351 research outputs found

    Adding Value to Tannery Fleshings Part I – Oils and Protein Hydrolysates – Production and Application

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    The tanning industry generates a high quantity of solid wastes. Therefore, there is a need to create valorization [added value] options for these wastes. The present work had as its main objective creating added value by production of fat and hydrolyzed protein. To this end, fleshings were treated by hydrolysis with regard to the influence of various factors. The best result was found for a temperature of 60°C, 4 hours of hydrolysis, 2% of enzyme and 100% of water, with a fat extraction yield of 93%. The fat obtained through the hydrolysis process was used to produce sulphated oils. The protein hydrolysate was concentrated to about 40% of solids content and used to prepare co-products of protein hydrolysate and glutaraldehyde. Sulphated oils were applied in leather fatliquoring and the different protein hydrolysates were tested in leather retannage. The leather samples obtained were evaluated by physical-mechanical tests and the results were compared to those obtained through a standard process. The results were very satisfactory and, in some cases better than the specified standard. The process of adding value to this waste results in a double advantage for the leather industry, reducing the environmental impact and allowing production of alternative products for leather fatliquoring and retannage.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Image analysis methodology to study the evolution of chromium penetration in chromium tannage

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    The chrome tanning process is the main method employed to improve the hide stabilization, and chrome tanning in organic solvent medium has been tried by some authors, namely for ovine skins, but the process is not yet clear and fully understood. In recent years the application of image analysis methodologies to bioreactors is widely growing mainly on biomass and materials characterization. In the present work, the use of image analysis was employed to examine chromium penetration during bovine hide tannage in the presence of terpentine. Results showed that the overall chromium penetration rate was considerably faster in the first two minutes, becoming then much slower and linear until completion. Furthermore in the initial stages of penetration the chromium diffused much faster on the flesh that on the grain side of the hide. A second study performed on the flesh side only allowed to determine the chromium flux in the hide.Monteiro Ribas Indústrias

    A strategy for multimodal canopy images registration

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    Registration of complex and self-similar images such as plant canopy images is a challenge in plant sciences. Yet, this is often a required step for multimodal imaging, where unaligned sensors yield unregistered image pairs. We propose a pipeline adapted to such constraints, applied to apple tree canopies. Specifically, we apply an intensity-based registration on downscaled and/or Gaussian blurred versions of the targeted images. This helps to eliminate spurious details, which smooths the optimization landscape and also helps to reduce differences between the modalities. Results show better registration than with standard feature-based or intensity-based methods

    Levantamentos altimétrico e florístico na Fazenda Nhumirim, Pantanal da Nhecolândia-MS.

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    No Brasil, o Pantanal está dividido em 11 sub-regiões, sendo a Nhecolândia a segunda maior em extensão de área. A imensa maioria de seu território está situada dentro do município de Corumbá. De acordo com dados da literatura, nesta sub-região observa-se uma sucessiva freqüência de contrastes altimétricos de dois a cinco metros. Esses contrastes estão entre o topo das parte altas denominadas regionalmente de cordilheiras, que podem ser formadas por cerradão, cerrado, vindo a seguir as áreas de campo limpo, os campos alagáveis (baixadas) e os corpos d'água (baías e salinas). Com o objetivo de verificar essas diferenças altimétricas e o comportamento da vegetação foi feito um experimento na fazenda Nhumirim, no ano de 2002

    Queima controlada no Pantanal.

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    Caracterização do Pantanal; Queima controlada; Impactos das queimadas; Legislação e monitoramento; Época e condições atmosféricas; Procedimentos e cuidados; Tecnologia para reduzir as queimadas no Pantanal.bitstream/item/37722/1/DOC35.pd

    Aboveground Standing Crop of an Ungrazed \u3ci\u3eElyonurus muticus\u3c/i\u3e Grassland under Annual Burning in the Pantanal, Brazil

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    This study was conducted in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, from September 1995 to July 1997. The objective was to evaluate the effect of annual burning on grasses and forbs biomass and standing dead in an ungrazed grassland of Elyonurus muticus. In two areas, one free of burning (control) and another area with annual burning, grasses, forbs aboveground biomass, and standing dead were collected. The experimental design was completely randomized with 10 replications. Burning modified the grasses and forbs biomass dynamics when compared to the area free of burning. After the first burning the grasses biomass reduced in, approximately, 22% and the forbs increased in 32%. After the second burning the grasses biomass reduced in, approximately, 35%, while the forbs was similar in both areas. The standing dead in the burning area was practically absent

    Estimativa da capacidade de suporte das pastagens nativas do Pantanal, sub-região da Nhecolândia.

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    Este estudo teve como finalidade avaliar as variações mensais da capacidade de suporte de uma área no Pantanal, e propor um cálculo geral de estimativa da capacidade de suporte para as pastagens nativas, com base na produtividade e seletividade das forrageiras existentes nas unidades de paisagem preferidas por bovinos na subregião da Nhecolândia, Pantanal. O estudo foi efetuado numa área de 151 ha, com rebanho de 46 vacas de cria, no período de outubro de 1997 a setembro de 1999. Foram avaliados mensalmente a produção de matéria seca total nas unidades de campo limpo e baixadas, e as respectivas produções de matéria seca total e selecionada dos principais sítios utilizados para pastejo. Um algoritmo foi aplicado para a obtenção das estimativas da capacidade de suporte que foram variáveis entre meses, especialmente no ano hidrológico de 1998/99, considerado "atípico" em relação à distribuição de chuvas. Portanto, a capacidade de suporte de uma invernada não deve seguir regras fixas, e sim flexíveis, de acordo com a proporção de ambientes e condições climáticas de cada propriedade. No entanto, em termos práticos foi proposto cálculo geral anual, que pareceu ser adequado para os anos que apresentam distribuição regular das chuvas.bitstream/item/37425/1/BP27.pd

    Fitossociologia das espécies lenhosas em campo cerrado no Pantanal de Poconé e Paiaguás.

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar a composição florística e fitossociológica das espécies lenhosas de campo cerrado, relacionando com características granulométricas do solo. Curatella americana e Byrsonima orbignyana foram as espécies que influenciaram nessa maior similaridade estrutural, pois foram predominantes em todas as áreas estudadas.bitstream/CPAP-2009-09/56803/1/BP81.pd

    Desenvolvimento de uma coleção nuclear temática de arroz para resistência à brusone.

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver uma Coleção Nuclear Temática de Arroz para Resistência à brusone com alta diversidade para resistência às raças do patógeno mais comuns em lavouras comerciais do Brasil

    Voluntary audit and earnings management: the case of small Portuguese companies

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    In some small Portuguese companies the audit is required while in others companies the audit is voluntary, and our goal is to verify if the voluntary adoption of audit improves the earnings quality. Starting from a sample of small Portuguese companies for a period from 2007 up to 2014 we analyze if the voluntary adoption of audit reduces the earnings management and therefore increases the earnings quality. The small companies can manipulate the earnings for example for reducing the income taxes to pay or to finance as also reducing the interest rate of those finance. The small companies are an important part of businesses, either in terms of employees and number. The voluntary audit is not very studied subject. The results suggest that the voluntary adoption of audit do not reduce the earnings management, and thus do not increase the earnings quality. These results may be due to the fact these companies are not visible and therefore the audit firms could not allocate as much resources to the audit.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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