integer kk is R{\exists\mathbb{R}}-complete. - Since NPR\mathrm{NP}\subseteq{\exists\mathbb{R}}, deciding ρd1(G)k\rho^1_d(G)\le k is NP-hard for d{2,3}d\in\{2,3\}. On the positive side, we show that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable with respect to kk. - Since RPSPACE{\exists\mathbb{R}}\subseteq\mathrm{PSPACE}, both ρ21(G)\rho^1_2(G) and ρ31(G)\rho^1_3(G) are computable in polynomial space. On the negative side, we show that drawings that are optimal with respect to ρ21\rho^1_2 or ρ31\rho^1_3 sometimes require irrational coordinates. - Let ρ32(G)\rho^2_3(G) be the minimum number of planes in R3\mathbb{R}^3 needed to cover a straight-line drawing of a graph GG. We prove that deciding whether ρ32(G)k\rho^2_3(G)\le k is NP-hard for any fixed k2k \ge 2. Hence, the problem is not fixed-parameter tractable with respect to kk unless P=NP\mathrm{P}=\mathrm{NP}

    Изучение структуры цинктитановых боросиликатных стекол по данным рассеяния рентгеновских лучей под малыми углами

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    В статті вивчено мікронеоднорідну будову цинктитанових боросилікатних стекол та процесів фазового розділу в них за даним розсіяння нейтронів під малими кутами. Зроблено висновок про характер розподілення часток, що виділяються за розмірами, які змінюються в дослідних стеклах в залежності від вмісту в них TiO₂ та ZnO. Встановлено вплив наявності мікронеоднорідностей після варки на характер їх фазовогорозподілення.In paper the micronon-uniform structure zinc-titanium borosilicate glass and processes of phase separation in them according to diffusing under vanishing angles of neutrons is investigated. It is drawn a In paper the micronon-uniform structure zinc-titanium borosilicate glass and processes of phase separation in them according to diffusing under vanishing angles of neutrons is investigated. It is drawn a leading-out on distribution of depositing corpuscles character on sizes which changes in studied glasses depending on the contents in them TiO₂ and ZnO. Effect of presence micro micronon-uniforms after melting on character of their phase separationis established

    Exact Solution Methods for the kk-item Quadratic Knapsack Problem

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    The purpose of this paper is to solve the 0-1 kk-item quadratic knapsack problem (kQKP)(kQKP), a problem of maximizing a quadratic function subject to two linear constraints. We propose an exact method based on semidefinite optimization. The semidefinite relaxation used in our approach includes simple rank one constraints, which can be handled efficiently by interior point methods. Furthermore, we strengthen the relaxation by polyhedral constraints and obtain approximate solutions to this semidefinite problem by applying a bundle method. We review other exact solution methods and compare all these approaches by experimenting with instances of various sizes and densities.Comment: 12 page

    A Nearly Linear-Time PTAS for Explicit Fractional Packing and Covering Linear Programs

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    We give an approximation algorithm for packing and covering linear programs (linear programs with non-negative coefficients). Given a constraint matrix with n non-zeros, r rows, and c columns, the algorithm computes feasible primal and dual solutions whose costs are within a factor of 1+eps of the optimal cost in time O((r+c)log(n)/eps^2 + n).Comment: corrected version of FOCS 2007 paper: 10.1109/FOCS.2007.62. Accepted to Algorithmica, 201