95 research outputs found

    Why decades-long chronobiologically interpreted blood pressure and heart rate monitoring (C-ABPM) coperiodisms toward a chronousphere?

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    Поддержка: США. Национальный Институт Здоровья(GM-13981)(FH), Миннесотский Технологический Институт(GC, FH) На протяжении нескольких десятилетий было проведено хронобиологическое мониторирование сердечно-сосудистых, психофизиологических, эндокринных и других показателей, включая температуру ядра. Полученные показатели обладают широким спектром периодов, некоторые из которых имеют аналогичные показатели с земными, межпланетарными и солнечными ритмами. Было проведено картирование циркасептальных, цирканнуальных ритмов изучаемых параметров. Установлено, что имеется определенная степень синхронизации ритмов, которая затухает при отсутствии или уменьшении активности окружающей среды и возрастает с активацией этой среды. Аналогичная направленность показателей была выявлена для периодичности ритмов террористических атак и крупных землетрясений. Синхронизация(копериодизм) циклов биосферы с циклами гидросферы, атмосферы, ионосферы и т.д. обосновывает создание междисциплинарного термина хроносфера («хронос» - время, «сфера» - земной шар). Изучение хроносферы позволяет избежать последствий природных катаклизмов, а хронобиологическое мониторирование сердечно-сосудистой системы является значительно более эффективным способом предупреждения заболеваний по сравнению с обычной системой медицинского наблюдения

    Visualization of amplitude-phase relationships in entrainment processes

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    In the present research the visualization of amplitude-phase relationships in entrainment processes is based on the expression serial time sections [3] allow tracing the behavior of different parameters of any rhythmical component of spectrum during a time which includes spans before, during and after any synchronizing (desynchronizing) event. There is a simple and noninvasive method for acquiring information on the visualization of amplitude-phase relationships. The method used the mathematical and graphic analysis simultaneously visualization the dynamics of amplitude, its statistical significance and acrophase in entrainment processes, the three modifications of serial sections was elaborated: procedure of adding logarithms of P-values-matrices, plotting 2D image and 3D image. As examples for illustration serial section method, automatic measurements of blood pressure (BP), both systolic (S) and diastolic (D), and heart rate (HR) were used. Five flights from Minneapolis (USA) to Saint-Petersburg (Russia) crossing 9 time zones and 4 flights in the opposite direction were performed during that time (during the second return flight, no measurements were taken). The simultaneous drop in amplitude and the rapid shift in acrophase associated with West-to-East flights, and more gradual changes for East-to-the-West flights led to the hypothesis that the rapid entrainment is performed by collapse of the rhythm at a singularity time point. Application of the present method has allowed the authors to carry out visualised dynamic chronobiological the control parameters of cardiovascular system. The method has higher diagnostic value in comparison with well-known procedures of an estimation of chronomedicine

    Chronomics of suicides and the solar wind

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    Variations in the Mortality with Respect to Lunar Phases

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    Magnetic storm effect on the circulation of rabbits

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    The ultrastructure of cardiomyocytes of rabbits was found to be drastically altered at a time coinciding with strong magnetic storms by comparison with that usually observed during quiet geomagnetic conditions. The circadian characteristics of systolic and mean pressure in the left and right ventricles of Chinchilla rabbits were assessed and compared between quiet and stormy magnetic conditions. Experiments repeated during four consecutive seasons at the times of equinoxes and solstices in the absence of magnetic storms were also examined for any circannual and/or transannual variation. The results have been interpreted in the broader context of non-photic influences on the circulation, fully supporting the presence of non-photic effects. The recording of magnetic activity in the laboratory, and until this is possible, the consultation of the physicists' routine recording of geomagnetic indices should become a sine qua non, since, as shown herein, magnetic storms can override the effect of the usually dominant synchronizer, the alternation of light and darkness. © 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved

    Magnetic storm effect on the circulation of rabbits

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    The ultrastructure of cardiomyocytes of rabbits was found to be drastically altered at a time coinciding with strong magnetic storms by comparison with that usually observed during quiet geomagnetic conditions. The circadian characteristics of systolic and mean pressure in the left and right ventricles of Chinchilla rabbits were assessed and compared between quiet and stormy magnetic conditions. Experiments repeated during four consecutive seasons at the times of equinoxes and solstices in the absence of magnetic storms were also examined for any circannual and/or transannual variation. The results have been interpreted in the broader context of non-photic influences on the circulation, fully supporting the presence of non-photic effects. The recording of magnetic activity in the laboratory, and until this is possible, the consultation of the physicists' routine recording of geomagnetic indices should become a sine qua non, since, as shown herein, magnetic storms can override the effect of the usually dominant synchronizer, the alternation of light and darkness. © 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved