15,769 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic Observations of New Oort Cloud Comet 2006 VZ13 and Four Other Comets

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    Spectral data are presented for comets 2006 VZ13 (LINEAR), 2006 K4 (NEAT), 2006 OF2 (Broughton), 2P/Encke, and 93P/Lovas I, obtained with the Cerro-Tololo Inter-American Observatory 1.5-m telescope in August 2007. Comet 2006 VZ13 is a new Oort cloud comet and shows strong lines of CN (3880 angstroms), the Swan band sequence for C_2 (4740, 5160, and 5630 angstroms), C_3 (4056 angstroms), and other faint species. Lines are also identified in the spectra of the other comets. Flux measurements of the CN, C_2 (Delta v = +1,0), and C_3 lines are recorded for each comet and production rates and ratios are derived. When considering the comets as a group, there is a correlation of C_2 and C_3 production with CN, but there is no conclusive evidence that the production rate ratios depend on heliocentric distance. The continuum is also measured, and the dust production and dust-to-gas ratios are calculated. There is a general trend, for the group of comets, between the dust-to-gas ratio and heliocentric distance, but it does not depend on dynamical age or class. Comet 2006 VZ13 is determined to be in the carbon-depleted (or Tempel 1 type) class.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables; Accepted by MNRA

    Distribution of the Water Scorpion \u3ci\u3eNepa Apiculata\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Nepidae) in Wisconsin

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    The water scorpion Nepa apiculata Uhler was considered rare in Wiscon- sin by Hilsenhoff (1984), who collected only 11 individuals during a 25-year period. All of his collections were from overwintering sites, especially debris in streams, during early spring or autumn (Hilsenhoff, pers. comm.). He concluded that the species was restricted to southern Wisconsin. Recent collections indicate that N. apiculata is more widely distributed. These records, summarized below, are documented with specimens in the University of Wisconsin-Madison insect collection

    Heegaard genus, cut number, weak p-congruence, and quantum invariants

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    We use quantum invariants to define a 3-manifold invariant j_p which lies in the non-negative integers. We relate j_p to the Heegard genus, and the cut number. We show that j_$ is an invariant of weak p-congruence.Comment: to appear in JKTR. 8pages 1 figur

    Loquit, ridet, et vincit : l’intĂ©gration du toscan dans la commedeja pe ‘mmuseca et sa mise en musique : une forme de rĂ©sistance contre la domination Ă©trangĂšre

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    La version intĂ©grale de ce mĂ©moire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle Ă  la BibliothĂšque de musique de l’UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).Au dĂ©but du dix-huitiĂšme siĂšcle, un nouveau genre opĂ©ratique en « langue napolitaine » se dĂ©veloppe Ă  Naples, la commedeja pe ‘mmuseca (« comĂ©die en musique »). Celui-ci intĂšgre peu Ă  peu dans ses intrigues des personnages s’exprimant en toscan et accompagnĂ©s d’une musique inspirĂ©e du dramma per musica. Cette intĂ©gration de la langue littĂ©raire de la PĂ©ninsule et d’un style musical serio est interprĂ©tĂ©e comme une tentative d’ennoblir le genre et a menĂ© Ă  la thĂ©orisation d’une dichotomie entre sphĂšre sĂ©rieuse toscane et sphĂšre comique napolitaine. FondĂ©e sur une vision rĂ©ductrice de la situation linguistique napolitaine, associant le toscan aux nobles et le napolitain au peuple, cette conception ne reflĂšte ni la situation linguistique et politique de l’époque, ni la rĂ©alitĂ© des livrets et de leur mise en musique, comme ce mĂ©moire se propose de le dĂ©montrer. En effet, l’étude du contexte politique et linguistique dans lequel la commedeja s’est dĂ©veloppĂ© rĂ©vĂšle que le napolitain Ă©tait la langue usuelle du peuple et de l’aristocratie. De plus, Naples Ă©tait sous domination Ă©trangĂšre et le toscan Ă©tait la langue employĂ©e par les dominateurs: le napolitain devenait donc un symbole de napolĂ©tanĂ©itĂ© et du dĂ©sir d’autonomie des habitants du Royaume de Naples. Dans ce mĂ©moire, le dĂ©pouillement d’un corpus de soixante-six livrets datant de 1721 Ă  1749 et l’analyse de l’opĂ©ra Lo frate ‘nnamorato (1732) de Gennaro Antonio Federico et Giovanni Battista Pergolesi suggĂšrent que l’intĂ©gration du toscan dans la commedeja incarne une forme de rĂ©sistance contre la domination Ă©trangĂšre.The commedeja pe ‘mmuseca, a comic operatic genre in Neapolitan, flourished in early eighteenth-century Naples. Gradually, it began integrating Tuscan-speaking characters into its plots, accompanied by a dramma per musica inspired musical style. This inclusion of the literary language of the Peninsula and of a seria musical style has been interpreted as an attempt to ennoble the genre, and has led to the theorization of a dichotomy between Tuscan serious characters and Neapolitan comic ones. This view of Tuscan is based on the mistaken premise that Neapolitan is the language of the people and Tuscan, that of the aristocracy. I argue that, caused by a misunderstanding of the political and linguistic context of eighteenth-century Naples, it not only overlooks the reality of the music and libretti, but also neglects the political and nationalistic dimensions of the genre’s multilingualism. In fact, Neapolitan was spoken by all Neapolitans, whereas Tuscan was the language of foreigners and of the Austrian ruling power. This leads me to suggest a new interpretation to the commedeja’s multilingualism: accompanied by regional characterization, it is actually a form of local resistance against foreign domination. The analysis of sixty-six libretti, dating from 1721 to 1749, and of Lo frate ‘nnamorato (1732) by Gennaro Antonio Federico and Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, confirm this hypothesis

    The Spatial Distribution Of OH And CN Radicals In The Coma Of Comet Encke

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    Multiple potential parent species have been proposed to explain CN abundances in comet comae, but the parent has not been definitively identified for all comets. This study examines the spatial distribution of CN radicals in the coma of comet Encke and determines the likelihood that CN is a photodissociative daughter of HCN in the coma. Comet Encke is the shortest orbital period (3.3 years) comet known and also has a low dust-to-gas ratio based on optical observations. Observations of CN were obtained from 2003 October 22 to 24, using the 2.7 m telescope at McDonald Observatory. To determine the parent of CN, the classical vectorial model was modified by using a cone shape in order to reproduce Encke's highly aspherical and asymmetric coma. To test the robustness of the modified model, the spatial distribution of OH was also modeled. This also allowed us to obtain CN/OH ratios in the coma. Overall, we find the CN/OH ratio to be 0.009 +/- 0.004. The results are consistent with HCN being the photodissociative parent of CN, but we cannot completely rule out other possible parents such as CH(3)CN and HC(3)N. We also found that the fan-like feature spans similar to 90 degrees, consistent with the results of Woodney et al..NASAOffice of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development at Mississippi State UniversityMcDonald Observator

    The Health of Aging Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adults in California

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    Examines rates of diabetes, hypertension, poor mental health, physical disability, and fair or poor self-reported health status among homosexual adults ages 50 to 70 compared with their heterosexual peers. Recommends enhancing policies and practices

    The Role of Personality in Predicting Drug and Alcohol Use Among Sexual Minorities

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    Research consistently demonstrates that sexual minority status is associated with increased risk of problematic substance use. Existing literature in this area has focused on group-specific minority stress factors (e.g., victimization and internalized heterosexism). However, no known research has tested the incremental validity of personality traits as predictors of substance use beyond identified group-specific risk factors. A sample of 704 sexual minority adults was recruited nationally from lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning community organizations and social networking Web sites and asked to complete an online survey containing measures of personality, sexual minority stress, and substance use. Hierarchical regression models were constructed to test the incremental predictive validity of five-factor model personality traits over and above known sexual minority risk factors. Consistent with hypotheses, extraversion and conscientiousness were associated with drug and alcohol use after accounting for minority stress factors, and all factors except agreeableness were associated with substance use at the bivariate level of analysis. Future research should seek to better understand the role of normal personality structures and processes conferring risk for substance use among sexual minorities
