1,145 research outputs found

    DNA barcodes reveal a new host record for Carcelia atricosta Herting (Diptera Tachinidae) in Italy

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    The parasitoid-host association between Orgyia antiqua (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) and Carcelia atricosta Herting (Diptera: Tachinidae) is recorded here for the first time in Italy. A single caterpillar of O. antiqua was collected in Northern Italy (Arzergrande, Padua, Veneto Region) in June 2015. After the specimen died, a single tachinid larva emerged and pupariated. The emerged parasitoid was identified using DNA barcoding, with DNA extracted from the tachinid pupa. This is the first distributional record of C. atricosta in Northern Italy and the second for Italy, only two other specimens having being recorded previously (Abruzzo Region, Central Italy)

    A new ventrops (Diptera: Rhinophoridae) from Ethiopia

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    A new species of the Afrotropical endemic rhinophorid genus Ventrops is described, illustrated and compared with congeners

    Vertical stratification of selected Hymenoptera in a remnant forest of the Po Plain (Italy, Lombardy) (Hymenoptera: Ampulicidae, Crabronidae, Sphecidae)

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    Communities of the canopy of temperate forests are still relatively unexplored. Furthermore, very little is known on how vertical stratification for some insect groups is related to biological strategies. In this study, we investigated the community composition of both canopy and understory of the families Ampulicidae, Crabronidae and Sphecidae (Hymenoptera) of the Natural Reserve of "Bosco della Fontana", a remnant lowland forest in northeastern Italy. Observed patterns in vertical stratification have been related to species foraging habits. Our study reveals that the bulk of the community of Spheciformes of the understory consists of species predating dipterans and spiders, while species associated with the canopy are mainly predators of sap-sucking honeydew producers and epiphyte grazers, like aphids, thrips, and barkflies. Comparing the communities of canopy and understory may lead to a better understanding of species ecology and provides useful information to forest managers

    A new host record for Euthera fascipennis (Diptera: Tachinidae)

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    Dolycoris baccarum (Linnaeus) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is reported for the first time as a host of Euthera fascipennis (Loew) (Diptera: Tachinidae). A single specimen of E. fascipennis was reared from an adult of D. baccarum collected in northern Italy (Crevalcore, Bologna, Emilia Romagna Region). This is the first host record for E. fascipennis in Italy and the first distributional record of this tachinid in northern Italy

    BumbleKey: an interactive key for the identification of bumblebees of Italy and Corsica (Hymenoptera, Apidae)

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    BumbleKey is a matrix-based, interactive key to all 45 species of bumblebees of Italy and Corsica. The key allows to identify adult males and females (queens and workers) using morphological characters. The key is published online, open-access, at http://www.interactive-keys.eu/bumblekey/default.aspx

    First North American record of the Palaearctic rhinophorid Stevenia deceptoria (Loew) (Diptera: Rhinophoridae)

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    The Rhinophoridae (Diptera) have a cosmopolitan distribution and a known fauna of about 150 species (Cerretti & Pape 2007). So far as known, all species are parasitoids of terrestrial woodlice (sow bugs) of the order Isopoda (Oniscoidea) (Pape 2010). Female rhinophorids lay eggs in the vicinity of potential hosts and the planidial first instars parasitize sow bugs as they pass by (Pape 1998). The only rhinophorids native to North America belong to the genera Apomorphyto Cerretti, Lo Giudice & Pape (with one described species from Costa Rica and an undetermined species from Nicaragua) and Bezzimyia Townsend (Pape 2010; Cerretti et al. 2014). Bezzimyia is a mostly Neotropical genus of 17 known species with two species reaching the southern United States (Texas and Arizona) (Pape & Arnaud 2001). Recently, the monophyly of Bezzimyia was called into question but the limits of the genus have yet to be formally revised (Cerretti et al. 2014). Two rhinophorids are well known as introductions from the Palaearctic Region, Melanophora roralis (Linnaeus) and Phyto discrepans Pandellé, with the former widespread in eastern North America, West Indies and South America (Crosskey 1977; Pape 2010) and the latter known only from Newfoundland (Canada) (Wood 1987). A key to separate the two species was given by Wood (1987). The genus Stevenia Robineau-Desvoidy is currently known from 23 species, all native to the Old World and most diverse in the West Palaearctic Region (Cerretti & Pape 2007). One species native to Europe and North Africa, Stevenia deceptoria (Loew), was reported recently as an introduction to Argentina by Mulieri et al. (2010). The authors recorded the species from several locations within Buenos Aires Province and hypothesized that it became established through the introduction of parasitized woodlice originating from the Palaearctic Region. Introduced woodlice are common in the New World (Jass & Klausmeier 2000) and parasitized immigrants or transported puparia most likely account for the presence of all three exotic rhinophorid species in North America. Mulieri et al. (2010) summarized the Palaearctic distribution of S. deceptoria, gave locality records of the species in Argentina, and provided a key to the five genera of Rhinophoridae known from the New World. Here we report another finding of Stevenia deceptoria in the Americas, this time from Ohio in North America. All records are from a single locality, the backyard of author GAD. Specimens were caught in a six metre Malaise trap (BioQuip® Products, Inc.) and killed in the trap head using a small piece of Hot Shot® No-Pest® Strip [active ingredient 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate 18.6%]. Trap samples were frozen and later sorted, with selected Diptera subsequently pinned and labeled. The first two specimens of S. deceptoria to be detected were removed, pinned, and labeled by JEOH and identified as S. deceptoria by PC (Cerretti & Pape 2007) (one of these specimens is shown in Fig. 1). Additional specimens were later found in earlier and later samples by GAD. Specimens are housed in the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Canada (CNC) and the personal collection of Gregory Dahlem, Cincinnati, USA (GAD)

    Connecting to Cuban national identity through literature: an examination of memory, nostalgia, trauma and exile in Oscar Hijuelos\u27s Our House in the Last World and A Simple Habana Melody

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    In this thesis, I argue that in Hijuelos\u27s Our House in the Last World and A Simple Habana Melody Cuban national identity is shaped by trauma, exile, and remembering. These traits define what it means to be Cuban---and it is more varied and complicated than perhaps it initially seems. National identity can be defined in many ways, through racial identification, cultural practices, language, traditions, or politics. Certainly there is evidence that Cuban national identity is shaped by these factors inside Cuba, but my emphasis within Hijuelos\u27s two novels is that these factors shape Cubans outside of Cuba. Hijuelos writes about the Cuba before Fidel Castro assumed power and before the Cuban Revolution that most other Cuban American writers concern their literature with, which makes him quite an anomaly. The fact that Hijuelos does not singularly concern himself with the Cuban Revolution and its effects means he is treating Cuban and Cuban American identity and history in a more varied fashion than other Cuban American authors. The history and identity that Hijuelos offers a reader is much broader and longer than the history most U.S. audiences are familiar with. This forces most readers to understand Cuban or Cuban American identity in new, and perhaps much richer, terms. By introducing a more complete Cuban history to his readers, Hijuelos makes it clear that Cubans have both memory and trauma that extend beyond Castro, and thus the result is an even stronger emphasis on memory as a vital part of being Cuban

    Effects of energy storage systems grid code requirements on interface protection performances in low voltage networks

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    The ever-growing penetration of local generation in distribution networks and the large diffusion of energy storage systems (ESSs) foreseen in the near future are bound to affect the effectiveness of interface protection systems (IPSs), with negative impact on the safety of medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) systems. With the scope of preserving the main network stability, international and national grid connection codes have been updated recently. Consequently, distributed generators (DGs) and storage units are increasingly called to provide stabilizing functions according to local voltage and frequency. This can be achieved by suitably controlling the electronic power converters interfacing small-scale generators and storage units to the network. The paper focuses on the regulating functions required to storage units by grid codes currently in force in the European area. Indeed, even if such regulating actions would enable local units in participating to network stability under normal steady-state operating conditions, it is shown through dynamic simulations that they may increase the risk of unintentional islanding occurrence. This means that dangerous operating conditions may arise in LV networks in case dispersed generators and storage systems are present, even if all the end-users are compliant with currently applied connection standards
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