173 research outputs found

    Advanced control concepts

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    The problems of excess control devices and insufficient trim control capability on shuttle ascent vehicles were investigated. The trim problem is solved at all time points of interest using Lagrangian multipliers and a Simplex based iterative algorithm developed as a result of the study. This algorithm has the capability to solve any bounded linear problem with physically realizable constraints, and to minimize any piecewise differentiable cost function. Both solution methods also automatically distribute the command torques to the control devices. It is shown that trim requirements are unrealizable if only the orbiter engines and the aerodynamic surfaces are used

    Recovery of spinning satellites

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    The behavior of a space tug and a spinning satellite in a coupled configuration was simulated and analyzed. A docking concept was developed to investigate the requirements pertaining to the design of a docking interface. Sensing techniques and control requirements for the chase vehicle were studied to assess the feasibility of an automatic docking. The effects of nutation dampers and liquid propellant slosh motion upon the docking transient were investigated

    Treatment of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats with Alogliptin: Effect on Vascular and Neural Complications

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    We sought to determine the effect of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibition on streptozotocin diabetes-induced vascular and neural dysfunction. After 4 weeks of untreated diabetes, rats were treated for 12 weeks with Alogliptin (DPP-IV inhibitor). Diabetes caused a slowing of motor and sensory nerve conduction velocity, thermal hypoalgesia, reduction in intraepidermal nerve fiber density in the hindpaw, and impairment in vascular relaxation to acetylcholine and calcitonin gene-related peptide in epineurial arterioles. Treatment significantly improved motor nerve conduction velocity and thermal response latency. Sensory nerve conduction velocity was marginally improved with treatment of diabetic rats, and treatment did not improve the decrease in intraepidermal nerve fiber density. Vascular relaxation by epineurial arterioles to calcitonin gene-related peptide but not acetylcholine was significantly improved with treatment. These studies suggest that some but not all vascular and neural complications associated with type 1 diabetes can be improved with the inhibition of DPP-IV activity

    Slowing of Motor Nerve Conduction Velocity in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats is Preceded by Impaired Vasodilation in Arterioles that Overlie the Sciatic Nerve

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    Diabetes mellitus produces marked abnormalities in motor nerve conduction, but the mechanism is not clear. In the present study we hypothesized that in the streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rat impaired vasodilator function in arterioles that provide circulation to the region of the sciatic nerve is associated with reduced endoneural blood flow (EBF) and that these defects precede slowing of motor nerve conduction velocity, and thereby may contribute to nerve dysfunction. As early as three days after the induction of diabetes endoneural blood flow was reduced in the STZ-induced diabetic rat. Furthermore, after 1 week of diabetes acetylcholine- induced vasodilation was found to be impaired. This was accompanied by an increase in the superoxide level in arterioles that provide circulation to the region of the sciatic nerve as well as changes in the level of other markers of oxidative stress including an increase in serum levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and a decrease in lens glutathione level. In contrast to the vascular related changes that occur within 1 week of diabetes, motor nerve conduction velocity and sciatic nerve Na+/k+ ATPase activity were significantly reduced following 2 and 4 weeks of diabetes, respectively. These studies demonstrate that changes in vascular function in the STZ-induced diabetic rat precede the slowing of motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) and are accompanied by an increase in superoxide levels in arterioles that provide circulation to the region of the sciatic nerve

    Vascular and Neural Dysfunctions in Obese Zucker Rats: Effect of AVE7688

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether AVE7688 a drug that inhibits both angiotensin converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase activity protects vascular and nerve functions in an animal model of metabolic syndrome. Obese Zucker rats at 20 weeks of age were treated for 12 weeks with AVE7688. Vasodilation in epineurial arterioles was measured by videomicroscopy and nerve conduction velocity was measured following electrical stimulation. Treatment with AVE7688 improved vascular relaxation in response to acetylcholine and motor and sensory nerve conduction velocity. In obese Zucker rats superoxide levels and nitrotyrosine staining were elevated in the aorta and treatment corrected both conditions. Obese Zucker rats were hypoalgesic in response to a thermal stimulus and demonstrated signs of impaired tactile response and both conditions were significantly improved with treatment. Even though obese Zucker rats are normoglycemic vascular and neural dysfunctions develop with age and can be improved by treatment with AVE7688

    Probing microscopic origins of confined subdiffusion by first-passage observables

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    Subdiffusive motion of tracer particles in complex crowded environments, such as biological cells, has been shown to be widepsread. This deviation from brownian motion is usually characterized by a sublinear time dependence of the mean square displacement (MSD). However, subdiffusive behavior can stem from different microscopic scenarios, which can not be identified solely by the MSD data. In this paper we present a theoretical framework which permits to calculate analytically first-passage observables (mean first-passage times, splitting probabilities and occupation times distributions) in disordered media in any dimensions. This analysis is applied to two representative microscopic models of subdiffusion: continuous-time random walks with heavy tailed waiting times, and diffusion on fractals. Our results show that first-passage observables provide tools to unambiguously discriminate between the two possible microscopic scenarios of subdiffusion. Moreover we suggest experiments based on first-passage observables which could help in determining the origin of subdiffusion in complex media such as living cells, and discuss the implications of anomalous transport to reaction kinetics in cells.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. Submitted versio

    Optimal search strategies for hidden targets

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    What is the fastest way of finding a randomly hidden target? This question of general relevance is of vital importance for foraging animals. Experimental observations reveal that the search behaviour of foragers is generally intermittent: active search phases randomly alternate with phases of fast ballistic motion. In this letter, we study the efficiency of this type of two states search strategies, by calculating analytically the mean first passage time at the target. We model the perception mecanism involved in the active search phase by a diffusive process. In this framework, we show that the search strategy is optimal when the average duration of "motion phases" varies like the power either 3/5 or 2/3 of the average duration of "search phases", depending on the regime. This scaling accounts for experimental data over a wide range of species, which suggests that the kinetics of search trajectories is a determining factor optimized by foragers and that the perception activity is adequately described by a diffusion process.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    The Role of Regulated mRNA Stability in Establishing Bicoid Morphogen Gradient in Drosophila Embryonic Development

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    The Bicoid morphogen is amongst the earliest triggers of differential spatial pattern of gene expression and subsequent cell fate determination in the embryonic development of Drosophila. This maternally deposited morphogen is thought to diffuse in the embryo, establishing a concentration gradient which is sensed by downstream genes. In most model based analyses of this process, the translation of the bicoid mRNA is thought to take place at a fixed rate from the anterior pole of the embryo and a supply of the resulting protein at a constant rate is assumed. Is this process of morphogen generation a passive one as assumed in the modelling literature so far, or would available data support an alternate hypothesis that the stability of the mRNA is regulated by active processes? We introduce a model in which the stability of the maternal mRNA is regulated by being held constant for a length of time, followed by rapid degradation. With this more realistic model of the source, we have analysed three computational models of spatial morphogen propagation along the anterior-posterior axis: (a) passive diffusion modelled as a deterministic differential equation, (b) diffusion enhanced by a cytoplasmic flow term; and (c) diffusion modelled by stochastic simulation of the corresponding chemical reactions. Parameter estimation on these models by matching to publicly available data on spatio-temporal Bicoid profiles suggests strong support for regulated stability over either a constant supply rate or one where the maternal mRNA is permitted to degrade in a passive manner

    Effect of Treatment of Sprague Dawley Rats with AVE7688, Enalapril, or Candoxatril on Diet-Induced Obesity

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of AVE7688, a drug that inhibits both angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and neutral endopeptidase (NEP) activity, on neural and vascular defects caused by diet induced obesity (DIO). Rats at 12 weeks of age were fed a standard or high fat diet with or without AVE7688 for 24 weeks. DIO rats had impaired glucose tolerance and developed sensory neuropathy. Vascular relaxation to acetylcholine and calcitonin gene-related peptide was decreased in epineurial arterioles of DIO rats. Rats fed a high fat diet containing AVE7688 did not become obese and vascular and sensory nerve dysfunction and impaired glucose tolerance were improved. DIO is associated with increased expression of NEP in epineurial arterioles. NEP degrades vasoactive peptides which may explain the decrease in neurovascular function in DIO