65 research outputs found

    Nuevo complemento para simulaciones de ingeniería en hojas de cálculo usando métodos de continuidad homotópica

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    RESUMEN: Resolver modelos matemáticos representados por ecuaciones no lineales es común en la ingeniería y puede ser una tarea difícil. Los métodos de Continuidad Homotópica han mostrado ser globalmente convergentes y capaces de encontrar todas las posibles raíces de sistemas algebraicos. Con base en este tipo de métodos, se presenta un nuevo complemento para Microsoft Office Excel, SphereSolver, desarrollado con el objetivo de mejorar la capacidad de este software común, como una plataforma de computación de simulación para problemas de ingeniería. SphereSolver se aplico sobre diferentes tipos de modelos de ingeniería y en todos los casos, las ecuaciones no lineales se resolvieron con éxito. La solución con SphereSolver a los problemas seleccionados se comparo con otras técnicas de solución, por ejemplo, el método clásico de Newton, Homotópica de punto fijo y Homotopía Afín. Se observo que usando SphereSolver el intervalo de convergencia se extiende masivamente y / o se pueden encontrar raíces adicionales, es decir, se mejoro la solución. Se concluye que SphereSolver es una herramienta eficiente que se puede utilizar en Microsoft Excel para resolver problemas de ingeniería donde otros programas o herramientas tradicionales pueden fallar o presentar limitaciones.ABSTRACT: Solving models represented by non-linear equations is a common situation in engineering and can be a challenging task. Homotopy Continuation Methods have shown globally convergent behavior, capable of finding all the possible roots of algebraic systems. Based on these methods, a new Microsoft Office Excel add-in was developed, SphereSolver, aiming to enhance the ability to use this easily obtainable software as a simulation computing platform for engineering problems. SphereSolver was applied over different types of engineering models and the non-linear equations were solved successfully each time. Selected problems were solved with SphereSolver and compared with other solution tecniques, e.g., classical Newton’s method, Fixed Point homotopy or Affine Homotopy. It was observed that using SphereSolver the solution for selected problems was improved, i.e., the interval of convergence is extended massively and/or additional roots can be found. It can be concluded that SphereSolver is a new and efficient tool that can be used within Microsoft Excel for solving engineering problems where other software or traditional tools could fail or present limitations


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    Las exportaciones son importantes para generar un superávit en los países, un indicador determinante para generar un incremento en su Producto Bruto Interno (PBI). Las exportaciones se pueden clasificar en dos grandes grupos; las exportaciones tradicionales y las no tradicionales, cada uno agrupando una serie de productos clasificados según su naturaleza y su historial exportador. En la presente investigación se analiza estos dos grandes grupos de manera individual que representan el total de las exportaciones del Perú, comparando su desarrollo exportador y su desempeño con indicadores estadísticos descriptivos, teniendo como principal objetivo determinar su comportamiento y desempeño a lo largo de los años 2011 al 2010, extrayendo información de las declaraciones aduaneras de mercancías, encontrando como resultado la evidencia de un incremento del 26% de crecimiento entre el 2011 y el 2020 para las no tradicionales, mientras para las tradicionales una reducción del -22% en el mismo periodo, además, el porcentaje de participación fue de 76% en el 2011 para las tradicionales, mientras que en el 2020 estás descendieron a un 71% del total. La importancia de la investigación es de dar a conocer cómo las exportaciones no tradicionales están teniendo un desempeño favorable en contraste con el de las tradicionales, ya que estas generan mayor beneficio a las empresas, personas y país

    Mineral and Bone Metabolism Markers and Mortality in Diabetic Patients on Haemodialysis

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    © The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the ERA.BACKGROUND: Diabetic patients on haemodialysis have a higher risk of mortality than non-diabetic patients. The aim of this COSMOS analysis was to assess whether bone and mineral laboratory values (calcium, phosphorus, and PTH) contribute to such risk. METHODS: COSMOS is a multicentre, open-cohort, 3-year prospective study, which includes 6797 patients from 227 randomly selected dialysis centres from 20 European countries. The association between mortality and calcium, phosphate or PTH was assessed using Cox proportional hazard regression models using both penalized splines smoothing and categorization according to KDIGO guidelines. The effect modification of the association between the relative risk of mortality and serum calcium, phosphate or PTH by diabetes was assessed. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant effect modification of the association between the relative risk of mortality and serum PTH by diabetes (p = 0.011). The slope of the curve of the association between increasing values of PTH and relative risk of mortality was steeper for diabetic compared with non-diabetic patients, mainly for high levels of PTH. In addition, high serum PTH (> 9 times the normal values) was significantly associated with a higher relative risk of mortality in diabetic patients but not in non-diabetic patients (1.53[95%CI:1.07-2.19] and 1.17[95%CI:0.91-1.52]). No significant effect modification of the association between the relative risk of mortality and serum calcium or phosphate by diabetes was found (p = 0.2 and p = 0.059, respectively). CONCLUSION: The results show a different association of PTH with the relative risk of mortality in diabetic and non-diabetic patients. These findings could have relevant implications for the diagnosis and treatment of CKD-MBD.publishersversionpublishe

    The CARBA-MAP study: national mapping of carbapenemases in Spain (2014–2018)

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    Introduction:Infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales (CRE) and carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, including isolates producing acquired carbapenemases, constitute a prevalent health problem worldwide. The primary objective of this study was to determine the distribution of the different carbapenemases among carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (CPE, specifically Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae complex, and Klebsiella aerogenes) and carbapenemase-producing P. aeruginosa (CPPA) in Spain from January 2014 to December 2018.Methods: A national, retrospective, cross-sectional multicenter study was performed. The study included the first isolate per patient and year obtained from clinical samples and obtained for diagnosis of infection in hospitalized patients. A structured questionnaire was completed by the participating centers using the REDCap platform, and results were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 29.0.0.Results: A total of 2,704 carbapenemase-producing microorganisms were included, for which the type of carbapenemase was determined in 2692 cases: 2280 CPE (84.7%) and 412 CPPA (15.3%), most often using molecular methods and immunochromatographic assays. Globally, the most frequent types of carbapenemase in Enterobacterales and P. aeruginosa were OXA-48-like, alone or in combination with other enzymes (1,523 cases, 66.8%) and VIM (365 cases, 88.6%), respectively. Among Enterobacterales, carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae was reported in 1821 cases (79.9%), followed by E. cloacae complex in 334 cases (14.6%). In Enterobacterales, KPC is mainly present in the South and South-East regions of Spain and OXA-48-like in the rest of the country. Regarding P. aeruginosa, VIM is widely distributed all over the country. Globally, an increasing percentage of OXA-48-like enzymes was observed from 2014 to 2017. KPC enzymes were more frequent in 2017–2018 compared to 2014–2016.Discussion: Data from this study help to understand the situation and evolution of the main species of CPE and CPPA in Spain, with practical implications for control and optimal treatment of infections caused by these multi-drug resistant organisms

    Actualidad y prospectiva de la investigación científica en el Centro Universitario Amecameca de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

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    Con responsabilidad, se organizó un programa cuya finalidad fuera publicitar con transparencia dichos avances, a través de un esfuerzo de rendición de cuentas a la comunidad inmediata, la universitaria, y a la comunidad abierta, la sociedad que la principal referencia para tal efecto. El programa se concretiza a través del presente libro, conformado con una inspiración de investigación multidisciplinaria; sin embargo, para llegar a tal fin, el reto es realizar el proceso de búsqueda y generación de conocimiento transitando hacia la colaboración de los cuerpos académicos, que puedan construir nuevos conocimientos fortalecidos por la convergencia de diferentes campos del saber. En consecuencia, la primera etapa de esta estrategia es la publicidad de los trabajos investigativos ejercidos, para hacer un balance al día, pero también proyectar el futuro de cada campo y área del conocimiento. La organización explicativa está organizada por tres bloques representativos del quehacer en la generación de conocimiento del Centro Universitario, un primer bloque centra el interés en las humanidades, educación y sustentabilidad; el segundo bloque lo integra la reflexión científica sobre la construcción democrática, derechos humanos y equidad de género; en el tercer segmento se destina a la seguridad alimentaria, salud pública y sistemas agropecuarios. La actualidad de la investigación eleva la producción lograda y lo que en el momento se encuentra en construcción y los alcances que produce para la docencia, la investigación misma, y para la sociedad en general. La prospectiva es un área que todos los capítulos desarrollan con el propósito de delinear los alcances innovadores por andar en teoría, metodología e incluso en los saberes mismo

    Evolving trends in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 waves. The ACIE appy II study

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    Background: In 2020, ACIE Appy study showed that COVID-19 pandemic heavily affected the management of patients with acute appendicitis (AA) worldwide, with an increased rate of non-operative management (NOM) strategies and a trend toward open surgery due to concern of virus transmission by laparoscopy and controversial recommendations on this issue. The aim of this study was to survey again the same group of surgeons to assess if any difference in management attitudes of AA had occurred in the later stages of the outbreak. Methods: From August 15 to September 30, 2021, an online questionnaire was sent to all 709 participants of the ACIE Appy study. The questionnaire included questions on personal protective equipment (PPE), local policies and screening for SARS-CoV-2 infection, NOM, surgical approach and disease presentations in 2021. The results were compared with the results from the previous study. Results: A total of 476 answers were collected (response rate 67.1%). Screening policies were significatively improved with most patients screened regardless of symptoms (89.5% vs. 37.4%) with PCR and antigenic test as the preferred test (74.1% vs. 26.3%). More patients tested positive before surgery and commercial systems were the preferred ones to filter smoke plumes during laparoscopy. Laparoscopic appendicectomy was the first option in the treatment of AA, with a declined use of NOM. Conclusion: Management of AA has improved in the last waves of pandemic. Increased evidence regarding SARS-COV-2 infection along with a timely healthcare systems response has been translated into tailored attitudes and a better care for patients with AA worldwide

    RICORS2040 : The need for collaborative research in chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a silent and poorly known killer. The current concept of CKD is relatively young and uptake by the public, physicians and health authorities is not widespread. Physicians still confuse CKD with chronic kidney insufficiency or failure. For the wider public and health authorities, CKD evokes kidney replacement therapy (KRT). In Spain, the prevalence of KRT is 0.13%. Thus health authorities may consider CKD a non-issue: very few persons eventually need KRT and, for those in whom kidneys fail, the problem is 'solved' by dialysis or kidney transplantation. However, KRT is the tip of the iceberg in the burden of CKD. The main burden of CKD is accelerated ageing and premature death. The cut-off points for kidney function and kidney damage indexes that define CKD also mark an increased risk for all-cause premature death. CKD is the most prevalent risk factor for lethal coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the factor that most increases the risk of death in COVID-19, after old age. Men and women undergoing KRT still have an annual mortality that is 10- to 100-fold higher than similar-age peers, and life expectancy is shortened by ~40 years for young persons on dialysis and by 15 years for young persons with a functioning kidney graft. CKD is expected to become the fifth greatest global cause of death by 2040 and the second greatest cause of death in Spain before the end of the century, a time when one in four Spaniards will have CKD. However, by 2022, CKD will become the only top-15 global predicted cause of death that is not supported by a dedicated well-funded Centres for Biomedical Research (CIBER) network structure in Spain. Realizing the underestimation of the CKD burden of disease by health authorities, the Decade of the Kidney initiative for 2020-2030 was launched by the American Association of Kidney Patients and the European Kidney Health Alliance. Leading Spanish kidney researchers grouped in the kidney collaborative research network Red de Investigación Renal have now applied for the Redes de Investigación Cooperativa Orientadas a Resultados en Salud (RICORS) call for collaborative research in Spain with the support of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, Federación Nacional de Asociaciones para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades del Riñón and ONT: RICORS2040 aims to prevent the dire predictions for the global 2040 burden of CKD from becoming true

    Capitulo 2. Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias Básicas, Ingeniería y Tecnología

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    La diseminación de la Levitación Magnética, a pesar de lo antiguo de su tecnología, ha sido limitada. Debido a sus inconvenientes prácticos de implementación, su uso es bastante restringido, comparado con otras tecnologías (SCMaglev japonés, Transrapid alemán, o productos comerciales para ocio y entretenimiento). Con el boom de las tecnologías limpias y amigables con el medio ambiente y en concordancia con los objetivos del milenio, es pertinente plantearse el objetivo de optimizar el proceso de Levitación Magnética para generar un aprovechamiento de las ventajas de esta tecnología a nivel mecánico, eléctrico, y ambiental.  Actualmente la UNAD adelanta un proyecto de investigación cuyo objetivo es generar un modelo físico matemático de levitación magnética para aplicaciones en ingeniería. De este proyecto se ha derivado una primera revisión sistemática de los principios físicos y los modelos vigentes en Levitación Magnética

    The wide-field, multiplexed, spectroscopic facility WEAVE : survey design, overview, and simulated implementation

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    Funding for the WEAVE facility has been provided by UKRI STFC, the University of Oxford, NOVA, NWO, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), the Isaac Newton Group partners (STFC, NWO, and Spain, led by the IAC), INAF, CNRS-INSU, the Observatoire de Paris, Région Île-de-France, CONCYT through INAOE, Konkoly Observatory (CSFK), Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA Heidelberg), Lund University, the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), the Swedish Research Council, the European Commission, and the University of Pennsylvania.WEAVE, the new wide-field, massively multiplexed spectroscopic survey facility for the William Herschel Telescope, will see first light in late 2022. WEAVE comprises a new 2-degree field-of-view prime-focus corrector system, a nearly 1000-multiplex fibre positioner, 20 individually deployable 'mini' integral field units (IFUs), and a single large IFU. These fibre systems feed a dual-beam spectrograph covering the wavelength range 366-959 nm at R ∼ 5000, or two shorter ranges at R ∼ 20,000. After summarising the design and implementation of WEAVE and its data systems, we present the organisation, science drivers and design of a five- to seven-year programme of eight individual surveys to: (i) study our Galaxy's origins by completing Gaia's phase-space information, providing metallicities to its limiting magnitude for ∼ 3 million stars and detailed abundances for ∼ 1.5 million brighter field and open-cluster stars; (ii) survey ∼ 0.4 million Galactic-plane OBA stars, young stellar objects and nearby gas to understand the evolution of young stars and their environments; (iii) perform an extensive spectral survey of white dwarfs; (iv) survey  ∼ 400 neutral-hydrogen-selected galaxies with the IFUs; (v) study properties and kinematics of stellar populations and ionised gas in z 1 million spectra of LOFAR-selected radio sources; (viii) trace structures using intergalactic/circumgalactic gas at z > 2. Finally, we describe the WEAVE Operational Rehearsals using the WEAVE Simulator.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The wide-field, multiplexed, spectroscopic facility WEAVE: Survey design, overview, and simulated implementation

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    WEAVE, the new wide-field, massively multiplexed spectroscopic survey facility for the William Herschel Telescope, will see first light in late 2022. WEAVE comprises a new 2-degree field-of-view prime-focus corrector system, a nearly 1000-multiplex fibre positioner, 20 individually deployable 'mini' integral field units (IFUs), and a single large IFU. These fibre systems feed a dual-beam spectrograph covering the wavelength range 366-959\,nm at R5000R\sim5000, or two shorter ranges at R20000R\sim20\,000. After summarising the design and implementation of WEAVE and its data systems, we present the organisation, science drivers and design of a five- to seven-year programme of eight individual surveys to: (i) study our Galaxy's origins by completing Gaia's phase-space information, providing metallicities to its limiting magnitude for \sim3 million stars and detailed abundances for 1.5\sim1.5 million brighter field and open-cluster stars; (ii) survey 0.4\sim0.4 million Galactic-plane OBA stars, young stellar objects and nearby gas to understand the evolution of young stars and their environments; (iii) perform an extensive spectral survey of white dwarfs; (iv) survey 400\sim400 neutral-hydrogen-selected galaxies with the IFUs; (v) study properties and kinematics of stellar populations and ionised gas in z<0.5z<0.5 cluster galaxies; (vi) survey stellar populations and kinematics in 25000\sim25\,000 field galaxies at 0.3z0.70.3\lesssim z \lesssim 0.7; (vii) study the cosmic evolution of accretion and star formation using >1>1 million spectra of LOFAR-selected radio sources; (viii) trace structures using intergalactic/circumgalactic gas at z>2z>2. Finally, we describe the WEAVE Operational Rehearsals using the WEAVE Simulator.Comment: 41 pages, 27 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA