5,749 research outputs found

    Nexus Authorization Logic (NAL): Logical Results

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    Nexus Authorization Logic (NAL) [Schneider et al. 2011] is a logic for reasoning about authorization in distributed systems. A revised version of NAL is given here, including revised syntax, a revised proof theory using localized hypotheses, and a new Kripke semantics. The proof theory is proved sound with respect to the semantics, and that proof is formalized in Coq

    Belief Semantics of Authorization Logic

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    Authorization logics have been used in the theory of computer security to reason about access control decisions. In this work, a formal belief semantics for authorization logics is given. The belief semantics is proved to subsume a standard Kripke semantics. The belief semantics yields a direct representation of principals' beliefs, without resorting to the technical machinery used in Kripke semantics. A proof system is given for the logic; that system is proved sound with respect to the belief and Kripke semantics. The soundness proof for the belief semantics, and for a variant of the Kripke semantics, is mechanized in Coq

    Checking Interaction-Based Declassification Policies for Android Using Symbolic Execution

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    Mobile apps can access a wide variety of secure information, such as contacts and location. However, current mobile platforms include only coarse access control mechanisms to protect such data. In this paper, we introduce interaction-based declassification policies, in which the user's interactions with the app constrain the release of sensitive information. Our policies are defined extensionally, so as to be independent of the app's implementation, based on sequences of security-relevant events that occur in app runs. Policies use LTL formulae to precisely specify which secret inputs, read at which times, may be released. We formalize a semantic security condition, interaction-based noninterference, to define our policies precisely. Finally, we describe a prototype tool that uses symbolic execution to check interaction-based declassification policies for Android, and we show that it enforces policies correctly on a set of apps.Comment: This research was supported in part by NSF grants CNS-1064997 and 1421373, AFOSR grants FA9550-12-1-0334 and FA9550-14-1-0334, a partnership between UMIACS and the Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences, and the National Security Agenc

    Randomized Extended Kaczmarz for Solving Least-Squares

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    We present a randomized iterative algorithm that exponentially converges in expectation to the minimum Euclidean norm least squares solution of a given linear system of equations. The expected number of arithmetic operations required to obtain an estimate of given accuracy is proportional to the square condition number of the system multiplied by the number of non-zeros entries of the input matrix. The proposed algorithm is an extension of the randomized Kaczmarz method that was analyzed by Strohmer and Vershynin.Comment: 19 Pages, 5 figures; code is available at https://github.com/zouzias/RE

    Four results on randomized incremental constructions

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    We prove four results on randomized incremental constructions (RICs): \begin{itemize} \item an analysis of the expected behavior under insertion and deletions, \item a fully dynamic data structure for convex hull maintenance in arbitrary dimensions, \item a tail estimate for the space complexity of RICs, \item a lower bound on the complexity of a game related to RICs. \end{itemize

    Solving the riddle of codon usage preferences: a test for translational selection

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    Translational selection is responsible for the unequal usage of synonymous codons in protein coding genes in a wide variety of organisms. It is one of the most subtle and pervasive forces of molecular evolution, yet, establishing the underlying causes for its idiosyncratic behaviour across living kingdoms has proven elusive to researchers over the past 20 years. In this study, a statistical model for measuring translational selection in any given genome is developed, and the test is applied to 126 fully sequenced genomes, ranging from archaea to eukaryotes. It is shown that tRNA gene redundancy and genome size are interacting forces that ultimately determine the action of translational selection, and that an optimal genome size exists for which this kind of selection is maximal. Accordingly, genome size also presents upper and lower boundaries beyond which selection on codon usage is not possible. We propose a model where the coevolution of genome size and tRNA genes explains the observed patterns in translational selection in all living organisms. This model finally unifies our understanding of codon usage across prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Helicobacter pylori, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Homo sapiens are codon usage paradigms that can be better understood under the proposed model

    3 W of single-frequency output at 532 nm by intracavity frequency doubling of a diode-bar-pumped Nd:YAG ring laser 3 W of single-frequency output at 532 nm by intracavity frequency doubling of a diode-bar-pumped Nd:YAG ring laser

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    A beam-shaped 20W diode-bar has longitudinally pumped a Nd:YAG laser in a ring configuration. Unidirectional single-frequency operation is enforced by a Faraday rotator. Intracavity frequency doubling, using a KTP crystal has produced 3W of stable, single-frequency TEMoo output at 532nm

    Observational Constraints on the Averaged Universe

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    Averaging in general relativity is a complicated operation, due to the general covariance of the theory and the non-linearity of Einstein's equations. The latter of these ensures that smoothing spacetime over cosmological scales does not yield the same result as solving Einstein's equations with a smooth matter distribution, and that the smooth models we fit to observations need not be simply related to the actual geometry of spacetime. One specific consequence of this is a decoupling of the geometrical spatial curvature term in the metric from the dynamical spatial curvature in the Friedmann equation. Here we investigate the consequences of this decoupling by fitting to a combination of HST, CMB, SNIa and BAO data sets. We find that only the geometrical spatial curvature is tightly constrained, and that our ability to constrain dark energy dynamics will be severely impaired until we gain a thorough understanding of the averaging problem in cosmology.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure