8,346 research outputs found

    Ad Infinitum: The Bourgeois Construction of an American Lady

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    This thesis explores the emergence of the Bourgeois culture in Antebellum America during the transition of nineteenth century America into what we refer to as “modern-day America.” This period is crucial in American history as ideological concepts developed as the nation industrialized, thus creating the nation’s identity. In doing so, gender roles were voraciously prescribed with a focus on women’s sexuality as a focal point for Victorian discourse. Unlike prior to the Revolution, which gender roles were previously assumed, by the mid-nineteenth century, modes of surveillance are apparent in sermons, medical treatises, Victorian periodicals and literature, in which ideological productions such as the “cult of true womanhood,” entrenched in Evangelical Christianity became essential to nationalism. This thesis explores the mechanisms of power used to control women, while simultaneously extracting the psychological reasons behind such ideological productions constructed, that elevated women’s role in society as discourse on women’s sexuality and their roles in society became ad infinitum

    Integración de la educación ambiental en el currículo a nivel de aula. El caso de la experiencia ecocentros

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    Trece centros educativos de infantil y primaria de la región extremeña participaron en un proyecto de investigación educativa (Ecocentros) basado en las experiencias conocidas como ecoauditorías escolares. En esta investigación se pretende conocer cómo se desarrolló la integración de la educación ambiental en el aula teniendo en cuenta para ello las acciones que se llevaron a cabo, y que figuraban en la memoria interna elaborada por el profesorado de los centros participantes a lo largo de dos cursos consecutivos. El qué se incorpora al currículo y cómo se hace, es esencial para comprender en qué medida esta experiencia contribuye a llevar a cabo los objetivos de la educación ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible

    Penggunaan Bahan Pengisi dalam Perbaikan Sifat Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Dodol Buah Merah (Pandanus Conoideus L) sebagai Sumber β-Karoten

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    Permasalahan utama dalam pembuatan dodol buah merah, yaitu teksturnya lembek dan lunak. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penambahan jenis tepung yang berbeda, yaitu tepung terigu, beras dan tapioka sebanyak 15 % (b/b) dari berat tepung ketan dan pasta buah merah. Dodol yang dihasilkan dilakukan pengamatan sifat fisikokimia dan ting- kat penerimaan panelis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dodol formula terbaik berdasarkan sifat organoleptik dan fisikokimia adalah dodol dengan penambahan tapioka. Dodol tersebut memiliki sifat organoleptik dengan skor kesukaan warna agak suka (5,40), rasa agak suka (5,05), aroma suka (6,05) dan tekstur agak suka (5,70), sifat fisik kekerasan dan kelengketan masing-masing 951,43 dan 216,68 gf, serta kekenyalan 0,35 %, juga memiliki sifat kimiadengan mengandung air dan total padatan masing-masing 37,86 % dan 62,14 % dengan tingkat ketersediaan air (a )0,83 dan kandungan β-karoten 1,02 ppm

    Location, Location, Location: Contrasting Roles of Synaptic and Extrasynaptic NMDA Receptors in Huntington's Disease

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    Abnormally enhanced N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor function is implicated in Huntington's disease (HD). In this issue of Neuron and a recent issue of Nature Medicine, an abnormal balance between the activity of NMDA receptors at synaptic (prosurvival) and extrasynaptic (proapoptotic) sites has been uncovered in a cellular and a mouse model of HD

    Aumento de la fertilidad mediante técnicas de procesamiento avanzado de semen: caso clínico

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    Current equine reproductive clinic aims to improve subfertile stallions semen quality, (which is furthermore affected by the processing protocol) and maintain this quality during storage. The aim of this paper is to present a case referred to the Hospital Clínico Veterinario Complutense, of a stallion with low sperm quality, and 0% fertility rate in the first batch of mares served. Due to these results it was decided to perform a special semen processing protocol, developed by our laboratory, in order to increase its quality throughout a colloidal centrifugation technique with EquiPure® This system is able to increase semen quality and maintain itduring cooling preservation, obtaining results of around 57,1% of total fertility, which validates this technique as an effective method for subfertile stallions semen processing.La clínica reproductiva equina actual persigue mejorar la calidad seminal de sementales subfértiles, (la cual, además, se ve afectada por el procesamiento del semen) y que ésta se conserve durante el almacenamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un caso clínico remitido al Hospital Clínico Veterinario Complutense, sobre un semental que presenta una baja calidad seminal, siendo la fertilidad del primer lote de yeguas del 0%. Ante estos resultados se decide realizar un procesado del semen, desarrollado por nuestro laboratorio, enfocado a aumentar su calidad mediante un protocolo de centrifugación coloidal con EquiPure® (Nidacon International AB). La aplicación de este protocolo consigue aumentar la calidad seminal y mantenerla durante la conservación en refrigeración, obteniéndose unos resultados de fertilidad total del 57,1%, lo que lo valida como método efectivo para el procesado del semen en casos de sementales subfértiles

    Distance Traveled and Frequency of Interstate Opioid Dispensing in Opioid Shoppers and Nonshoppers

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    AbstractLittle is known about how far opioid shoppers travel or how often they cross state lines to fill their opioid prescriptions. This retrospective cohort study evaluated these measures for opioid shoppers and nonshoppers using a large U.S. prescription database. Patients with ≥3 opioid dispensings were followed for 18 months. A subject was considered a shopper when he or she filled overlapping opioid prescriptions written by >1 prescriber at ≥3 pharmacies. A heavy shopper had ≥5 shopping episodes. Outcomes assessed were distance traveled among pharmacies and number of states visited to fill opioid prescriptions. A total of 10,910,451 subjects were included; .7% developed any shopping behavior and their prescriptions accounted for 8.6% of all opioid dispensings. Shoppers and heavy shoppers were younger than the nonshoppers. Shoppers traveled a median of 83.8 miles, heavy shoppers 199.5 miles, and nonshoppers 0 miles. Almost 20% of shoppers or heavy shoppers, but only 4% of nonshoppers, visited >1 state. Shoppers traveled greater distances and more often crossed state borders to fill opioid prescriptions than nonshoppers, and their dispensings accounted for a disproportionate number of opioid dispensings. Sharing of data among prescription-monitoring programs will likely strengthen those programs and may decrease shopping behavior.PerspectiveThis study shows that opioid shoppers travel greater distances and more often cross state borders to fill opioid prescriptions than nonshoppers, and their dispensings accounted for a disproportionate number of opioid dispensings. The findings support the need for data sharing among prescription-monitoring programs to deter opioid shopping behavior