959 research outputs found

    Social Media under Social Control: Regulating Social Media and the Future of Socialization

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    The process of socialization for new and future journalists will look dramatically different from the process undergone by previous generations of journalists, due to economic realities and changes in the nature of news production. The rise of social media and its role in the establishment of a successful career will also affect the integration of these rising professionals into their employing organizations. These changes in the socialization process will require alterations both in the day-to-day management of these individuals and in the theoretical approaches to studying their work, particularly with regard to the impact of social media on the profession. This paper demonstrates a wide range of concerns that media managers and researchers must consider as the journalism profession incorporates these new professionals into its ranks

    Both Facts and Feelings: Emotion and News Literacy

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    News literacy education has long focused on the significance of facts, sourcing, and verifiability. While these are critical aspects of news, rapidly developing emotion analytics technologies intended to respond to and even alter digital news audiences’ emotions also demand that we pay greater attention to the role of emotion in news consumption. This essay explores the role of emotion in the “fake news” phenomenon and the implementation of emotion analytics tools in news distribution. I examine the function of emotion in news consumption and the status of emotion within existing news literacy training programs. Finally, I offer suggestions for addressing emotional responses to news with students, including both mindfulness techniques and psychological research on thinking processes

    “We Need a Showing of All Hands”: Technological Utopianism in \u3cem\u3eMAKE\u3c/em\u3e Magazine

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    Make magazine is a quarterly publication focused on do-it-yourself projects involving technology and innovation. The magazine also sponsors a biannual event, the Maker Faire, that brings “makers” together to share their knowledge. As a strategy for building audience loyalty and identification with the magazine, the Make products are skillfully crafted. However, they also invoke ideals such as environmentalism and nationalism in a potent mix that not only engages readers, but also represents an additional cultural demonstration of the phenomenon of technological utopianism

    Ubiquitous Emotion Analytics and How We Feel Today

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    Emotions are complicated. Humans feel deeply, and it can be hard to bring clarity to those depths, to communicate about feelings, or to understand others’ emotional states. Indeed, this emotional confusion is one of the biggest challenges of deciphering our humanity. However, a kind of hope might be on the horizon, in the form of emotion analytics: computerized tools for recognizing and responding to emotion. This analysis explores how emotion analytics may reflect the current status of humans’ regard for emotion. Emotion need no longer be a human sense of vague, indefinable feelings; instead, emotion is in the process of becoming a legible, standardized commodity that can be sold, managed, and altered to suit the needs of those in power. Emotional autonomy and authority can be surrendered to those technologies in exchange for perceived self-determination. Emotion analytics promises a new orderliness to the messiness of human emotions, suggesting that our current state of emotional uncertainty is inadequate and intolerable

    City Magazines and Social Media: Moving beyond the Monthly

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    City magazines have long been established in many American locales, but digital media of all types are now offering opportunities and challenges to this genre of magazine. Digital media have also complicated the rapidly changing ecosystems of local information in which urban citizens reside. The resources and popularity of newspapers and broadcast news have shifted, and other forms of print, digital, and mobile media are assuming important roles in informing the public. With all these factors at work, this may be a pivotal moment for city magazines as they explore innovative technology, creative business strategies, and the new possibilities for coverage that these offer. As part of a larger, multi-method project, this study analyzes to what degree city magazines are using Twitter to move beyond a monthly publication schedule, to activate and engage audiences in new ways, and to address local topics and concerns. This study reveals that city magazines are informing the public and engaging their audiences through social media in limited but promising ways. It also strongly suggests that these magazines may indeed be using technology to move beyond their traditional monthly publication schedule and become a more vibrant part of local audiences’ information environment

    Political Magazines on Twitter during Election 2012: Framing, Uniting, Dividing

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    This study offers a content analysis of Twitter activity from 16 American political opinion magazines during the month before the 2012 presidential election. The study is an exploratory attempt to operationalize aspects of tweets that may contribute to frame alignment processes and mobilization among Twitter users. The analysis identifies these components and examines how political magazines’ Twitter activity may demonstrate aspects of this process. These magazines must consider both the normative goal of achieving specific political gains by mobilizing readers and the pragmatic goal of remaining sustainable as publishing enterprises. The degree to which their Twitter usage reflects frame alignment processes may not only reinforce political mobilization, but also affect the longevity of their publications. This analysis offers practical and theoretical insights into the changing role of political magazines in an increasingly digital era of political engagement

    Editing Conservatism: How \u3cem\u3eNational Review\u3c/em\u3e Magazine Framed and Mobilized a Political Movement

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    This paper examines how National Review magazine helped to spark the 1960s American conservative movement through its particular framing of conservatism, and how the magazine has worked to sustain that influence even until today. Using research on frame alignment in social movements, the first issue of National Review is analyzed and placed in context with contemporaneous events and publications. The creation and editing of the magazine is found to parallel the creative and deliberate framing of the early conservative movement. The implications of National Review’s success for today’s political movements and for creators of political media messages are also discussed

    City Magazine Editors and the Evolving Urban Information Environment

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    The urban information environment in which city magazines operate is changing dramatically, with the decline of local newspapers and the growth of user-generated local content. City magazine editors are re-envisioning their purpose as local information providers. This study provides a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with senior editors at 15 award-winning city magazines. The editors’ responses speak to the changing role of their publications today; the function of new technologies in informing local communities; and the public service that local journalism organizations offer in a constrained economic situation

    Packaging Inspiration: Al Qaeda’s Digital Magazine \u3cem\u3eInspire\u3c/em\u3e in the Self-Radicalization Process

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    Al Qaeda is today a fragmented organization, and its strategic communication efforts now focus largely on recruiting individuals in the West to carry out “individual jihad” in their home countries. One Al Qaeda–affiliated publication, Inspire, represents an unusual use of the digital magazine format and content for recruitment. This study examines the content and design of Inspire to determine how the magazine may advance the self-radicalization that it seeks to induce in its readers. This analysis finds that the magazine weaves together jihadist ideology, a narrow interpretation of Islam, and appropriations of Western popular culture to maximize the publication’s potential for motivating readers toward violence

    Opportunities and Constraints for Independent Digital Magazine Publishing

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    Optimists have long hoped that digital communication would diversify media, but the realization of this dream is far from certain today. This study investigates the emerging opportunities available to independent magazine publishers through digital publishing methods, such as distributing their magazines through the Apple Newsstand. These publishing methods have the potential to diversify magazine publishing beyond the currently dominant offerings of major multinational magazine publishers. However, at the same time, a variety of limitations — software and design expertise, public awareness and interest, and technology companies’ constraints on publishers — may have already limited the ways these independent publishers can reach audiences. Through in-depth interviews with independent digital magazine publishers, this study illuminates the effects of these factors on these publishers’ efforts to offer varied new perspectives to the public within the digital magazine medium
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