21 research outputs found

    Modelling spontaneous combustion of coal

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    Spontaneous combustion of coal is an important problem in mining and storage, in terms of both safety and economics. This is because coal reacts with oxygen in the air and an exothermic reaction occurs, even in ambient conditions. The heat of the reaction accumulates and the reaction becomes progressively faster and thermal runaway may take place to the point of ignition. A detailed computer model has been developed to simulate a bulk-scale, one-dimensional test column. Predictions from this model can then be used to simulate full-scale storage conditions. Model predictions are verified by using the experimental results from the test column at the University of Queensland. A 2-m column is being used in this laboratory to conduct a practical test capable of providing reliable data on coal self-heating. Coal self-heating results produced with the 2-m column are consistent with theory. In particular, the hot spot development in test runs closely matches model predictions. Features of moisture transfer and hot spot migration are clearly visible, both in the model and in tests in the column. Under the specific conditions considered in this study, it is shown that a subbituminous coal can reach thermal runaway in 4.5 days. This result is confirmed by observations made at the mine site, where hot spots have been found to occur within this timeframe. The results obtained in this study indicate that there is a definite need to consider the influence of coal moisture on spontaneous combustion

    Entrainment in Fire Plumes

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    A new technique for measurement of mass flow rates in buoyant fire plumes is described. The characteristics of 10 - 200 k W methane diffusion flames stabilized on porous-bed-burners of 0.10 - 0.50 m dia. are described. A transition in the dependence of flame height on heat input and burner size was observed when the flame height was about four times the burner diameter. The mass flow rates in the buoyant plumes produced by the fires were measured for a range of elevations starting just below the time-averaged top of the flame and extending to six times this flame height. The mass flow rates in this region of the plume were correlated by the use of a simple plume model. Atmospheric and forced disturbances in the air being entrained increased the entrainment rate of the plume

    Entrainment in the Near and Far Field of Fire Plumes

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    This paper describes entrainment measurements made in fire plumes with a new technique. Measurements were in plumes rising from natural gas diffusion flames stabilized on 0.10, 0.19 and 0.50 m diameter burners and the heat release rates ranged from 10 to 200 kW. The heights examined ranged from elevations starting very close to the burner surface to distances about five times the average flame heights. Experiments indicate the presence of three regions: a region close to the burner surface where plume entrainment rates are independent of the fuel flow (or heat release) rates; a far field region above the flame top, where a simple point source model correlates the data reasonably well; and an intermediate region where entrainment appears to be similar to that of a turbulent plume

    Visible structure of buoyant diffusion flames

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    Natural gas diffusion flames stabilized on 0.10, 0.19 and 0.50 m. diameter porous bed burners have been studied for heat release rates ranging from 10 to 200 kW. Flame heights were measured from video tape recordings and by eye averaged techniques. The dependence of flame height on a dimensionless heat addition parameter shows a transition for values of the parameter around unity. For flames taller than three burner diameters, the initial diameter of the fire does not affect the length of the flame whereas for short flames, initial geometry becomes important. Another prominent feature of these flames is the presence of large scale axisymmetric structures which are formed close to the burner surface with more or less regular frequency and which rise through the flame region. These structures are responsible for the fluctuations of the flame top and strongly influence the geometry of the flame

    Thermo-Physical Processes In Cerium Nitrate Precursor Droplets Injected Into High Temperature Plasma

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    The thermo-physical phenomena inside a droplet during its flight in a thermal plasma flow have been modeled for SPPS processes using cerium nitrate precursor. The different thermo-physical stages encountered during droplets\u27 flight include aerodynamic breakup, rapid vaporization of solvent and precipitation, internal pressurization with shell rupture and rapid heating of volumetrically precipitated ceramic particle. The effects of injection type (transverse versus axial) and initial size of the droplets on the final deposit layer microstructure have been studied. The results show that for axial injection the heating process is very rapid and smaller droplets (\u3c 10 μm) undergo full pyrolization resulting in favorable microstructure. On the contrary for transverse injection the heating process is slower as the droplets are injected in the outer shear layer of plasma where the temperature and velocity both are much lower than the core of the plasma. The larger droplets (\u3e 20 μm) have better chances of getting pyrolized in the case of transverse injection. It was also observed that the angle of trajectory of the droplets after primary (first) precipitation does not have much effect on the final microstructure. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Experimental investigations and numerical simulations of methane cup-burner flame

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    Pulsation frequency of the cup-burner flame was determined by means of experimental investigations and numerical simulations. Simplified chemical kinetics was successfully implemented into a laminar fluid flow model applied to the complex burner geometry. Our methodical approach is based on the monitoring of flame emission, fast Fourier transformation and reproduction of measured spectral features by numerical simulations. Qualitative agreement between experimental and predicted oscillatory behaviour was obtained by employing a two-step methane oxidation scheme