1,309 research outputs found

    A model to evaluate the environmental and energetic efficiency of the territorial functionality (transport and activity location)

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    The main objective of the study is the development of a model for the evaluation of the environmental and energy efficiency of the interaction (mobility) and land use structure (called as 'territorial functionality'), applied to the metropolitan area of Barcelona . In particular there are four points that underpin the model: a) a basic land use-transportation model (LUTM), b) a model for the energy consumption and environmental emissions produced by the territorial functionality, c) a model for the consumption of land produced by the territorial functionality (developed land), and d) assessment of social equity in access to urban activities, and exposure to environmental effects. The goodness of the proposed model is that is composed of empirical models (econometric), robust in their specific topic, but spatially disaggregated (municipality). With this structure is possible to evaluate the effects of functional changes (transport projects or urban planning) in the spatial structure of energy consumption, environmental emissions, and consumption of land, and also identifying the participation (responsibility) of different territories in these effects. It is a systemic and spatial view of the role that each territory plays in the functionality, and their responsibility in the environmental effects. The model is currently under construction, joining the calibrated models of consumption and environmental emissions to an existing transport model in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. This paper presents the mathematical model, and the indicators defined for characterizing the state of the territorial system, and a simple simulation of the possible analysis and results.

    La expansión urbana discontinua analizada desde el enfoque de accesibilidad territorial: aplicación a Santiago de Chile

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    Tener un entendimiento más contextual del fenómeno sprawl, para posteriormente identificar una priorización, u orden, en las condiciones que inducen el fenómeno

    El uso del tiempo en espacios próximos. Una caracterización de la ciudad de Barcelona (2006)

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    La ciudad ofrece variadas posibilidades para interactuar con actividades y personas. El binomio acceso-actividad resulta ser relevante de estudiar, en función del tiempo que los ciudadanos dedican a actividades próximas y no próximas. Este es el objetivo del estudio, cuya metodología aplica geografía del tiempo y cadena de actividades. La novedad del método es reflejar de forma más real el comportamiento tanto de los tiempos como de los espacios utilizados en la ciudad. El método se aplicó a la encuesta de viajes basadas en hogares de Barcelona. Los resultados muestran que las duraciones de las actividades próximas son menores que las actividades no próximas, lo que induce a pensar que la proximidad genera mayor número de actividades cotidianas, cambiando el paradigma de sustitución entre tiempo de acceso y duración, al de tiempo de acceso y número de actividades. La conclusión final es que la proximidad presenta un valor relativo, que va de una clara sustentabilidad ambiental, a una probable des-socialización del desarrollo de las actividades.The city offers many opportunities to interact with people and activities. The duo proximity-attractivity is relevant to study, under the approach of the time that citizens spend in such activities. This is the aim of the study, the methodology applied time geography and activity chain approach. The novelty of the method is the more realistically view of the behavior of the use of time and spaces in the city. The method was applied to household travel survey of Barcelona. The results show that the nearby activity durations are smaller than the no nearby. The proximity generates more activities in the daily activity chain, changing the paradigm of trade-off between access time and duration, with the trade-off between access time and number of activities. The final conclusion is that proximity has a relative value, from a clear environmental sustainability, to a probable de-socialization of activities

    The relation between energy consumption and developed land; a model for the metropolitan area of Barcelona

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    The study of the developed land and the energy consumption is part of a main project, which objective is the development of a model for the evaluation of the environmental and energy efficiency of the interaction (mobility) and land use structure (called as 'territorial functionality'), applied to the metropolitan area of Barcelona . One of the most important points of the main project is the modeling of energy consumption, and developed land produced by the territorial functionality. This paper presents the calibrations results of econometrics models (log-log) for developed land, and electricity consumption. The used information for those models was; built surface by activity (cadastre), coverings of land uses of Catalonia (CREAF), electric consumption by economic activity (CNAE), meteorological variables, and operating time of activities. The analysis was for the 164 municipalities of the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The electric consumption was analyzed in different categories of activities like as residential, industrial, trade, financial services, hotels, transport, education, public lighting, etc. The artificial area was differentiated in three categories; cadastre surface, streets, and developed land without cadastre. Overall, the results show that the extension of developed land depends (with 0.8 R2) mainly from single-family homes, followed by industrial activities, and finally sport activities. The trade activities induce a contraction of developed land, result that is consistent with agglomeration economies. The different models calibrated for energy consumption show a strong dependence (with R2 between 0.5 and 0.9) first with built surface, and second with other variables such as weather condition in the municipality (minimum temperature in summer), and average operating time of the activities (mean work time, shopping time, etc). Finally, the electric consumption by public lighting depends significantly on the developed land, representing the union between the two dimensions of the study.

    Metropolitan Barcelona 2001–06, or how people’s spatial–temporal behaviour shapes urban structures

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Regional Studies on 03 April 2019, available online:http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/00343404.2019.1583326Traditionally, urban structure has been analyzed using employment density or commuting. The main contribution of this paper is the use of a new source of information which includes other daily activities and that can be integrated into existing subcentre-identification methods. Thus, subcentres are identified using a time-density indicator departing from origin–destination surveys. Results suggest that changes in urban structure during the period under review have taken place in parallel to economic growth and that urban sprawl has increased in all activities except for healthcare and work, where the timeshare lost by the central business district has been redistributed to subcentres and peripheries.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Effects of continuous and intermittent endurance exercise in autonomic balance, rating perceived exertion and blood lactate levels in healthy subjects

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to determinate the changes in the Autonomic Balance, Rating Perceived Exertion (RPE) and blood lactate after continuous versus intermittent exercise protocols. Methods En el estudio participaron 7 varones activos y sanos (33 ± 5,1 años). Cada sujeto realizó 2 protocolos de ejercicios: a) un ejercicio continuo al 110% del umbral del lactato (CONT); el protocolo CONT consistió en una carrera continua, siendo la distancia cubierta en metros igual a la distancia de la sesión intermitente, y b) un ejercicio intermitente al 100% de la velocidad pico en cinta (INTT). El protocolo consistió en 30 min de carrera de 15 segundos, intercalados con 15 segundos de descanso pasivo. El balance autónomo se evaluó mediante el ratio LF/HF antes de comenzar los ejercicios, inmediatamente después de finalizar los mismos, y a las 24 h de su finalización; la RPE se evaluó cada 5 min en cada protocolo de ejercicios, y el lactato en sangre se midió inmediatamente tras ambos protocolos. El nivel alfa se estableció en p ≤ 0,05. Seven active and healthy male (33 ± 5.1 years) participated in the study. Each subject performed two exercise protocols: (i) a continuous exercise at 110% of the lactate threshold (CONT). The CONT protocol consisted in continuous running, and the distance covered was the same in meters as it was in the intermittent session, and (ii) an intermittent exercise at 100% of the Peak Treadmill Velocity (INTT). The protocol consisted of 30 min of 15 s running, interspersed with 15 s of passive rest. Autonomic balance was assessed through the LF/HF ratio, before beginning the exercises, immediately finishing the exercises and 24 h post-exercise; RPE was evaluated every 5 min in each exercise protocol; and blood lactate was measured immediately after both protocols. Alpha level was set at P ≤ .05. Results Autonomic balance did not show significant differences between protocols (P = .60). RPE during INTT exercise was significantly higher than CONT exercise (P = .01). Blood lactate levels after exercise did not show significant differences (P = .68). Heart rate variability parameters in the time domain (mean RR and pNN50) show no statistical differences between both protocols pre and 24 h post exercise (P = .24 and P = .61, respectively)

    Efecte de l’entrenament de resistència continu i intermitent sobre el balanç autònom, la valoració de l’esforç percebut i els nivells de lactat a la sang en subjectes sans

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    Objectiu La finalitat d’aquest estudi fou determinar els canvis del balanç autònom, la valoració de l’esforç percebut (VEP) i el lactat sanguini, després d’un protocol d’exercici aeròbic continu i un d’intermitent. Mètodes Participaren a l’estudi 7 homes actius i sans (33 ± 5,1 anys). Cada subjecte féu 2 protocols d’exercicis: a) un entrenament continu al 110% del llindar del lactat (CONT); el protocol CONT consistí en una cursa contínua, essent la distància recorreguda en metres igual a la distància de la sessió intermitent, i b) un entrenament intermitent al 100% de la velocitat pic en cinta (INTT). El protocol consistí en 30 min de cursa de 15 s, intercalats amb 15 s de descans passiu. El balanç autònom s’avaluà mitjançant la ràtio LF/HF abans de començar els exercicis, immediatament després de finalitzar-los, i 24 h després d’haver-los finalitzat; l’VEP s’avaluà cada 5 min en cada protocol d’exercicis, i el lactat a la sang es mesurà immediatament després d’ambdós protocols. El nivell alfa s’establí en p ≤ 0,05. Resultats El balanç autònom no mostrà diferències significatives entre ambdós protocols (p = 0,60). L’VEP durant l’exercici INTT fou considerablement superior a l’exercici CONT (p = 0,01). Els nivells de lactat a la sang no reflectiren diferències significatives (p = 0,68). Els paràmetres de variabilitat de la freqüència cardíaca en el domini del temps (mitjana RR i pNN50) no reflectiren diferències estadístiques entre ambdós protocols, amb mesuraments previs i a les 24 h de l’exercici (p = 0,24 i p = 0,61, respectivament). Conclusions Les dades suggereixen que l’entrenament intermitent es percep més intens que el continu, tot i que ambdós protocols reflectiren càrregues internes similars quant a balanç autònom i nivells de lactat a la sang