315 research outputs found

    Harnessing post-translational modifications for next-generation HIV immunogens

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    The extensive post-translational modifications of the envelope spikes of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) present considerable challenges and opportunities for HIV vaccine design. These oligomeric glycoproteins typically have over 30 disulfide bonds and around a 100 N-linked glycosylation sites, and are functionally dependent on protease cleavage within the secretory system. The resulting mature structure adopts a compact fold with the vast majority of its surface obscured by a protective shield of glycans which can be targeted by broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs). Despite the notorious heterogeneity of glycosylation, rare B-cell lineages can evolve to utilize and cope with viral glycan diversity, and these structures therefore present promising targets for vaccine design. The latest generation of recombinant envelope spike mimetics contains re-engineered post-translational modifications to present stable antigens to guide the development of bnAbs by vaccination

    Structure-Guided Redesign Improves NFL HIV Env Trimer Integrity and Identifies an Inter-Protomer Disulfide Permitting Post-Expression Cleavage

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    Soluble HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimers are under active investigation as vaccine candidates in relevant pre-clinical models. Like SOSIPs, the cleavage-independent native flexibly linked (NFL) trimers are faithful mimics of the Env spike. Here, we analyzed multiple new designs to explore alternative modifications, informing tertiary interactions, while maintaining NFL trimer homogeneity and integrity. Accordingly, we performed a proline (P) substitution screen in the gp41 heptad repeat 1 region, identifying other trimer-enhancing Ps, including L555P. This P improved trimer integrity compared to I559P in selected properties. Next, we screened 15 structure-guided potential cysteine pairs in gp140 and found that A501C-L663C (“CC2”) forms an inter-protomer disulfide bond that demonstrably increased NFL trimer thermostability. We combined these two approaches with trimer-derived substitutions, coupled with glycine substitutions at helix-to-coil transitions, developed by our group. To increase the exposure of the fusion peptide (FP) N-terminus, we engineered an enterokinase (EK) cleavage site upstream of the FP for controlled post-expression cleavage. In combination, the redesigns resulted in highly stable and homogeneous NFL mimics derived from different clades. Following recombinant EK cleavage, the NFL trimers retained covalent linkage, maintaining a native-like structure while displaying enhanced stability and favorable antigenic features. These trimers also displayed increased exposure of neutralizing epitopes in the FP and gp120/gp41 interface, while retaining other neutralizing epitopes and occluding non-neutralizing elements. This array of Env-structure-guided designs reveals additional interactive regions in the prefusion state of the HIV Env spike, affording the development of novel antigens and immunogens

    Mechanistic Insight into the Uptake and Fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Sea Ice

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    The fate of persistent organic pollutants in sea ice is a poorly researched area and yet ice serves as an important habitat for organisms at the base of the marine foodweb. This study presents laboratory-controlled experiments to investigate the mechanisms governing the fate of organic contaminants in sea ice grown from artificial seawater. Sea ice formation was shown to result in the entrainment of chemicals from seawater, and concentration profiles in bulk ice generally showed the highest levels in both the upper (ice–atmosphere interface) and lower (ice–ocean interface) ice layers, suggesting their incorporation and distribution is influenced by brine advection. Results from a 1-D sea ice brine dynamics model supported this, but also indicated that other processes may be needed to accurately model low-polarity compounds in sea ice. This was reinforced by results from a melt experiment, which not only showed chemicals were more enriched in saltier brine, but also revealed that chemicals are released from sea ice at variable rates. We use our results to demonstrate the importance of processes related to the occurrence and movement of brine for controlling chemical fate in sea ice which provides a pathway for exposure to ice-associated biota at the base of the pelagic food web

    Structural Plasticity of the Semliki Forest Virus Glycome upon Interspecies Transmission

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    Cross-species viral transmission subjects parent and progeny alphaviruses to differential post-translational processing of viral envelope glycoproteins. Alphavirus biogenesis has been extensively studied, and the Semliki Forest virus E1 and E2 glycoproteins have been shown to exhibit differing degrees of processing of N-linked glycans. However the composition of these glycans, including that arising from different host cells, has not been determined. Here we determined the chemical composition of the glycans from the prototypic alphavirus, Semliki Forest virus, propagated in both arthropod and rodent cell lines, by using ion-mobility mass spectrometry and collision-induced dissociation analysis. We observe that both the membrane-proximal E1 fusion glycoprotein and the protruding E2 attachment glycoprotein display heterogeneous glycosylation that contains N-linked glycans exhibiting both limited and extensive processing. However, E1 contained predominantly highly processed glycans dependent on the host cell, with rodent and mosquito-derived E1 exhibiting complex-type and paucimannose-type glycosylation, respectively. In contrast, the protruding E2 attachment glycoprotein primarily contained conserved under-processed oligomannose-type structures when produced in both rodent and mosquito cell lines. It is likely that glycan processing of E2 is structurally restricted by steric-hindrance imposed by local viral protein structure. This contrasts E1, which presents glycans characteristic of the host cell and is accessible to enzymes. We integrated our findings with previous cryo-electron microscopy and crystallographic analyses to produce a detailed model of the glycosylated mature virion surface. Taken together, these data reveal the degree to which virally encoded protein structure and cellular processing enzymes shape the virion glycome during interspecies transmission of Semliki Forest virus

    A human embryonic kidney 293T cell line mutated at the Golgi -mannosidase II locus

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    Disruption of Golgi -mannosidase II activity can result in type II congenital dyserythropoietic anemia and can induce lupus-like autoimmunity in mice. Here, we isolate a mutant human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cell line, called Lec36, that displays sensitivity to ricin that lies between the parental HEK 293T cells, whose secreted and membrane-expressed proteins are dominated by complex-type glycosylation, and 293S Lec1 cells, which only produce oligomannose-type N-linked glycans. The stem cell marker, 19A, was transiently expressed in the HEK 293T Lec36 cells, and in parental HEK 293T cells with and without the potent Golgi -mannosidase II inhibitor, swainsonine. Negative-ion nano-electrospray ionization mass spectra of the 19A N-linked glycans from HEK 293T Lec36 and swainsonine-treated HEK 293T cells were qualitatively indistinguishable and, as shown by collision-induced dissociation spectra, dominated by hybrid-type glycosylation. Nucleotide sequencing revealed mutations in each allele of MAN2A1, the gene encoding Golgi -mannosidase II: a point mutation in one allele mapping to the active site and an in-frame deletion of twelve-nucleotides in the other. Expression of wild-type but not the mutant MAN2A1 alleles in Lec36 cells restored processing of the 19A reporter glycoprotein to complex-type glycosylation. The Lec36 cell line will be useful for expressing therapeutic glycoproteins with hybrid-type glycans and provides a sensitive host for detecting mutations in human MAN2A1 causing type II congenital dyserythropoietic anemia

    Cryo-EM Structures of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Reveal Mechanisms of Virus Disassembly and Antibody Neutralization

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    Alphaviruses are enveloped pathogens that cause arthritis and encephalitis. Here, we report a 4.4-Å cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) structure of eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV), an alphavirus that causes fatal encephalitis in humans. Our analysis provides insights into viral entry into host cells. The envelope protein E2 showed a binding site for the cellular attachment factor heparan sulfate. The presence of a cryptic E2 glycan suggests how EEEV escapes surveillance by lectin-expressing myeloid lineage cells, which are sentinels of the immune system. A mechanism for nucleocapsid core release and disassembly upon viral entry was inferred based on pH changes and capsid dissociation from envelope proteins. The EEEV capsid structure showed a viral RNA genome binding site adjacent to a ribosome binding site for viral genome translation following genome release. Using five Fab-EEEV complexes derived from neutralizing antibodies, our investigation provides insights into EEEV host cell interactions and protective epitopes relevant to vaccine design

    Влияние тяжелых металлов на жизнеспособность пыльцы некоторых древесных

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    The influence of Сu, Zn, Pb, Cr on sensitivity male gametophyte of Acer negundo, Robinia pseudoacacia, Philadelphus coronarius, Aesculus hippocastanum, Betula pendula, Catalpa bignonioides, Tilia cordata, Elaeagnus angustifolia was investigated. The most sensitive to metals have appeared the following species: to Cu and Zn - Betula pendula, Catalpa bignonoides, to Pb - Philadelphus coronarius, Catalpa bignonoides to Cr - Philadelphus coronarius, Catalpa bignonoides. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1074

    Crystal structure and carbohydrate analysis of Nipah virus attachment glycoprotein:a template for antiviral and vaccine design

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    Two members of the paramyxovirus family, Nipah virus (NiV) and Hendra virus (HeV), are recent additions to a growing number of agents of emergent diseases which use bats as a natural host. Identification of ephrin-B2 and ephrin-B3 as cellular receptors for these viruses has enabled the development of immunotherapeutic reagents which prevent virus attachment and subsequent fusion. Here we present the structural analysis of the protein and carbohydrate components of the unbound viral attachment glycoprotein of NiV glycoprotein (NiV-G) at a 2.2-A resolution. Comparison with its ephrin-B2-bound form reveals that conformational changes within the envelope glycoprotein are required to achieve viral attachment. Structural differences are particularly pronounced in the 579-590 loop, a major component of the ephrin binding surface. In addition, the 236-245 loop is rather disordered in the unbound structure. We extend our structural characterization of NiV-G with mass spectrometric analysis of the carbohydrate moieties. We demonstrate that NiV-G is largely devoid of the oligomannose-type glycans that in viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and Ebola virus influence viral tropism and the host immune response. Nevertheless, we find putative ligands for the endothelial cell lectin, LSECtin. Finally, by mapping structural conservation and glycosylation site positions from other members of the paramyxovirus family, we suggest the molecular surface involved in oligomerization. These results suggest possible pathways of virus-host interaction and strategies for the optimization of recombinant vaccines

    Investigating the uptake and fate of poly- and perfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) in sea ice using an experimental sea ice chamber

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    Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are contaminants of emerging Arctic concern and are present in the marine environments of the polar regions. Their input to and fate within the marine cryosphere are poorly understood. We conducted a series of laboratory experiments to investigate the uptake, distribution, and release of 10 PFAS of varying carbon chain length (C4–C12) in young sea ice grown from artificial seawater (NaClsolution). We show that PFAS are incorporated into bulk sea ice during ice formation and regression analyses for individual PFAS concentrations in bulk sea ice were linearly related to salinity (r2 = 0.30 to 0.88, n = 18, p < 0.05). This shows that their distribution is strongly governed by the presence and dynamics of brine (high salinity water) within the sea ice. Furthermore, long-chain PFAS (C8–C12), were enriched in bulk ice up to 3-fold more than short-chain PFAS (C4–C7) and NaCl. This suggests that chemical partitioning of PFAS between the different phases of sea ice also plays a role in their uptake during its formation. During sea ice melt, initial meltwater fractions were highly saline and predominantly contained short-chain PFAS, whereas the later, fresher meltwater fractions predominantly contained long-chain PFAS. Our results demonstrate that in highly saline parts of sea ice (near the upper and lower interfaces and in brine channels) significant chemical enrichment (ε) of PFAS can occur with concentrations in brine channels greatly exceeding those in seawater from which it forms (e.g., for PFOA, εrinebrine = 10 ± 4). This observation has implications for biological exposure to PFAS present in brine channels, a common feature of first-year sea ice which is the dominant ice type in a warming Arctic