766 research outputs found

    Intense rehabilitation therapy produces very large gains in chronic stroke.

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    Listening to fluoxetine: a hot message from the FLAME trial of poststroke motor recovery.

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    The fluoxetine for motor recovery after acute ischemic stroke study was a double blind, placebo-controlled trial examining the effects of fluoxetine in patients five- to 10 days after an ischemic stroke. The study found motor improvement to 90 days poststroke, measured as the change in the Fugl-Meyer score, was significantly greater in the fluoxetine group as compared with the placebo group, and that this finding was significant after adjusting for depression. Patients randomized to fluoxetine also had less disability (modified Rankin Scale 0-2). The study adds to the weight of data suggesting that viable strategies exist to improve patient outcomes by initiating a restorative agent, days after stroke injury is fixed. Stroke remains among the leading causes of human disability. Currently, a minority of patients can access approved reperfusion therapies, and among those so treated a substantial fraction derives limited benefit. Therapies that target restorative events have a time window measured in days-weeks and so hold the potential to help many patients with stroke

    Treatments to Promote Neural Repair after Stroke.

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    Stroke remains a major cause of human disability worldwide. In parallel with advances in acute stroke interventions, new therapies are under development that target restorative processes. Such therapies have a treatment time window measured in days, weeks, or longer and so have the advantage that they may be accessible by a majority of patients. Several categories of restorative therapy have been studied and are reviewed herein, including drugs, growth factors, monoclonal antibodies, activity-related therapies including telerehabilitation, and a host of devices such as those related to brain stimulation or robotics. Many patients with stroke do not receive acute stroke therapies or receive them and do not derive benefit, often surviving for years thereafter. Therapies based on neural repair hold the promise of providing additional treatment options to a majority of patients with stroke
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