19,795 research outputs found


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    Game-based bargaining theory is presented to evaluate the potential of and stability of cooperative coalition among producers for enhancing producer returns and managing market price and income risk. Results clarify that collective bargaining can increase and stabilize producer profits when they face a single processor.Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,


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    This paper reconsiders the impacts of generic advertising on commodity prices that may be induced through demand effects. Rather than considering a simple demand shift, we consider the possibility that advertising leads to a change in the curvature of the demand curve. In this case, generic advertising is shown to affect both the level of market prices as well as their volatility. Based on parametric tests, we find that the demand elasticity appears to be affected by the intensity of generic advertising. In addition, we find evidence that generic advertising affects the curvature of the demand curve. We examine the implications of these findings for the price of beef. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that generic advertising enhances price level, while reducing price volatility. The latter result follows from evidence generic advertising increases the convexity of the demand curve with respect to price. The result suggests that generic advertising may provide a mechanism for stabilizing prices. The results also suggest that at any point in time, the effects of generic advertising can be decomposed into a shift and "twist" or curvature change. We present this decomposition and note that it implies the existence of a threshold price. At prices above this threshold, generic advertising will decrease the price elasticity of demand, while below this threshold, generic advertising will increase the price elasticity. This result suggests clearly that the demand effects of generic advertising are price dependent. The extent of this effect deserves further examination though findings in this paper strongly motivate further study.Marketing,

    Gene Regulation by Riboswitches with and without Negative Feedback Loop

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    Riboswitches, structured elements in the untranslated regions of messenger RNAs, regulate gene expression by binding specific metabolites. We introduce a kinetic network model that describes the functions of riboswitches at the systems level. Using experimental data for flavin mono nucleotide riboswitch as a guide we show that efficient function, implying a large dynamic range without compromising the requirement to suppress transcription, is determined by a balance between the transcription speed, the folding and unfolding rates of the aptamer, and the binding rates of the metabolite. We also investigated the effect of negative feedback accounting for binding to metabolites, which are themselves the products of genes that are being regulated. For a range of transcription rates negative feedback suppresses gene expression by nearly 10 fold. Negative feedback speeds the gene expression response time, and suppresses the change of steady state protein concentration by half relative to that without feedback, when there is a modest spike in DNA concentration. A dynamic phase diagram expressed in terms of transcription speed, folding rates, and metabolite binding rates predicts different scenarios in riboswitch-mediated transcription regulation.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Influence of friction forces on the motion of VTOL aircraft during landing operations on ships at sea

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    Equations describing the friction forces generated during landing operations on ships at sea were formulated. These forces depend on the platform reaction and the coefficient of friction. The platform reaction depends on the relative sink rate and the shock absorbing capability of the landing gear. The friction coefficient varies with the surface condition of the landing platform and the angle of yaw of the aircraft relative to the landing platform. Landings by VTOL aircraft, equipped with conventional oleopneumatic landing gears are discussed. Simplifications are introduced to reduce the complexity of the mathematical description of the tire and shock strut characteristics. Approximating the actual complicated force deflection characteristic of the tire by linear relationship is adequate. The internal friction forces in the shock strut are included in the landing gear model. A set of relatively simple equations was obtained by including only those tire and shock strut characteristics that contribute significantly to the generation of landing gear forces
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