1,072 research outputs found

    Evaluating lightning hazards to building environments using explicit numerical solutions of Maxwell's equations

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    The objective here is to describe the lightning hazards to buildings and their internal environments using advanced formulations of Maxwell's Equations. The method described is the Three Dimensional Finite Difference Time Domain Solution. It can be used to solve for the lightning interaction with such structures in three dimensions with the inclusion of a considerable amount of detail. Special techniques were developed for including wire, plumbing, and rebar into the model. Some buildings have provisions for lightning protection in the form of air terminals connected to a ground counterpoise system. It is shown that fields and currents within these structures can be significantly high during a lightning strike. Time lapse video presentations were made showing the electric and magnetic field distributions on selected cross sections of the buildings during a simulated lightning strike

    Operation of LEP with bunch trains

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    Following an intensive MD program in 1994, a bunch train scheme was adopted as the operational mode for LEP. The configuration was used throughout 1995 and produced record luminosities. The year culminated in a high energy bunch train run which produced encouraging results for LEP2. In spite of this, the bunch train scheme met with varying degrees of success and the overall performance was not as good as expected. The performance of the machine is presented, together with the problems encountered and the various optimisation techniques used. The performance of related hardware and instrumentation is discussed

    Group perceptions of knowledge management

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    This paper reports preliminary results of a project investigating how staff in UK organisations perceive knowledge management in their organisation as a group. The group setting appears to be effective in surfacing opinions and enabling progress in both understanding and action to be made. Among the findings thus far are the importance of the knowledge champion role and the state of the “knowledge management life cycle” in each organisation, and continuing confusion between knowledge, information and mechanisms

    Communicating knowledge about police performance

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    This paper describes the organizational processes of knowledge acquisition, sharing, retention and utilisation as it affected the internal and external communication of knowledge about performance in an English police force. The research was gathered in three workshops for internal personnel, external stakeholders and chief officers, using Journey Making, a computer-assisted method of developing shared understanding. The research concluded that there are multiple audiences for the communication of knowledge about police performance, impeded by the requirement to publish performance data. However, the intelligence-led policing model could lead to a more focused means of communication with various stakeholder groups. Although technology investment was a preferred means of communicating knowledge about performance, without addressing cultural barriers, an investment in technology may not yield the appropriate changes in behaviour. Consequently, technology needs to be integrated with working practices in order to reduce organizational reliance on informal methods of communication

    Comparing knowledge management between organisations:searching for good practice

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    This paper reports ongoing work that is attempting to find out ‘what is good practice for knowledge management’. The data we have to analyse this issue is 109 maps of knowledge (on knowledge management) which were built during 18 group workshops with 152 people from 15 different organisations. The maps contain data on the aspirations and action plans which UK managers have to improve knowledge management practices in their organisation. So far we have attempted a number of approaches to analysing this data, both inductive and deductive, but we still feel there is more to be learned from the rich data set we have. The paper presents a flavour of the work we have done, have considered doing, and have resisted doing. The aim of the paper is to stimulate debate on the strengths of our analyses and, more importantly, on amassing views of how it can be further strengthened, and the difficulties and dilemmas which might need to be overcome

    Knowledge management systems:finding a way with technology

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    Purpose - To consider the role of technology in knowledge management in organizations, both actual and desired. Design/methodology/approach - Facilitated, computer-supported group workshops were conducted with 78 people from ten different organizations. The objective of each workshop was to review the current state of knowledge management in that organization and develop an action plan for the future. Findings - Only three organizations had adopted a strongly technology-based "solution" to knowledge management problems, and these followed three substantially different routes. There was a clear emphasis on the use of general information technology tools to support knowledge management activities, rather than the use of tools specific to knowledge management. Research limitations/implications - Further research is needed to help organizations make best use of generally available software such as intranets and e-mail for knowledge management. Many issues, especially human, relate to the implementation of any technology. Participation was restricted to organizations that wished to produce an action plan for knowledge management. The findings may therefore represent only "average" organizations, not the very best practice. Practical implications - Each organization must resolve four tensions: Between the quantity and quality of information/knowledge, between centralized and decentralized organization, between head office and organizational knowledge, and between "push" and "pull" processes. Originality/value - Although it is the group rather than an individual that determines what counts as knowledge, hardly any previous studies of knowledge management have collected data in a group context

    Reducing the SPS Machine Impedance

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    The SPS as LHC Injector project has been working for some time to prepare the SPS for its role as final injector for the LHC. This included major work related to injection, acceleration, extraction and beam instrumentation for the LHC beams [1]. Measurements carried out with the high brightness LHC beam showed that a major improvement of the machine impedance would also be necessary [2]. In addition to removing all lepton related components (once LEP operation ended in 2000), the decision was made to shield the vacuum system pumping port cavities. These accidental cavities had been identified as having characteristic frequencies in the 1-1.5GHz range. Since the SPS vacuum system contains roughly 1000 of these cavities, they constitute a major fraction of the machine impedance. As removal of the ports and associated bellows is not possible, transition shields (PPS) had to be designed to insert within the pumping port cavities

    Investment in Africa's manufacturing sector: A four country panel data analysis

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    Firm-level data for the manufacturing sector in Africa, presented in this paper, shows very low levels of investment. A positive effect from profits onto investment is identified in a flexible accelerator specification of the investment function controlling for firm fixed effects. There is evidence that this effect is confined to smaller firms. A comparison with other studies shows that, for such firms, the profit effect is much smaller in Africa than in other countries. Reasons for the relative insensitivity of investment to profits in African firms are suggested.firm investment, liquidity constraints, African manufacturing

    LEP Performance at 91.5 GeV

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    The 1997 LEP collider run was the first year of the LEP2 program devoted to stable high luminosity running. The good performance of the LEP superconducting RF system allowed to run at beam energies of 91.5 GeV. In addition to the to usual optimisation procedures to minimise the vertical beam emittances, the horizontal beam sizes were reduced by increasing the horizontal damping partition number and reducing the betatron function at the interaction points. Vertical beam-beam tune shifts in excess of 0.05 were achieved with total beam currents of 5 mA. The total integrated luminosity of 73 pb-1 is the highest ever recorded in a single year of LEP operation

    Intensive HST, RXTE and ASCA Monitoring of NGC 3516: Evidence Against Thermal Reprocessing

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    During 1998 April 13-16, NGC 3516 was monitored almost continuously with HST for 10.3 hr in the UV and 2.8 d in the optical, and simultaneous RXTE and ASCA monitoring covered the same period. The X-rays were strongly variable with the soft (0.5-2 keV) showing stronger variations (~65% peak-to-peak) than the hard (2-10 keV; ~50% peak-to-peak). The optical continuum showed much smaller but highly significant variations: a slow ~2.5% rise followed by a faster ~3.5% decline. The short UV observation did not show significant variability. The soft and hard X-ray light curves were strongly correlated with no significant lag. Likewise, the optical continuum bands (3590 and 5510 A) were also strongly correlated with no measurable lag above limits of <0.15 d. However no significant correlation or simple relationship could be found for the optical and X-ray light curves. These results appear difficult to reconcile with previous reports of correlations between X-ray and optical variations and of measurable lags within the optical band for some other Seyfert 1s. These results also present serious problems for "reprocessing" models in which the X-ray source heats a stratified accretion disk which then reemits in the optical/ultraviolet: the synchronous variations within the optical would suggest that the emitting region is <0.3 lt-d across, while the lack of correlation between X-ray and optical variations would indicate, in the context of this model, that any reprocessing region must be >1 lt-d in size. It may be possible to resolve this conflict by invoking anisotropic emission or special geometry, but the most natural explanation appears to be that the bulk of the optical luminosity is generated by some other mechanism than reprocessing.Comment: 23 pages including 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
