14 research outputs found

    Separation of 44Sc from Natural Calcium Carbonate Targets for Synthesis of 44Sc-DOTATATE

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    The rapid increase in applications of scandium isotopes in nuclear medicine requires new efficient production routes for these radioisotopes. Recently, irradiations of calcium in cyclotrons by , deuteron, and proton beams have been used. Therefore, effective post-irradiation separation and preconcentration of the radioactive scandium from the calcium matrix are important to obtain the pure final product in a relatively small volume. Nobias resin was used as a sorbent for effective separation of 44Sc from calcium targets. Separation was performed at pH 3 using a column containing 10 mg of resin. Scandium was eluted with 100 L of 2 mol L1 HCl. Particular attention was paid to the reduction of calcium concentration, presence of metallic impurities, robustness and simple automation. 44Sc was separated with 94.9 2.8% yield, with results in the range of 91.7–99.0%. Purity of the eluate was confirmed with ICP-OES determination of metallic impurities and >99% chelation efficiency with DOTATATE, followed by >36 h radiochemical stability of the complex. A wide range of optimal conditions and robustness to target variability and suspended matter facilitates the proposed method in automatic systems for scandium isotope separation and synthesis of scandium-labeled radiopharmaceuticals

    Production of medical Sc radioisotopes with an alpha particle beam

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    The internal α-particle beam of the Warsaw Heavy Ion Cyclotron was used to produce research quantities of the medically interesting Sc radioisotopes from natural Ca and K and isotopically enriched 42Ca targets. The targets were made of metallic calcium, calcium carbonate and potassium chloride. New data on the production yields and impurities generated during the target irradiations are presented for the positron emitters 43Sc, 44 gSc and 44 mSc. The different paths for the production of the long lived 44 mSc/44 gSc in vivo generator, proposed by the ARRONAX team, using proton and deuteron beams as well as alpha-particle beams are discussed. Due to the larger angular momentum transfer in the formation of the compound nucleus in the case of the alpha particle induced reactions, the isomeric ratio of 44 mSc/44 gSc at a bombarding energy of 29 MeV is five times larger than previously determined for a deuteron beam and twenty times larger than for proton induced reactions on enriched CaCO3 targets. Therefore, formation of this generator via the alpha-particle route seems a very attractive way to form these isotopes. The experimental data presented here are compared with theoretical predictions made using the EMPIRE evaporation code. Reasonable agreement is generally observed

    Calcium targets for production of the medical Sc radioisotopes in reactions with p, d or α projectiles

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    The scandium radioisotopes for medical application can be produced in reactions of calcium with proton, deuteron or alpha projectiles. Enriched isotopic calcium material is commercially available mainly as calcium carbonate which can be used directly for production of Sc radioisotopes or can be converted into other calcium compounds or into metallic form. The superiority of application of calcium oxide is shown throughout analysis of use of each target chemical form

    Improved procedures of Sc(OH)3 precipitation and UTEVA extraction for 44Sc separation

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    BACKGROUND: 44Sc is becoming attractive as a PET radionuclide due to its decay characteristics. It can be produced from 44Ca present in natural calcium with 2.08% abundance. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The targets were mostly prepared from natural CaCO3 or metallic calcium in the form of pellets. After irradiation they were dissolved in 3 M hydrochloric acid and 44Sc was separated from excess of calcium by precipitation of scandium hydroxide using ammonia. Alternatively, targets were dissolved in 11 M hydrochloric acid and 44Sc was separated by extraction chromatography on UTEVA resin. As the next step, in both processes 44Sc was further purified on a cation exchange resin. Initially, the separation procedures were developed with 46Sc as a tracer. Gamma spectrometry with a high purity germanium detector was used to determine the separation efficiency. Finally, the CaCO3 pellet with 99.2% enrichment in 44Ca was activated with protons via 44Ca(p,n)44Sc nuclear reaction. RESULTS: Altogether twenty two irradiations and separations were performed. The working procedures were developed and the quality of separated 44Sc solution was confirmed by radiolabeling of DOTATATE. The chemical purity of the product was sufficient for preclinical experiments. At the end of around 1 hour proton beam irradiation of CaCO3 pellet with 99.2% enrichment in 44Ca the obtained radioactivity of 44Sc was more than 4.8 GBq. CONCLUSION: 44Sc can be produced inexpensively with adequate yields and radionuclidic purity via 44Ca(p,n)44Sc nuclear reaction in small cyclotrons. The recovery yield in both investigated separation methods was comparable and amounted above 90%. The obtained 44Sc was pure in terms of radionuclide and chemical purity, as shown by the results of peptide radiolabeling

    Cyclotron production of 43Sc for PET imaging

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    Recently, significant interest in 44Sc as a tracer for positron emission tomography (PET) imaging has been observed. Unfortunately, the co-emission by 44Sc of high-energy γ rays (Eγ = 1157, 1499 keV) causes a dangerous increase of the radiation dose to the patients and clinical staff. However, it is possible to produce another radionuclide of scandium—43Sc—having properties similar to 44Sc but is characterized by much lower energy of the concurrent gamma emissions. This work presents the production route of 43Sc by α irradiation of natural calcium, its separation and purification processes, and the labeling of [DOTA,Tyr3] octreotate (DOTATATE) bioconjugate. Methods: Natural CaCO3 and enriched [40Ca]CaCO3 were irradiated with alpha particles for 1 h in an energy range of 14.8–30 MeV at a beam current of 0.5 or 0.25 μA. In order to find the optimum method for the separation of 43Sc from irradiated calcium targets, three processes previously developed for 44Sc were tested. Radiolabeling experiments were performed with DOTATATE radiobioconjugate, and the stability of the obtained 43Sc-DOTATATE was tested in human serum. Results: Studies of natCaCO3 target irradiation by alpha particles show that the optimum alpha particle energies are in the range of 24–27 MeV, giving 102 MBq/μA/h of 43Sc radioactivity which creates the opportunity to produce several GBq of 43Sc. The separation experiments performed indicate that, as with 44Sc, due to the simplicity of the operations and because of the chemical purity of the 43Sc obtained, the best separation process is when UTEVA resin is used. The DOTATATE conjugate was labeled by the obtained 43Sc with a yield >98 % at elevated temperature. Conclusions: Tens of GBq activities of 43Sc of high radionuclidic purity can be obtainable for clinical applications by irradiation of natural calcium with an alpha beam

    Pulverized Coal-Fired Boilers: Future Directions of Scientific Research

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    The paper provides an outlook on future directions of research and the possible applications for pulverized coal-fired boilers. One potential direction for future research is to focus on the ways to improve the efficiency of pulverized coal-fired boilers. This could involve developing new combustion technologies that are able to more thoroughly burn the coal and produce less waste or finding ways to capture and use the excess heat that is generated during the combustion process. The pulverized coal combustion process in power boilers is still being improved by the preliminary cleaning of coal and the use of various catalytic additives. Another area of research that could be valuable is the development of advanced control systems and monitoring technologies for pulverized coal-fired boilers. These systems could be used to optimize the performance of the boiler and ensure that it is operating at maximum efficiency while also providing real-time data on the condition of the boiler and any potential problems that may arise. The analysis of literature shows that several future paths of development and scientific research related to the technology of pulverized coal combustion in boilers can be distinguished

    The Analysis of the Possibility of Feeding a Liquid Catalyst to a Coal Dust Channel

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    This article presents the concept of a method of improving the dynamics of combustion in boilers operating in power plants, cogeneration plants, and heating plants by introducing a catalyst that is fed with a carrier in the form of droplets. Thanks to the proposed method, a greater degree of fuel burnout can be obtained, which, in turn, results in lower energy consumption in the case of producing the same amount of power. The parameters of the emitted exhaust gases and ash are also improved. The method described in the article involves the adding of a catalyst to the dust pipe of the boiler, which improves the combustion parameters. The catalyst was implemented using a sprayer/nebulizer. In order to obtain the correct flow parameters, the sprayer was modeled using CFD calculations. The calculations include trajectories, velocities and concentrations with regards to various flow parameters. Particular attention should be paid to the model of the evaporation of moving droplets. The results of these calculations enable the parameters that guarantee that the catalyst reaches the dust channel outlet in the desired form to be assessed. The analysis is an introduction to experimental research that is carried out on a medium and large scale

    Scandium-44 Radiolabeled Peptide and Peptidomimetic Conjugates Targeting Neuropilin-1 Co-Receptor as Potential Tools for Cancer Diagnosis and Anti-Angiogenic Therapy

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    Pathological angiogenesis, resulting from an imbalance between anti- and pro-angiogenic factors, plays a pivotal role in tumor growth, development and metastasis. The inhibition of the angiogenesis process by the VEGF/VEGFR-2/NRP-1 pathway raises interest in the search for such interaction inhibitors for the purpose of the early diagnosis and treatment of angiogenesis-dependent diseases. In this work we designed and tested peptide-based radiocompounds that selectively bind to the neuropilin-1 co-receptor and prevent the formation of the pro-angiogenic VEGF-A165/NRP-1 complex. Three biomolecules, A7R and retro-inverso DR7A peptides, and the branched peptidomimetic Lys(hArg)-Dab-Pro-Arg (K4R), conjugated with macrocyclic chelator through two linkers’ types, were labeled with theranostic scandium-44 radionuclide, and studied in vitro as potential targeted radiopharmaceuticals. ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) studies showed no negative effect of the introduced biomolecules’ changes and high NRP-1 affinity in the case of A7R- and K4R-radiocompounds and a lack affinity for DR7A-radiocompounds. All radiopeptides showed a hydrophilic nature as well as high stability against ligand exchange reactions in cysteine/histidine solutions. Unfortunately, all radiocompounds showed unsatisfactory nano-scale stability in human serum, especially for use as therapeutic radioagents. Further work is ongoing and focused on the search for angiogenesis inhibitors that are more human serum stable

    The Analysis of the Possibility of Feeding a Liquid Catalyst to a Coal Dust Channel

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    This article presents the concept of a method of improving the dynamics of combustion in boilers operating in power plants, cogeneration plants, and heating plants by introducing a catalyst that is fed with a carrier in the form of droplets. Thanks to the proposed method, a greater degree of fuel burnout can be obtained, which, in turn, results in lower energy consumption in the case of producing the same amount of power. The parameters of the emitted exhaust gases and ash are also improved. The method described in the article involves the adding of a catalyst to the dust pipe of the boiler, which improves the combustion parameters. The catalyst was implemented using a sprayer/nebulizer. In order to obtain the correct flow parameters, the sprayer was modeled using CFD calculations. The calculations include trajectories, velocities and concentrations with regards to various flow parameters. Particular attention should be paid to the model of the evaporation of moving droplets. The results of these calculations enable the parameters that guarantee that the catalyst reaches the dust channel outlet in the desired form to be assessed. The analysis is an introduction to experimental research that is carried out on a medium and large scale

    The Optimal Diameter of the Droplets of a High-Viscosity Liquid Containing Solid State Catalyst Particles

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    The article presents a method of controlling the size of droplets generated by a system that sprays a high-viscosity liquid containing particles of a solid body, i.e., a catalyst. The work is a continuation of previous research concerning the spraying of liquids with a catalyst, which improves the efficiency of the process. As a result of the conducted CFD calculations, it was found that to bring the catalyst to the system, a droplet with a diameter of at least 30 µm should be generated. The tests were carried out on a laboratory scale on a model isopropanol-water system. A polymer containing Raney nickel particles was added to the suspension. The analysis of the obtained data confirmed the possibility of generating droplets with the desired diameters in order for the liquid carrying the catalyst to not evaporate before it is delivered to the combustion chamber. The designed and constructed test system allows the diameters of the generated droplets to be controlled by changing the settings of the spraying nozzle. Moreover, it enables the parameters of the process, and the spraying itself, to be controlled. In further work, tests on a real 0.5 MW facility are planned. Due to the use of a catalyst, a greater degree of fuel burnout can be obtained, and the dynamics of the combustion process can be improved. Additionally, the parameters of the emitted exhaust gases and ash composition can also be enhanced