3 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: of Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor activation promotes mammary gland tumor development by increasing glycolysis and promoting biomass production

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    Chronic insulin analogue treatment does not affect the mutational profile of the tumors. A) The average number of point mutations per treatment group. B) The average number of frame shifts per treatment. C) The average number of start CODON insertions per treatment. D) The average number of stop CODON insertions per treatment. (TIF 12348 kb

    Additional file 1: of Treatment with insulin (analogues) and breast cancer risk in diabetics; a systematic review and meta-analysis of in vitro, animal and human evidence

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    ESM 1. Search strategy for each database, study selection and results. ESM 2. Characterization of cells lines. Additional materials and methods section. ESM 3. Method for quality evaluation of epidemiological studies. ESM 4. Description of the included studies. Table S1. Protein and gene expression of hormone receptors for in vitro human mammary cell lines included. Table S2. Description of epidemiological studies included in the systematic review. Table S3. a Characteristics of the case control studies included in the systematic review. b Characteristics of the cohort studies included in the systematic review. c Characteristics of the randomized clinical trials included in the systematic review. Table S4. Relative risk estimations for breast cancer among different duration and dose categories within insulin treatment groups. Table S5. Quality evaluation of the epidemiological studies included in the systematic review*. Figure S1. Forest plot of breast cancer risk among insulin (analogue) users stratified by treatment group and type of effect estimate. Different exposure comparisons within one study are indicated by a, b, c. The exposure comparison can be found in Table 3 and Additional file 1: Table S2. (PDF 457 kb