1,757 research outputs found

    Constraints on the Geometry and Frictional Properties of the Main Himalayan Thrust Using Coseismic, Postseismic, and Interseismic Deformation in Nepal

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    The geometry and frictional properties of a fault system are key parameters required to understand its seismic behavior. The Main Himalayan Thrust in Nepal is the type example of a continental megathrust and forms part of a fault system which accommodates a significant fraction of India‐Eurasia convergence. Despite extensive study of this zone of shortening, the geometry of the fault system remains controversial. Here, we use interseismic, coseismic, and postseismic geodetic data in Nepal to investigate the proposed downdip geometries. We use interseismic and coseismic data from previous studies, acquired before and during the 2015 urn:x-wiley:jgrb:media:jgrb53987:jgrb53987-math-0001 7.8 Gorkha earthquake. We then supplement these by processing our own postseismic deformation data, acquired following the Gorkha earthquake. We find that kinematic modeling of geodetic data alone cannot easily distinguish between the previously proposed geometries. We therefore develop a mechanical joint coseismic‐postseismic slip inversion which simultaneously solves for the distribution of coseismic slip and rate‐strengthening friction parameters. We run this inversion using the proposed geometries and find that they are all capable of explaining the majority of geodetic data. We find values for the rate parameter, urn:x-wiley:jgrb:media:jgrb53987:jgrb53987-math-0002, from the rate‐and‐state friction law that are between 0.8 and urn:x-wiley:jgrb:media:jgrb53987:jgrb53987-math-0003, depending on the geometry used. These values are in agreement with results from laboratory studies and those inferred from other earthquakes. We suggest that the limitations of earthquake cycle geodesy partly explain the continued controversy over the geometry and role of various faults in the Nepal Himalaya

    Earthquake distribution patterns in Africa: their relationship to variations in lithospheric and geological structure, and their rheological implications

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    We use teleseismic waveform inversion, along with depth phase analysis, to constrain the centroid depths and source parameters of large African earthquakes. The majority of seismic activity is concentrated along the East African Rift System, with additional active regions along stretches of the continental margins in north and east Africa, and in the Congo Basin. We examine variations in the seismogenic thickness across Africa, based on a total of 227 well-determined earthquake depths, 112 of which are new to this study. Seismogenic thickness varies in correspondence with lithospheric thickness, as determined from surface wave tomography, with regions of thick lithosphere being associated with seismogenic thicknesses of up to 40 km. In regions of thin lithosphere, the seismogenic thickness is typically limited to ≤20 km. Larger seismogenic thicknesses also correlate with regions that have dominant tectonothermal ages of ≥1500 Ma, where the East African Rift passes around the Archean cratons of Africa, through the older Proterozoic mobile belts. These correlations are likely to be related to the production, affected by method and age of basement formation, and preservation, affected by lithospheric thickness, of a strong, anhydrous lower crust. The Congo Basin contains the only compressional earthquakes in the continental interior. Simple modelling of the forces induced by convective support of the African plate, based on long-wavelength free-air gravity anomalies, indicates that epeirogenic effects are sufficient to account for the localization and occurrence of both extensional and compressional deformation in Africa. Seismicity along the margins of Africa reflects a mixture between oceanic and continental seismogenic characteristics, with earthquakes in places extending to 40 km depth

    Reconciling Geophysical and Petrological Estimates of the Thermal Structure of Southern Tibet

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    The thermal structure of the Tibetan plateau—the largest orogenic system on Earth—remains largely unknown. Numerous avenues provide fragmentary pressure/temperature information, both at the present (predominantly informed though geophysical observation) and on the evolution of the thermal structure over the recent past (combining petrological, geochemical, and geophysical observables). However, these individual constraints have proven hard to reconcile with each other. Here, we show that models for the simple underthrusting of India beneath southern Tibet are capable of matching all available constraints on its thermal structure, both at the present day and since the Miocene. Many parameters in such models remain poorly constrained, and we explore the various trade-offs among the competing influences these parameters may have. However, three consistent features to such models emerge: (i) that present-day geophysical observations require the presence of relatively cold underthrust Indian lithosphere beneath southern Tibet; (ii) that geochemical constraints require the removal of Indian mantle from beneath southern Tibet at some point during the early Miocene, although the mechanism of this removal, and whether it includes the removal of any crustal material, is not constrained by our models; and (iii) that the combination of the southern extent of Miocene mantle-derived magmatism and the present-day geophysical structure and earthquake distribution of southern Tibet require that the time-averaged rate of underthrusting of India relative to central Tibet since the middle Miocene has been faster than it is at present

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Bradykinin-Mediated Angioedema: Outcomes from an Angioedema Expert Consensus Meeting

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    Several types of angioedema exist beyond hereditary angioedema (HAE) types I/II; however, the diagnostic and treatment needs of these conditions are not well understood. Noticeably, there are no licensed treatments available for other forms of angioedema beyond HAE types I/II, and similarly they are unresponsive to conventional antihistamine/glucocorticoid treatment. A group of angioedema experts met in Budapest in May 2013 to discuss such issues, presenting their experience, reviewing available literature and identifying unmet diagnostic and treatment needs in three different angioedema types: HAE with normal C1-inhibitor (C1-INH; previously referred to as type III HAE); nonallergic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI)-induced angioedema (ACEI-AAE), and acquired angioedema due to C1-INH deficiency (C1-INH-AAE). The group identified unmet diagnostic and treatment needs in HAE-nC1-INH, C1-INH-AAE and ACEI-AAE, explored remedies and made recommendations on how to diagnose and treat these forms of angioedema. The group discussed the difficulties associated with using diagnostic markers, such as the level and function of C1-INH, C1q and C4 to reliably diagnose the angioedema type, and considered the use of genetic testing to identify mutations in FXII or XPNPEP2 that have been associated with HAE-nC1-INH and ACEI-AAE, respectively. Due to the lack of approved treatments for HAE-nC1-INH, ACEI-AAE and C1-INH-AAE, the group presented several case studies in which therapies approved for treatment of HAE types I/II, such as icatibant, ecallantide and pasteurized, nanofiltered C1-INH, were successful. It was uniformly agreed that further studies are needed to improve the diagnosis and treatment of angioedema other than HAE types I/II. (c) 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

    An explanation for the age independence of oceanic elastic thickness estimates from flexural profiles at subduction zones, and implications for continental rheology

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    Most properties of oceanic lithosphere are widely observed to be dependent on the age of the plate, such as water depth, heat flow, and seismogenic thickness. However, estimates of the ‘effective elastic thickness' of oceanic lithosphere based on the deflection of the plate as it enters a subduction zone show little correlation with the age of the incoming lithosphere. This paradox requires reconciliation if we are to gain a full understanding of the structure, rheology, and behaviour of oceanic lithosphere. Here, we show that the permanent deformation of the plate due to outer-rise faulting, combined with uncertainties in the yield stress of the lithosphere, the in-plane forces transmitted through subduction zones, and the levels of noise in bathymetric and gravity data, prevents simple elastic plate modelling from accurately capturing the underlying rheological structure of the incoming plate. The age-independent estimates of effective elastic thickness obtained by purely elastic plate modelling are therefore not likely to represent the true rheology of the plate, and hence are not expected to correspond to the plate age. Similar effects may apply to estimates of elastic thickness from continental forelands, with implications for our understanding of continental rheology

    Resolving the location of small intracontinental earthquakes using Open Access seismic and geodetic data: lessons from the 2017 January 18 mb 4.3, Ténéré, Niger, earthquake

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    A low-magnitude earthquake was recorded on 2017 January 18, in the Ténéré desert in northern Niger. This intraplate region is exceptionally sparsely covered with seismic stations and the closest open seismic station, G.TAM in Algeria at a distance of approximately 600 km, was unusually and unfortunately not operational at the time of the event. Body-wave magnitude estimates range from mb 4.2 to mb 4.7 and both seismic location and magnitude constraints are dominated by stations at teleseismic distances. The seismic constraints are strengthened considerably by array stations of the International Monitoring System for verifying compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban-Treaty. This event, with magnitude relevant to low-yield nuclear tests, provides a valuable validation of the detection and location procedure for small land-based seismic disturbances at significant distances. For seismologists not in the CTBT system, the event is problematic as data from many of the key stations are not openly available. We examine the uncertainty in published routinely determined epicentres by performing multiple Bayesloc location estimates with published arrival times considering both all published arrival times and those from open stations only. This location exercise confirms lateral uncertainties in seismologically derived location no smaller than 10 km. Coherence for interferometric synthetic aperture radar in this region is exceptionally high, and allows us to confidently detect a displacement of the order 6 mm in the time frame containing the earthquake, consistent with the seismic location estimates, and with a lateral length scale consistent with an earthquake of this size, allowing location constraint to within one rupture length (≤5 km)—significantly reducing the lateral uncertainty compared with relying on seismological data only. Combining Open Access-only seismological and geodetic data, we precisely constrain the source location, and conclude that this earthquake likely had a shallow source. We then discuss potential ways to continue the integration of geodetic data in the calibration of seismological earthquake location

    Forearc collapse, plate flexure, and seismicity within the downgoing plate along the Sunda Arc west of Sumatra

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    Deformation within the downgoing oceanic lithosphere seawards 3 of subduction zones is typically characterised by regimes of shallow 4 extension and deeper compression, due to the bending of the oceanic 5 plate as it dips into the subduction zone. However, o shore Suma- 6 tra there are shallow compressional earthquakes within the down- 7 going oceanic plate outboard of the region of high slip in the 2004 8 Aceh-Andaman earthquake, occurring at the same depth as exten- 9 sional faulting further seaward from the trench. A clear separation is 10 seen in the location of intraplate earthquakes, with extensional earth- 11 quakes occurring further seawards than compressional earthquakes at 12 the same depth within the plate. The adjacent section of the fore- 13 arc prism west of Aceh is also anomalous in its morphology, charac- 14 terised by a wide prism with a steep bathymetric front and broad, 15 gradually-sloping top. This shape is in contrast to the narrower and 16 more smoothly-sloping prism to the south, and along other subduction 1 17 zones. The anomalous near-trench intraplate earthquakes and prism 18 morphology are likely to be the result of the geologically-rapid gravi- 19 tational collapse of the forearc, which leads to induced bending within 20 the subducting plate, and the distinctive plateau-like morphology of 21 the forearc. Such collapse of the forearc could be caused by changes 22 through time of the material properties of the forearc rocks, or of the 23 thickness of the sediments entering the subduction zone

    An enigmatic earthquake in the continental mantle lithosphere of stable North America

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    The existence of earthquakes within continental lithospheric mantle remains a highly controversial topic. Here, we present a detailed set of seismological analyses confirming the occurrence of a mantle earthquake beneath the Wind River Range of central Wyoming. Combining regional waveform inversion with the analysis of the delay and relative amplitudes of teleseismically-observed depth phases, we demonstrate that the 2013 Wind River earthquake – a MW 4.7 highly-oblique thrust-faulting event – occurred at 75±8 km, well beneath the base of the crust. The magnitude, mechanism, and location of this earthquake suggest that it represents simple brittle failure at relatively high temperatures within the mantle lithosphere, as a result of tectonic, rather than magmatic, processes

    Ensemble Concerts: Morton High School Wind Ensemble, Wind Symphony, Belle Voix; February 21, 2024

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    Center for the Performing ArtsFebruary 21, 2024Wednesday Evening7:00 p.m