755 research outputs found

    Preparation, performances and reaction mechanism for the synthesis of H2O2 from H2 and O2 based on palladium membranes

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    Taking a critically informed approach, this innovative text examines emerging approaches to social procurement within the context of New Public Government (NPG), and examines the practices of social procurement across Europe, North America and Australia. Considering both the possibilities and limitations of social procurement, and the types of value it can generate, this book also provides empirically driven insights into the practicalities of 'triple bottom line' procurement, the related challenges of measuring social value and the management of both the strategic and operational dimensions of procurement processes. As such it will be invaluable reading for all those interest in social services, public governance and social enterprise

    Catalysis on nano-carbon materials: Going where to?

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    This introductory contribution to the special issue of Catalysis Today is dedicated to selected contributions presented at the Carbocat-IV (Carbon for Catalysis) Symposium held in Dalian (China) on November 7–10 (2010). The introduction first shortly overviews the main reasons for the interest on carbon materials for catalysis and the elements of novelty discussed on the contributions of this issue, and then provide a concise outline of the general trends and developments in this field to give a glimpse on the progresses in the field, and on the perspectives of this exciting area of catalysis

    Use of Pt/CexZr1-xAl2O3 as Advanced Catalyst for Hydrogen Peroxide Thrusters

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    The capability of different Pt/Ce0.6Zr0.4/Al2O3 catalytic systems of effectively decomposing H2O2 has been studied in view of their application to monopropellant thrusters. BET surface area measurements, X-Ray Diffractometry (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) have been used together with catalytic tests in order to evaluate the advantages of using CeO2-ZrO2 mixed oxide solid solution as an alternative to current three ways catalysts (TWCs). From the assessment of alternative solutions, a Pt/Ce0.6Zr0.4/Al2O3 catalyst suitable to effectively decompose H2O2 has been identified. SEM-EDX analyses ruled out the occurrence of phase segregation and selective deposition of Pt on Zr during the catalyst preparation. No changes in the crystalline arrangement of the catalyst samples after H2O2 decomposition have been detected by XRD measurements, except for a slight crystallization or grain size growth as a consequence of the high temperatures experienced during the reaction...

    A study of the selective hydroconversion of biocarboxylic acids to bioalcohols over novel indium-nickel/zeolite catalysts using octanoic acid as model reactant

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    Octanoic acid (OA) was hydrotreated in a flow-through reactor at 21 bar total pressure and 240-340 °C over supported metal catalysts prepared from Ni-zeolites (A, X, P) by indium modification. The Ni-zeolites were activated first in H2 flow at 21 bar and 450 °C. While a fraction of the nickel got fully reduced, the zeolite structure became partially destructed. However, some nickel cations remained unreduced, therefore a large fraction of the crystalline zeolite structure was retained. The indium modification of the reduced Ni-zeolites generated bimetallic NiIn/Ni,H-zeolite catalysts having higher stability, hydroconversion activity, octanol selectivity, and lower hydrodecarbonylation activity than the parent partially destructed Ni-zeolite and the Adkins-type catalysts, commercially applied for the conversion of fatty acids to alcohols. © 2013 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary

    Interfacial Chemistry in the Electrocatalytic Hydrogenation of CO_{2} over C-Supported Cu-Based Systems

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    Operando soft and hard X-ray spectroscopic techniques were used in combination with plane-wave density functional theory (DFT) simulations to rationalize the enhanced activities of Zn-containing Cu nanostructured electrocatalysts in the electrocatalytic CO2 hydrogenation reaction. We show that at a potential for CO2 hydrogenation, Zn is alloyed with Cu in the bulk of the nanoparticles with no metallic Zn segregated; at the interface, low reducible Cu(I)-O species are consumed. Additional spectroscopic features are observed, which are identified as various surface Cu(I) ligated species; these respond to the potential, revealing characteristic interfacial dynamics. Similar behavior was observed for the Fe-Cu system in its active state, confirming the general validity of this mechanism; however, the performance of this system deteriorates after successive applied cathodic potentials, as the hydrogen evolution reaction then becomes the main reaction pathway. In contrast to an active system, Cu(I)-O is now consumed at cathodic potentials and not reversibly reformed when the voltage is allowed to equilibrate at the open-circuit voltage; rather, only the oxidation to Cu(II) is observed. We show that the Cu-Zn system represents the optimal active ensembles with stabilized Cu(I)-O; DFT simulations rationalize this observation by indicating that Cu-Zn-O neighboring atoms are able to activate CO2, whereas Cu-Cu sites provide the supply of H atoms for the hydrogenation reaction. Our results demonstrate an electronic effect exerted by the heterometal, which depends on its intimate distribution within the Cu phase and confirms the general validity of these mechanistic insights for future electrocatalyst design strategies