118 research outputs found

    Optimization Protocol for the SSRL In-Situ Crystallization and Automated Data Collection Plate

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    Typically when researchers want to collect data from protein crystals, those crystals must be flash-frozen using liquid nitrogen. This keeps the crystals stable for data analysis, however, can damage crystals and does not give the best possible data. Ideally, crystals can be analyzed at room temperature, which would allow for more modulation of the shape and give researchers a better picture of the shape of the protein. Room temperature data analysis can be difficult, because protein crystals are fragile and will dehydrate quickly if not kept in the proper conditions. The purpose of this research was to develop and optimize a plate that could store crystals at room temperature without damaging the crystals. Over the course of the project many different conditions were tested to try to find an appropriate environment for the protein crystals inside the SSRL In-Situ Crystallization Plate that would allow crystals to remain viable at room temperature for an extended period of time. It was found that if the crystals were loaded into a plate that had been equilibrated with a crystallization solution thickened with agarose, the crystals would remain viable for at least three days. Diffraction patterns were taken from various crystals after one, two, and three days in order to confirm the crystals were indeed viable and that they refracted properly. The end goal of this project is to allow users to SLAC to be able to utilize this plate and the Stanford Automated Mounter located at SSRL to collect data from room temperature crystals remotely without damage to those crystals

    Life cycle and host range of Phycitasp. rejected for biological control of prickly acacia in Australia

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    Prickly acacia (Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica), a native of the Indian subcontinent, is a serious weed of the grazing areas of northern Australia and is a target for classical biological control. Native range surveys in India identified a leaf webber, Phycita sp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as a prospective biological control agent for prickly acacia. In this study, we report the life cycle and host-specificity test results Phycita sp. and highlight the contradictory results between the no-choice tests in India and Australia and the field host range in India. In no-choice tests in India and Australia, Phycita sp. completed development on two of 11 and 16 of 27 non-target test plant species, respectively. Although Phycita sp. fed and completed development on two non-target test plant species (Vachellia planifrons and V. leucophloea) in no-choice tests in India, there was no evidence of the insect on the two non-target test plant species in the field. Our contention is that oviposition behaviour could be the key mechanism in host selection of Phycita sp., resulting in its incidence only on prickly acacia in India. This is supported by paired oviposition choice tests involving three test plant species (Acacia baileyana, A. mearnsii and A. deanei) in quarantine in Australia, where eggs were laid only on prickly acacia. However, in paired oviposition choice trials, only few eggs were laid, making the results unreliable. Although oviposition choice tests suggest that prickly acacia is the most preferred and natural host, difficulties in conducting choice oviposition tests with fully grown trees under quarantine conditions in Australia and the logistic difficulties of conducting open-field tests with fully grown native Australian plants in India have led to rejection of Phycita sp. as a potential biological control agent for prickly acacia in Australia

    Remote access to crystallography beamlines at SSRL: novel tools for training, education and collaboration

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    The ultimate goal of synchrotron data collection is to obtain the best possible data from the best available crystals, and the combination of automation and remote access at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) has revolutionized the way in which scientists achieve this goal. This has also seen a change in the way novice crystallographers are trained in the use of the beamlines, and a wide range of remote tools and hands-on workshops are now offered by SSRL to facilitate the education of the next generation of protein crystallographers

    New paradigm for macromolecular crystallography experiments at SSRL: automated crystal screening and remote data collection

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    Through the combination of robust mechanized experimental hardware and a flexible control system with an intuitive user interface, SSRL researchers have screened over 200 000 biological crystals for diffraction quality in an automated fashion. Three quarters of SSRL researchers are using these data-collection tools from remote locations

    Structural characterization of a highly-potent V3-glycan broadly neutralizing antibody bound to natively-glycosylated HIV-1 envelope

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    Broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) isolated from HIV-1-infected individuals inform HIV-1 vaccine design efforts. Developing bNAbs with increased efficacy requires understanding how antibodies interact with the native oligomannose and complex-type N-glycan shield that hides most protein epitopes on HIV-1 envelope (Env). Here we present crystal structures, including a 3.8-Å X-ray free electron laser dataset, of natively glycosylated Env trimers complexed with BG18, the most potent V3/N332_(gp120) glycan-targeting bNAb reported to date. Our structures show conserved contacts mediated by common D gene-encoded residues with the N332_(gp120) glycan and the gp120 GDIR peptide motif, but a distinct Env-binding orientation relative to PGT121/10-1074 bNAbs. BG18’s binding orientation provides additional contacts with N392_(gp120) and N386_(gp120) glycans near the V3-loop base and engages protein components of the V1-loop. The BG18-natively-glycosylated Env structures facilitate understanding of bNAb–glycan interactions critical for using V3/N332_(gp120) bNAbs therapeutically and targeting their epitope for immunogen design

    Structural characterization of a highly-potent V3-glycan broadly neutralizing antibody bound to natively-glycosylated HIV-1 envelope

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    Broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) isolated from HIV-1-infected individuals inform HIV-1 vaccine design efforts. Developing bNAbs with increased efficacy requires understanding how antibodies interact with the native oligomannose and complex-type N-glycan shield that hides most protein epitopes on HIV-1 envelope (Env). Here we present crystal structures, including a 3.8-Å X-ray free electron laser dataset, of natively glycosylated Env trimers complexed with BG18, the most potent V3/N332_(gp120) glycan-targeting bNAb reported to date. Our structures show conserved contacts mediated by common D gene-encoded residues with the N332_(gp120) glycan and the gp120 GDIR peptide motif, but a distinct Env-binding orientation relative to PGT121/10-1074 bNAbs. BG18’s binding orientation provides additional contacts with N392_(gp120) and N386_(gp120) glycans near the V3-loop base and engages protein components of the V1-loop. The BG18-natively-glycosylated Env structures facilitate understanding of bNAb–glycan interactions critical for using V3/N332_(gp120) bNAbs therapeutically and targeting their epitope for immunogen design
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