974 research outputs found

    Liquid Phase adsorption of alpha-Tocopherol by activated carbon

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    α-Tocopherol or commonly called vitamin E can be found in major commercial vegetable oils such as soya oil and palm oil. However the existence in these oil is in low concentration. The recovery of low concentration of α-tocopherol from palm oils is increasingly popular. Adsorption technique for the recovery of α-tocopherol from palm oil is believed to be much lower in cost and more effective. As a case study in this work, activated carbon is chosen as the adsorbent and ethanol as the solvent. The adsorption equilibria of α-tocopherol onto activated carbon was conducted in batch and the concentration of α-tocopherol was identified by LCMS. Langmuirian monolayer adsorption theory was used for the analysis of the isotherm equilibria. The adsorptivity of α-tocopherol onto activated carbon was identified. The adsorption equilibria at low concentration found to be linear. The breakthrough curve was then generated using model assuming isothermal, single transition trace component with intraparticle diffusion. Sensitivity test on the curve indicated that the system is very sensitive to changes in diffusitivity and passive to changes on the equilibrium constant

    Comparative study of natural and artificial wind for thermal comfort studies

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    Wind speed is widely known factor affecting human thermal perception and comfort. However, little is available about the dynamic characteristics of natural and artificial wind. Currently, some investigators addressed the dynamic aspect of natural and artificial wind speed for thermal comfort according to power spectrum slope. However, there is little information about the dynamic characteristics of wind direction (wind azimuth) and elevation. The aim of this study is to investigate some of the characteristics of natural versus artificial wind at various sampling time. Measurements of natural and artificial wind were made using ultrasonic anemometer. The study location is Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. Wind speed, wind direction, wind elevation and air temperature are the recorded parameters. In the present case study, the artificial wind is referred to the indoor wind generated by air conditioning and USB fan simultaneously. Several differences were observed between natural and artificial wind at various sampling time. The power spectral slopes of natural wind speed, wind direction, wind elevation and air temperature were higher than the case of artificial wind

    R-process nucleosynthesis during explosion of low-mass neutron stars in close binaries

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    We investigate the explosion of low-mass neutron stars through Newtonian hydrodynamic simulations. We couple the hydrodynamics to a nuclear reaction network consisting of 4500\sim 4500 isotopes to study the impact of nuclear reactions, mainly neutron capture, β\beta-decays, and spontaneous fission of nuclei, on the development of hydrodynamic instability of a neutron star. We show that after mass removal from the surfaces, low-mass neutron stars undergo delayed explosion, and an electron anti-neutrino burst with a peak luminosity of 3×1050\sim3\times10^{50} erg s1^{-1} is emitted, while the ejecta is heated to 109\sim10^{9} K. A robust r-process nucleosynthesis is realized in the ejecta. Lanthanides and heavy elements near the second and third r-process peaks are synthesized as end products of nucleosynthesis, suggesting that the explosions of low-mass neutron stars could be a potentially important source of solar chemical elements.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Report on the workshop on progress in wastewater treatment and Reuse Technology (PWTRT-2013) on 19th - 22nd December 2013

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    "The “Workshop on Progress in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Technology (PWTRT-2013)” is organized with a key view to document the contribution and impact of research, development and innovations of the wastewater treatment industry especially on palm oil industry, oil and gas industry, dye, pulp and paper and urban wastewater. A total of 19 research scholars including 2 from China and 1 from Indonesia presented the latest work covering a wide variety of water treatment technologies in the lab scale as well industrial scale

    Experimental study to determine the effect of wire mesh pore size on natural draft chimney performance

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    Chimney is an important part of the industries to remove waste heat from the processes side to the atmosphere. The increased demand of energy helps to restart to think about the efficiency of chimney as well as to find out a valid option to replace forced draft chimney system from industries. In this study natural draft chimney model is air flow rate; exit air temperature and pressure losses are studied through modification with wire mesh screen and compare the results with without wire mesh screen chimney model. The heat load is varies from 0.1 kW to 1kW and three different wire mesh screens that have pore size 0.15 mm2, 0.40 mm2 and 4.0 mm2 respectively are used. The experimental results show that natural draft chimney model with wire mesh screens significantly restored the flow losses compared to the system without wire mesh screen. The natural draft chimney model with 0.40 mm2 pore size wire mesh screen can minimize the draft losses better than others and able to enhance velocity about 54 % exit air temperature about 41% and pressure loss decreased by about 20%. Therefore, it can be decided that the wire mesh screens significantly minimize the draft losses in the natural draft chimney and 0.40 mm2 pore size screen will be a suitable optio

    Accretion-induced Collapse of Dark Matter-admixed Rotating White Dwarfs: Dynamics and Gravitational-wave Signals

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    We present two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of the accretion-induced collapse (AIC) of rotating white dwarfs admixed with an extended component of dark matter (DM) comprising of sub-GeV degenerate fermionic DM particles. We find that the DM component would follow the collapse of the normal matter (NM) component to become a bound DM core. Thus, we demonstrate how a DM-admixed neutron star could form through DM-admixed AIC (DMAIC) for the first time, with the dynamics of DM taken into account. The gravitational-wave (GW) signature from the DMAIC shows distinctive features. In the diffusive DM limit, the DM admixture indirectly suppresses the post-bounce spectral peak of the NM GWs. In the compact DM limit, the collapse dynamics of the DM in a Milky Way event generate GWs that are strong enough to be detectable by Advanced LIGO as continuous low-frequency (<1000< 1000 Hz) signals after the NM core bounce. Our study not only is the first-ever computation of GW from a collapsing DM object but also provides the key features to identify DM in AIC events through future GW detections.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    A chimney of low height to diameter ratio for solar crops dryer

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    Sabah, Malaysia is rich with solar energy where the daily mean daylight is the for is available for 4–8h. The sunlight can be used effectively in a suitable solar crops drying system. Solar crops dryer with mechanical system is an efficient and suitable option for crops drying. Mechanical system can be replaced with a modified chimney and a conceptual design is proposed. Previously, in the laboratory, a number of experiments had been conducted by using conventional chimney and modified chimney with four different heat loads varied from 1 to 2.5kW and also for different chimney heights varying from 0.3 to 1.2m as well as three different types of chimney model with face areas of 0.56, 1.00, and 2.25m2. It had been found that the modified chimney significantly reduced the effect of flow reversal or cold inflow and restored the loss in flow rate. The current study using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) managed to show draft enhancement by the modified chimney and revealed the pressure prior to exit to be higher than ambient compared with the lower pressure in normal chimney, indicating vulnerability of normal chimneys to flow reversal but positive prevention in a modified chimney