963 research outputs found

    Privacy Invasion Experiences and Perceptions: a Comparison Between Germany and the Arab World

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    Similar to research in behavioral psychology, research in privacy and usable security has focused mainly on Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies. This excludes a large portion of the population affected by privacy implications of technology. In this work, we report on a survey (N=117) in which we studied technology-related privacy concerns of users from different countries, including developing countries such as Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, and developed countries such as Germany. By comparing results from those countries, and relating our findings to previous work, we brought forth multiple novel insights that are specific to privacy of users from under-investigated countries. We discuss the implications of our findings on the design of privacy protection mechanisms

    Low-Grade Fibromyxoid Sarcoma in Breast: A Rare Case Report

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    Sarkoma fibromyxoid tingkat rendah (LGFMS) adalah tumor jaringan lunak langka yang terdiri dari sel-sel gelendong hambar dalam stroma fibrosa hingga myxoid yang bervariasi, meskipun penampilan histologisnya jinak, menunjukkan risiko metastasis yang signifikan. 1% atau kurang dari semua kanker dengan asal rongga adalah LGFMS. Jarang, mereka dapat ditemukan di tempat-tempat aneh termasuk retroperitoneum, kepala, atau dinding dada. Berikut ini kami sajikan sebuah kasus, Seorang pasien wanita berusia 61 tahun datang dengan massa yang tumbuh lambat tanpa rasa sakit dan secara klinis ganas di payudara kiri. Sudah hadir selama 4 tahun. Biopsi dilakukan, ditemukan stroma tersusun atas sel-sel berbentuk gelendong, nukleus vesikuler tersusun melintang. ada sedikit jaringan myxoid dan ada fokus jaringan hialin dengan sedikit kalsifikasi. 1-2 sel mitosis dan banyak infiltrasi limfosit plasma terlihat. LGFMS secara histologis ditandai sebagai neoplasma jaringan lunak yang tampak hambar, tetapi tumor ditemukan terkait dengan perilaku agresif dan tingkat kekambuhan lokal yang tinggi atau metastasis jauh. Entitas serupa dicirikan oleh mawar raksasa dan adanya area pulau aselular terhialinisasi yang dikelilingi oleh sel oval dan gelendong telah dinamai sebagai "Tumor Sel Spindel Hyalinisasi dengan Mawar Raksasa" (HSTGR). Kehadiran area fokal seluleritas tinggi, pembesaran inti, peningkatan aktivitas mitosis, dan nekrosis tidak dianggap sebagai prognostik yang buruk untuk kekambuhan atau metastasis. Manajemen bedah adalah terapi standar dan memiliki potensi kekambuhan dan metastasis yang tinggi. Ukuran tumor yang kecil mungkin merupakan faktor prognostik yang menguntungkan. Radioterapi lokal perlu dianjurkan untuk pencegahan kekambuhan dan metastasis

    In-situ Estimation of Time-averaging Uncertainties in Turbulent Flow Simulations

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    The statistics obtained from turbulent flow simulations are generally uncertain due to finite time averaging. The techniques available in the literature to accurately estimate these uncertainties typically only work in an offline mode, that is, they require access to all available samples of a time series at once. In addition to the impossibility of online monitoring of uncertainties during the course of simulations, such an offline approach can lead to input/output (I/O) deficiencies and large storage/memory requirements, which can be problematic for large-scale simulations of turbulent flows. Here, we designed, implemented and tested a framework for estimating time-averaging uncertainties in turbulence statistics in an in-situ (online/streaming/updating) manner. The proposed algorithm relies on a novel low-memory update formula for computing the sample-estimated autocorrelation functions (ACFs). Based on this, smooth modeled ACFs of turbulence quantities can be generated to accurately estimate the time-averaging uncertainties in the corresponding sample mean estimators. The resulting uncertainty estimates are highly robust, accurate, and quantitatively the same as those obtained by standard offline estimators. Moreover, the computational overhead added by the in-situ algorithm is found to be negligible. The framework is completely general and can be used with any flow solver and also integrated into the simulations over conformal and complex meshes created by adopting adaptive mesh refinement techniques. The results of the study are encouraging for the further development of the in-situ framework for other uncertainty quantification and data-driven analyses relevant not only to large-scale turbulent flow simulations, but also to the simulation of other dynamical systems leading to time-varying quantities with autocorrelated samples

    Evaluation of human first trimester decidual and telomerase-transformed endometrial stromal cells as model systems of in vitro decidualization

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Decidualization, the differentiation process of maternal uterine stromal cells into secretory decidual cells, is a prerequisite for successful implantation and progression of pregnancy. For in vitro differentiation mostly primary human endometrial stromal cells (HESC) isolated from uterine samples after hysterectomy for benign gynaecological diseases are utilised. However, a continuous supply of endometrial tissue is often lacking. Hence, we analysed whether cultivated human decidual stromal cells (HDSC) prepared from first trimester pregnancy terminations may represent an alternative model system for in vitro decidualization. Moreover, based on the expression of critical marker genes these cells were compared to a previously established endometrial stromal cell line during in vitro differentiation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>HDSC isolated from decidual tissue attached to first trimester placentae, and telomerase-transformed human endometrial stromal cells (THESC) were characterised by immunofluorescence and differentiated in vitro using either cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and/or estrogen (E2)/progesterone (P4). Proliferation was measured by analyzing cumulative cell numbers. Expression of mRNAs encoding progesterone receptor (PR), prolactin (PRL), insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP1), and Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) was evaluated using quantitative PCR after 3, 6, 9 and 12 days of in vitro differentiation. PRL and IGFBP-1 protein expression was investigated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blotting, respectively. Furthermore, forkhead box O1A (FOXO1A), a critical transcription factor in decidualization, was analysed by immunofluorescence and Western blotting at two different time points of differentiation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Treatment with cAMP provoked morphological changes and growth arrest of THESC and HDSC, the latter showing loss of cells after 6 days of treatment. E2P4 stimulation did neither affect cell morphology nor proliferation of THESC and HDSC. Upon cAMP stimulation PR mRNA was suppressed in HDSC but not in THESC, whereas E2P4 did not alter transcript levels in both cell types. Protein expression of PR-A and PR-B was detectable in HDSC and diminished under cAMP, whereas THESC failed to produce the nuclear receptors. Supplementation of cAMP induced mRNA and protein expression of PRL and IGFBP-1 in both cell types at day 3, 6, 9, and 12 of treatment. In HDSC stimulation with E2P4 increased PRL and IGFBP-1 mRNA and protein production, whereas hormone treatment did not induce the two factors in THESC. E2P4 increased DKK1 mRNA at all time points in HDSC and cAMP provoked induction at day 9 and 12 of differentiation. In contrast, cAMP suppressed DKK1 mRNA in THESC, whereas E2P4 was ineffective. In both cell types combined treatments with cAMP and E2P4 provoked higher expression levels of PRL and IGFBP1 mRNA and protein as compared to cAMP stimulation alone. FOXO1A protein and its nuclear abundance were increased by cAMP in both cell types. However, reduction of its nuclear localisation upon E2P4 treatment could only be observed in HDSC.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Both HDSC and THESC may represent suitable model systems for cAMP-dependent in vitro decidualization. Since cAMP decreases cell viability of HDSC after 6 days of incubation, this substance should be preferentially used in short-term experiments. Progesterone treatment of THESC might not be applicable since these cells lack progesterone response and PR protein. In contrast, stimulation of PR-expressing HDSC with E2P4 or cAMP/E2P4 may represent an appropriate protocol for human in vitro decidualization inducing and maintaining expression of critical marker genes in a time-dependent manner.</p

    Tailoring epitaxial growth and magnetism in La1-xSrxMnO3 / SrTiO3 heterostructures via temperature-driven defect engineering

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    Among the class of strongly-correlated oxides, La1-xSrxMnO3 - a half metallic ferromagnet with a Curie temperature above room temperature - has sparked a huge interest as a functional building block for memory storage and spintronic applications. In this respect, defect engineering has been in the focus of a long-standing quest for fabricating LSMO thin films with highest quality in terms of both structural and magnetic properties. Here, we discuss the correlation between structural defects, such as oxygen vacancies and impurity islands, and magnetism in La0.74Sr0.26MnO3/SrTiO3 (LSMO/STO) epitaxial heterostructures by systematic control of the growth temperature and post-deposition annealing conditions. Upon increasing the growth temperature within the 500 - 700 ^{\circ}C range, the epitaxial LSMO films experience a progressive improvement in oxygen stoichiometry, leading to enhanced magnetic characteristics. Concurrently, however, the use of a high growth temperature triggers the diffusion of impurities from the bulk of STO, which cause the creation of off-stoichiometric, dendritic-like SrMoOx islands at the film/substrate interface. As a valuable workaround, post-deposition annealing of the LSMO films grown at a relatively-low temperature of about 500 ^{\circ}C permits to obtain high-quality epitaxy, atomically-flat surface as well as a sharp magnetic transition above room temperature and robust ferromagnetism. Furthermore, under such optimized fabrication conditions possible scenarios for the formation of the magnetic dead layer as a function of LSMO film thickness are discussed. Our findings offer effective routes to finely tailor the complex interplay between structural and magnetic properties of LSMO thin films via temperature-controlled defect engineering

    Influence of groundwater composition on the reductive precipitation of U(VI) on corroding iron foil surfaces

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    In order to assess the disposal of spent nuclear fuel in a deep geological nuclear waste repository, the interactions between U(VI) and corroded iron present in the canister material are of importance. It is important to correctly model the fate of the oxidatively dissolved uranium in order to correctly estimate radium releases from the canister in the long term. The release of radionuclides into the environment depends on the dissolution of the UO2 matrix which is dependent on the redox conditions at the fuel surface. The effect of metallic iron on the reduction of U(VI) was studied under anoxic conditions using synthetic groundwaters with different compositions, chosen to investigate the influence of calcium-uranyl-carbonato complexes on the thermodynamics and kinetics of U(VI) reduction on anoxically corroding iron. The corrosion products formed on the iron surface were investigated using SEM-EDS and XPS to identify elemental composition and oxidation states of uranium and iron on the surface. The iron foils efficiently reduced U(VI) to U(IV) causing its significant sorption and precipitation on the iron foil surfaces in the form of U(IV)

    Comparison Between Hydrogel Polyurethane Foam and Standard Dressing for Treatment of Chronic Ischemic Wound

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    Introduction.Chronic wounds are very common and difficult to treat. One of recent methods is the application of hydrogel polyurethane foam. This study aims to compare hydrogel polyurethane foam with saline wet gauze, in the healing process of chronic ischemic wounds in rabbits.Materials and methods.Ischemic chronic wounds were made to the cartilage in the left ear of 16 male rabbits. Wounds were treated with hydrogel polyurethane foam and saline wet gauze for 4 weeks.Results.Chronic wounds heal with the use of hydrogel polyurethane foam in 15 samples (93.75%). While using saline wet gauze, chronic wounds heal in 13 samples (81.25 %). Conclusions. Application of hydrogel polyurethane foam has clinically better result than saline wet gauze although there is not any statistically significant difference

    Is animal-assisted therapy for minimally conscious state beneficial? A case study

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    The goal of this single case study was to qualitatively investigate the effects of animal-assisted therapy in a patient in a minimally conscious state.; We present a 28-year-old female patient in a minimally conscious state following polytrauma after a sports accident leading to cerebral fat embolism causing multiple CNS ischemic lesions. She received eight animal-assisted therapy sessions and eight paralleled control therapy sessions over 4 weeks. We investigated the reactions of the patient during these sessions; via; qualitative behavior analysis.; The patient showed a broader variability and higher quality of behavior during animal-assisted therapy compared to control therapy sessions.; The observed behavioral changes showed higher arousal and increased awareness in the presence of an animal. The presented case supports the assumption that animal-assisted therapy can be a beneficial treatment approach for patients in a minimally conscious state