5,365 research outputs found

    Introduction. Out of Hidden India: Adivasi Histories, Stories, Visual Arts and Performances

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    This issue of Anglistica AION is dedicated to indigenous India and to some of its forms of emerging subjectivity. After having been studied by ethnoanthropologists as cultural exceptions or worse after having embodied the stereotype of the ‘born offender’ in colonial legislation, Indian tribals are claiming a new articulated visibility and an amplified political resonance. As Rashmi Varma remarks, in post-independence India, tribals are emerging as political protagonists in their own right asking, and in part obtaining, attention and recognition. Unfortunately even in the postcolonial state tribals continue to suffer from an easy mis-representation of their role and status, figuring very often as dangerous insurgents who threaten national security or as backward minorities whose survival hinders development

    Bose-Einstein Correlations in Multihadron Events at LEP

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    Bose-Einstein correlations in pairs of identical particles were analyzed in e+ e- multihadron annihilations at ~91.2 GeV at LEP. The first studies involved identical charged pions and the emitting source size was determined. Then the study of charged kaons suggested that the radius depends on the mass of the emitted particles. Subsequenty the dependence of the source radius on the event multiplicity was analyzed. The study of the correlations in neutral pions and neutral kaons extended these concepts to neutral particles. The shape of the source was analyzed in 3 dimensions and was found not to be spherically symmetric. In recent studies at LEP the correlations were analyzed in intervals of the average pair transverse momentum and of the pair rapidity to study the correlations between the pion production points and their momenta (position-momentum correlations). The latest e+ e- data are consistent with an expanding source.Comment: 8 pages, 10 eps figures. Invited paper at the ``Ninth Workshop on Non Perturbative QCD'', Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France, 4-8 June 200

    Cluster and field elliptical galaxies at z~1.3. The marginal role of the environment and the relevance of the galaxy central regions

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    We compared the properties of 56 elliptical galaxies selected from three clusters at 1.2<z<1.41.2<z<1.4 with those of field galaxies in the GOODS-S (~30), COSMOS (~180) and CANDELS (~220) fields. We studied the relationships among effective radius, surface brightness, stellar mass, stellar mass density ΣRe\Sigma_{Re} and central mass density Σ1kpc\Sigma_{1kpc} within 1 kpc radius. We find that cluster ellipticals do not differ from field ellipticals: they share the same structural parameters at fixed mass and the same scaling relations. On the other hand, the population of field ellipticals at z1.3z\sim1.3 shows a significant lack of massive (M>2×1011M_*> 2\times 10^{11} M_\odot) and large (Re>45_e > 4-5 kpc) ellipticals with respect to the cluster. Nonetheless, at M<2×1011M*<2\times 10^{11} M_\odot, the two populations are similar. The size-mass relation of ellipticals at z~1.3 defines two different regimes, above and below a transition mass mt23×1010m_t\sim 2-3\times10^{10} M_\odot: at lower masses the relation is nearly flat (ReM0.1±0.2_e\propto M_*^{-0.1\pm 0.2}), the mean radius is constant at ~1 kpc and ΣReΣ1kpc\Sigma_{Re}\sim \Sigma_{1kpc} while, at larger masses, the relation is ReM0.64±0.09_e\propto M*^{0.64\pm0.09}. The transition mass marks the mass at which galaxies reach the maximum ΣRe\Sigma_{Re}. Also the Σ1kpc\Sigma_{1kpc}-mass relation follows two different regimes, Σ1kpcM1.07 <mt0.64 >mt\Sigma_{1kpc}\propto M*^{0.64\ >m_t}_{1.07\ <m_t}, defining a transition mass density Σ1kpc23×103\Sigma_{1kpc}\sim 2-3\times10^3 M_\odot pc2^{-2}. The mass density ΣRe\Sigma_{Re} does not correlate with mass, dense/compact galaxies can be assembled over a wide mass regime, independently of the environment. The central mass density, Σ1kpc\Sigma_{1kpc}, besides to be correlated with the mass, is correlated to the age of the stellar population: the higher the central stellar mass density, the higher the mass, the older the age of the stellar population. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 20 pages, 13 figures (replaced to match the A&A version

    The role of temporal factors in pitch perception

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    Abstract no. 4aPP1published_or_final_versio

    Evidence against an effect of grouping by spectral regularity on the perception of virtual pitch

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    Two experiments investigated the role of the regularity of the frequency spacing of harmonics, as a separate factor from harmonicity, on the perception of the virtual pitch of a harmonic series. The first experiment compared the shifts produced by mistuning the 3rd, 4th, and 5th harmonics in the pitch of two harmonic series: the odd-H and the all-H tones. The odd-H tone contained odd harmonics 1 to 11, plus the 4th harmonic; the all-H tone contained harmonics 1 to 12. Both tones had a fundamental frequency of 155 Hz. Pitch shifts produced by mistuning the 3rd harmonic, but not the 4th and 5th harmonics, were found to be significantly larger for the odd-H tone than for the all-H tone. This finding was consistent with the idea that grouping by spectral regularity affects pitch perception since an odd harmonic made a larger contribution than an adjacent even harmonic to the pitch of the odd-H tone. However, an alternative explanation was that the 3rd mistuned harmonic produced larger pitch shifts within the odd-H tone than the 4th mistuned harmonic because of differences in the partial masking of these harmonics by adjacent harmonics. The second experiment tested these explanations by measuring pitch shifts for a modified all-H tone in which each mistuned odd harmonic was tested in the presence of the 4th harmonic, but in the absence of its other even-numbered neighbor. The results showed that, for all mistuned harmonics, pitch shifts for the modified all-H tone were not significantly different from those for the odd-H tone. These findings suggest that the harmonic relations among frequency components, rather than the regularity of their frequency spacing, is the primary factor for the perception of the virtual pitch of complex sounds.published_or_final_versio

    Temporal aspects of pitch perception at high and low S/N ratios

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    Colour gradients in cluster ellipticals at z ∼ 1.4: the hidden content of the galaxy central regions

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    The main aim of my Ph.D. thesis is to study how the colour of a sample of cluster ellipticals radially changes and to study its origin in term of variation of the stellar population properties in order to put constraints on the mechanisms of the stellar mass assembly in elliptical galaxies. To this aim, I jointly studied the rest-frame UV-U and UR colour gradients for a sample of 17 elliptical galaxies morphologically selected in the cluster XMMU J2235.3-2557 at z=1.39. The analysis shows that the U-R colour gradients are systematically negative (∼70%) or null (~30%), never positive. On the other hand, the UV-U gradients are systematically positive (∼80%) or null (~20%), never negative. Using stellar population synthesis models, we found that the behavior of the two colour gradients cannot be simultaneously explained by a radial variation of age, metallicity and/or dust. In particular, the negative observed U-R gradients can be produced by an age/metallicity gradient. On the contrary, the positive UV-U gradients cannot be explained with age or metallicity variations and imply an excess of UV emission towards the galaxies’ central regions. This excess calls into question mechanisms able to efficiently produce UV emission without altering the spectrum at longer wavelengths. The data require either steady weak star formation (< 1 M⊙ yr−1) or an He-rich population in the cores of these galaxies in order to simultaneously reproduce both the colour gradients. We have then investigated whether colour gradients depend on the environment, comparing our results with colour gradients in field ellipticals at a comparable redshift present in literature. We found that both cluster and field ellipticals present negative U-R gradients mutually consistent. Conversely to cluster ellipticals, field ellipticals show both positive and negative UV-U gradients. Although the small statistic, this could suggest that the environment could have influenced the evolution of elliptical galaxies. Finally, through the evolution of colour gradients, we investigated how these cluster ellipticals have evolved from z=1.39 to z=0. We found that the evolution of the studied galaxies is consistent with a passive evolution