2,129 research outputs found

    Maintenance phosphorus and sulphur for pastures : progress report

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    PASTURE IMPROVEMENT has been based on topdressing with superphosphate, which supplies sulphur as well as phosphorus. In the past, all the benefit due to superphosphate was attributed to the phosphorus. It is only in recent years that the importance of the sulphur has been appreciated

    Soil and plant analysis : a guide to fertilizer usage

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    Soil and plant analysis can be used to identify problems in soils, diagnose nutrient deficiencies and as a guide to fertiliser usage. Soil testing is particularily useful where large amounts of phosphorus and potassium are leached or removed from the paddock in hay or silage. Actual rates of fertiliser can only be recommended from soil testing and only in conjunction with additional biological and economic information

    Rates of superphosphate for cereal grain production in the under 20 inch rainfall areas

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    EVERY year farmers use large quantities of superphosphate with cereal crops to overcome the inherent phosphate deficiency of West Australian soils. The increase in the average rate used by farmers reflects the increasing amount of new land being cropped. Good seasons and favourable economic conditions may also have influenced super rates

    Potassium deficiency in lupins : identification, rates, times and method of application

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    Large areas of sandplain soils north of Perth are low in potassium levels, and responses to applied potassium have been large for both sub. clover and grain lupins. This article indicates where potassium might be needed, and how to diagnose and overcome deficiencies in lupins

    Superphosphate for wheatbelt pastures : rates of application

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    BECAUSE Western Australian soils are low in phosphorus, frequent applications of superphosphate are required for both crop and pasture production. The recommended rates are determined from the results of field experiments that test different quantities of super and measure the extra yield. This article discusses the recommended rates of superphosphate in relation to soil type and superphosphate history. Methods of application and time of topdressing are also discussed

    Potassium for pastures

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    IVIany pastures in the south-west of Western Australia are deficient in potassium or need regular dressings for maximum growth. This article indicates areas and situations in which potassium might be needed, shows how deficiency is diagnosed and gives recommended rates of application

    The phosphorus fertilisers : how they compare

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    ALTHOUGH \u27double\u27 or \u27concentrated\u27 superphosphate was first commercially manufactured in 1872 it was not until the 1950\u27s that it became a major commercial fertiliser. In 1965 it accounted for about 15 per cent, of the world production of phosphatic fertilisers

    Nitrogen fertilisers for pasture production

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    At current prices nitrogen fertiliser is not an economic substitute for good clover pastures, but it can supplement the system by increasing nitrogen supply at peak growth periods. It can also provide useful increases in pasture production at critical feed times. Nitrogen usage for pasture production is still in the experimental stages and small areas should be tried before large-scale application

    Fluoride toxicity in grape vines : a case study

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    The onset of visual damage varied with the season. The symptoms consisted of marginal and tip necrosis in the early stages with the necrotic areas gradually expanding between the veins. In severe cases the leaves shed. Old leaves were affected first although foliage of any age was affected in cases of severe fluoride pollution. Plant analysis indicated that damage was associated with concentrations in excess of 20 ppm fluoride
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