2,012 research outputs found

    Handicap International’s Risk Education Challenges

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    Handicap International advocates an integrated approach to mine/explosive remnants of war education that on one hand involves participants ranging from actors in the field to national and international policymakers, and on the other hand includes all pillars of mine action. This article examines some prominent challenges facing these practitioners

    Basic emotions: Differences in time sequence and functional imaging with low resolution brain electrical tomography (LORETA)

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    The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between the time course of brain activation during the observation of pictures depic ting scenes associated with the four basic emotion of happiness, sadness, fear and disgust. Twenty-nin e right-handed volunteers (17 male, 12 female; mean age 24.6 years) took part in the study. To stu dy the time course of the affective processing the low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) has been used. Each emotional condition has shown specific activation patterns in different brain regions, changing over time. Our findings are in good agreement with other brain-ima ging studies (PET/fMRI) but with the advantage to investigate the temporal evolution of the emotional process in the millisecond range. The results showed that the time sequence of activa tions is different and characteristic for each emotion conditions

    INTERSOS: Thinking Over and Practicing MRE in Iraq

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    Mine risk education (MRE) has become ever more essential to any humanitarian mine action programme and, recently, to any reconstruction and development strategy of mine-/UXO-affected countries. MRE has been passing through an evolution, both in terms of policies and international/national capacities

    La bioadsorption sur amidon réticulé pour enlever des métaux des effluents industriels

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    L’industrie de traitement de surface utilise de nombreux produits chimiques, en particulier des métaux toxiques et des substances organiques, qui sont connus pour être nocifs vis-à-vis des humains et de l’environnement. En raison d’une réglementation de plus en plus stricte, les effluents contenant des métaux lourds doivent être traités. Il existe une grande variété de procédés de traitement des eaux usées provenant de la filière traitement de surface. En général, les systèmes conventionnels de détoxification se composent principalement d’un ajustement de pH, d’une oxydation des cyanures et d’une réduction des chromes, suivi d’une précipitation sous forme d’hydroxydes et d’une clarification, et parfois d’une étape d’adsorption sur charbon. Cependant, la technologie sur charbon actif présente plusieurs problèmes tels que la saturation rapide et des problèmes de colmatage des réacteurs. Comme les résines d'échange d’ions, leur utilisation est restreinte due au coût élevé. Pour ces raisons, la plupart des petites et moyennes entreprises ne peuvent pas utiliser de tels traitements. Ainsi, afin de répondre à ces problématiques, de nombreuses études sont menées pour trouver des alternatives peu coûteuses, qui soient efficaces et acceptables pour un usage industriel. Dans cette étude, la bioadsorption sur un adsorbant d’amidon réticulé a été utilisée pour retenir les métaux contenus dans des effluents industriels. L’adsorption a été étudiée en fonction du temps de contact, de la masse d’adsorbant et de la charge polluante. L’influence de ces paramètres sur l’efficacité d’adsorption a été évaluée en utilisant une méthode conventionnelle en mode cuvée. Les résultats ont montré que le matériau présente des capacités d’adsorption élevées vis-à-vis des ions métalliques, ce qui permet de diminuer les concentrations métalliques en dessous des valeurs réglementaires. Des mesures de taux de germination sur des graines de Lactuca sativa, utilisé comme test de phytotoxicité, ont été réalisées sur les rejets industriels avant et après adsorption. Ces tests ont confirmé l’efficacité du procédé pour diminuer fortement la toxicité du rejet. L’abattement chimique et la réduction de la toxicité ont montré que la bioadsorption sur un matériau non conventionnel peut être une étape de finition intéressante pour la détoxification des rejets industriels.The surface-treatment industry consumes and discharges an important range of chemicals, in particular toxic metals and organics, that are known to be harmful to humans and the environment. Because of more and more stringent regulations, effluents polluted with heavy metals must be treated. There are a variety of treatment processes for wastewater from the surface-treatment industry. In general, conventional treatment and detoxification systems consist mainly of pH adjustments, oxidation of cyanide and reduction of chromium bearing wastewaters, followed by hydroxide precipitation, clarification, and sometimes carbon sorption. However, active carbon technology presents several problems such as rapid saturation and clogging of the reactors. Like ion-exchange resins, their widespread use is restricted due to high cost. For these reasons, most small and medium-size enterprises cannot employ such treatments. Thus, in order to overcome these problems, many attempts have been made to find inexpensive alternative sorbents, which are both effective and acceptable for industrial use. In this study, biosorption with a starch-based cross-linked adsorbent was used for the removal of heavy metals from industrial effluents. The adsorption of metals was studied as a function of contact time, adsorbent mass and pollutant load. The influence of these parameters on the adsorption efficiency was evaluated using a conventional batch method. Batch experiments showed that the material exhibited high sorption capacities toward metal ions, leading to concentrations that were below current regulatory values. Measurements of the germination rate of Lactuca sativa seeds, used as a phytotoxicity test, were carried out on discharged industrial waters before and after the finishing sorption treatment. Germination tests confirmed the ability of the sorption step to radically decrease the effluent toxicity. Both the chemical abatement and toxicity mitigation of waste water showed that biosorption onto a non-conventional sorbent may constitute an interesting additional treatment step for the detoxification of industrial wastewater

    Removal of Parabens from Aqueous Solution Using β-Cyclodextrin Cross-Linked Polymer

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    The removal of four parabens, methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and benzyl-paraben, by β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) polymer from aqueous solution was studied. Different β-CD polymers were prepared by using two cross-linkers, i.e., hexamethylene diisocyanate (HMDI) and toluene-2,6-diisocyanate (TDI), with various molar ratios of cross-linker. β-CD-HMDI polymer with molar ratio of 1:7 and β-CD-TDI polymer with ratio 1:4 gave the highest adsorption of parabens among the β-CD-HMDI and β-CD-TDI series, and were subsequently used for further studies. The adsorption capacity of β-CD-HMDI is 0.0305, 0.0376, 0.1854 and 0.3026 mmol/g for methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and benzyl-paraben, respectively. β-CD-TDI have higher adsorption capacities compared with β-CD-HMDI, the adsorption capacity are 0.1019, 0.1286, 0.2551, and 0.3699 mmol/g methyl-, ethyl-, propyl-, and benzyl-paraben respectively. The parameters studied were adsorption capacity, water retention, and reusability. Role of both cross-linker in adsorption, hydrophobicity of polymers, and adsorption capacity of different parabens were compared and discussed. All experiments were conducted in batch adsorption technique. These polymers were applied to real samples and showed positive results

    New dipeptides containing thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid derivatives: Synthesis and characterization using NMR techniques and X-ray data

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    New dipeptides, structural analogues of known immunomodulating agents, were prepared by stereospecific condensation between 2-substituted thiazolidine-4-carboxylate esters with N-substituted L-proline or L- thiaproline. The structure of these compounds has been elucidated by combination of NMR methods and X-ray analysis. In addition, NMR measurements on dipeptides indicated the presence of S-cis and S-trans conformers around the amide bonds

    Dye Removal from Colored Textile Wastewater Using Seeds and Biochar of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    Phenol red (X-PR) and malachite green carbinol (MGC) are two textile finishing dyes, which are present in aquatic environments through industrial effluents. Due to the toxic nature of both dyes, they are harmful to human health. In the present study, two materials, barley seeds and the biochar of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), were used to remove the dyes in an aqueous solution. The materials used are characterized by AFM, FTIR, SEM, XRD and EDX techniques. In this study, the parameters studied are the adsorbent dose, pH, initial adsorbate concentration and contact time. The maximum equilibrium time was found to be 90 min for all dyes. Kinetic studies revealed that the adsorption of X-PR and MGC on barley seeds (BS-HVL) and the biochar of barley (BC-HVL) followed pseudo-second-order kinetics and that both porous and intraparticle diffusion mechanisms were involved. The adsorption equilibrium data were well fitted to the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm model for both materials, and the maximum adsorption capacity of monolayer and multilayers for X-PR and MGC were 71.642 mg g(-1) and 50 mg g(-1) on BS-HVL, and 44.843 mg g(-1) and 121.95 mg g(-1) on BC-HVL, respectively. The thermodynamic results reveal that the dye removal on barley was endothermic and spontaneous in nature

    Temporal and spatial neural dynamics in the perception of basic emotions from complex scenes

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    The different temporal dynamics of emotions are critical to understand their evolutionary role in the regulation of interactions with the surrounding environment. Here, we investigated the temporal dynamics underlying the perception of four basic emotions from complex scenes varying in valence and arousal (fear, disgust, happiness and sadness) with the millisecond time resolution of Electroencephalography (EEG). Event-related potentials were computed and each emotion showed a specific temporal profile, as revealed by distinct time segments of significant differences from the neutral scenes. Fear perception elicited significant activity at the earliest time segments, followed by disgust, happiness and sadness. Moreover, fear, disgust and happiness were characterized by two time segments of significant activity, whereas sadness showed only one long-latency time segment of activity. Multidimensional scaling was used to assess the correspondence between neural temporal dynamics and the subjective experience elicited by the four emotions in a subsequent behavioral task. We found a high coherence between these two classes of data, indicating that psychological categories defining emotions have a close correspondence at the brain level in terms of neural temporal dynamics. Finally, we localized the brain regions of time-dependent activity for each emotion and time segment with the low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography. Fear and disgust showed widely distributed activations, predominantly in the right hemisphere. Happiness activated a number of areas mostly in the left hemisphere, whereas sadness showed a limited number of active areas at late latency. The present findings indicate that the neural signature of basic emotions can emerge as the byproduct of dynamic spatiotemporal brain networks as investigated with millisecond-range resolution, rather than in time-independent areas involved uniquely in the processing one specific emotion. Keywords: basic emotions, EEG, LORETA, ERP, IAPS, time, rapid perceptio