21 research outputs found

    Reservoirs of antibiotic resistance and pathogens in bacterial communities of anthropogenically - driven environments

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    The increase of antibiotic resistance against antibiotics (AB) is an alarming phenomenon threatening the human well being and heading back to the pre-antibiotic era where many infectious diseases may become again untreatable with antibiotics. There is a strong correlation between AB use and occurrence of resistances which suggests anthropogenically-driven environments as reservoirs of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB). Among anthropogenically - driven environments, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), have been linked with the increased incidence of pathogens and ARB in freshwater ecosystems. Principal goal of the study was to evaluate the role of WWTPs as environmental reservoirs for antibiotic resistance and pathogenic bacteria. In this thesis, classical and molecular microbiology methods were applied to analyse resistance levels of bacterial communities from wastewater and wastewater-polluted environments at different geographical locations of developed (German and Switzerland) and developing (Nigeria) countries. Additionally, a novel approach which makes use of a combination of quantitative genomics, Next Generation Sequencing and drug-related health data was applied to quantitatively detect antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) in wastewater and assess their seasonal dynamics. The relative abundance of ARG was not reduced by the WWTPs in the treated effluent. Effluents were responsible for significantly high levels of ARB and ARG in the receiving environment because capable of introducing and/or selecting ARB carrying ARG on genetic mobile elements. The ARG levels differed between seasons independently from the water sanitation. High ARG levels were displayed in autumn and winter in coincidence with the higher uptake of antibiotics by the outpatients of the municipality.Contrary to the ARG, the abundance of bacteria was reduced by WWTPs processes in the effluent of developed countries. The WWTPs were also responsible for the changes of the microbial community from the wastewater to the effluent. Contrary to developed countries, the poor treatment of wastewater in Nigeria facilitated the spread of multi-drug resistant pathogens in the freshwater ecosystem. These bacteria were also carriers of clinically relevant ARG contributing to the accumulation of multiresistant pathogens in the environment. All in all, this thesis shows that well established WWTP technologies are not capable to prevent or reduce the abundance of ARG in the freshwater ecosystem and poorly treated wastewater enriches the environmental reservoirs of ARG. Antibiotic resistance can spread across taxonomically distant bacteria and therefore explain the strong dispersal of ARG in wastewater effluents. These results show that antibiotic resistances are also ubiquitous in the freshwater environment and that anthropogenically - driven environments determine the incidence of antibiotic resistance. As for the clinic, tackling the problem of antibiotic resistance in the environment is fundamental. Without any action, the environmental reservoirs of resistance will increase and therapeutic failure in the clinic will irreversibly compromise the biggest progress in medicine of the 20th century.

    Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking

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    Organic waste composting is another excellent example to demonstrate the power and the benefits of nexus thinking. Even though organic waste composting itself is not a new topic, those who want to start a new project or align an ongoing project with nexus thinking, find it difficult to gather the necessary information. With nine case studies from four continents, this book aims to fill above gap in literature. While current literature on composting is often found to be limited to either soil/agriculture sector or waste management sector, this book presents a combined point of view. This open access book starts with an introductory chapter that describes the need to bring the waste management aspects and soil nutrient management aspects of compost production into one integrated theme. The relevance of nexus thinking and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also presented in this introduction. The first three chapters after the introduction covers composting from the solid waste management and its policy aspects, taking examples from three developing countries. The next three examples are mostly about the benefits composting can provide to the soil and agriculture. These examples are also from three developing countries, but with a mixture of urban as well as rural settings. Last three chapters present more insight into the latest developments taking examples from Europe, as well as new methods adapted from the traditional styles from Africa

    Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking

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    Organic waste composting is another excellent example to demonstrate the power and the benefits of nexus thinking. Even though organic waste composting itself is not a new topic, those who want to start a new project or align an ongoing project with nexus thinking, find it difficult to gather the necessary information. With nine case studies from four continents, this book aims to fill above gap in literature. While current literature on composting is often found to be limited to either soil/agriculture sector or waste management sector, this book presents a combined point of view. This open access book starts with an introductory chapter that describes the need to bring the waste management aspects and soil nutrient management aspects of compost production into one integrated theme. The relevance of nexus thinking and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also presented in this introduction. The first three chapters after the introduction covers composting from the solid waste management and its policy aspects, taking examples from three developing countries. The next three examples are mostly about the benefits composting can provide to the soil and agriculture. These examples are also from three developing countries, but with a mixture of urban as well as rural settings. Last three chapters present more insight into the latest developments taking examples from Europe, as well as new methods adapted from the traditional styles from Africa

    Increased Levels of Multiresistant Bacteria and Resistance Genes after Wastewater Treatment and Their Dissemination into Lake Geneva, Switzerland

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    At present, very little is known about the fate and persistence of multiresistant bacteria (MRB) and their resistance genes in natural aquatic environments. Treated, but partly also untreated sewage of the city of Lausanne, Switzerland is discharged into Vidy Bay (Lake Geneva) resulting in high levels of contamination in this part of the lake. In the present work we have studied the prevalence of MRB and resistance genes in the wastewater stream of Lausanne. Samples from hospital and municipal raw sewage, treated effluent from Lausanne’s wastewater treatment plant (WTP) as well as lake water and sediment samples obtained close to the WTP outlet pipe and a remote site close to a drinking water pump were evaluated for the prevalence of MRB. Selected isolates were identified (16S rRNA gene fragment sequencing) and characterized with regards to further resistances, resistance genes, and plasmids. Mostly, studies investigating this issue have relied on cultivation-based approaches. However, the limitations of these tools are well known, in particular for environmental microbial communities, and cultivation-independent molecular tools should be applied in parallel in order to take non-culturable organisms into account. Here we directly quantified the sulfonamide resistance genes sul1 and sul2 from environmental DNA extracts using TaqMan real-time quantitative PCR. Hospital sewage contained the highest load of MRB and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). Wastewater treatment reduced the total bacterial load up to 78% but evidence for selection of extremely multiresistant strains and accumulation of resistance genes was observed. Our data clearly indicated pollution of sediments with ARGs in the vicinity of the WTP outlet. The potential of lakes as reservoirs of MRB and potential risks are discussed

    Position Paper on Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus and Sustainable development Goals (SDGs)

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    The EU and the international community is realising that the Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystem components are interlinked and require a joint planning in order to meet the daunting global challenges related to Water, Energy and Food security and maintaining the ecosystem health and in this way, reach the SDGs. If not dealt with, the world will not be able to meet the demand for water, energy and food in a not too far future and, in any case, in a not sustainable way. The strain on the ecosystems resulting from unsustainable single-sector planning will lead to increasing poverty, inequality and instability. The Nexus approach is fully aligned with and supportive of the EU Consensus on Development. Key elements of the Consensus will require collaborative efforts across sectors in ways that can be supported/implemented by a Nexus approach. In this way, transparent and accountable decision-making, involving the civil society is key and common to the European Consensus on Development and the Nexus approach. The Nexus approach will support the implementation of the SDG in particular SDG 2 (Food), SDG 6 (Water) and SDG 7 (Energy), but most SDGs have elements that link to food, water and energy in one or other way, and will benefit from a Nexus approach. The SDGs are designed to be cross-cutting and be implemented together, which is also reflected in a WEFE Nexus approach. A Nexus approach offers a sustainable way of addressing the effects of Climate Change and increase resilience. The WEFE Nexus has in it the main drivers of climate change (water, energy and food security) and the main affected sectors (water and the environment). Decisions around policy, infrastructure, … developed based on the WEFE Nexus assessments will be suitable as elements of climate change mitigation and adaptation. In fact, it is difficult to imagine solutions to the climate change issue that are not built on a form of Nexus approach. The Nexus approach is being implemented around the world, as examples in the literature demonstrate. These examples together with more examples from EU and member state development cooperation will help build experience that can be consolidated and become an important contribution to a Toolkit for WEFE Nexus Implementation. From the expert discussions, it appears that because of the novelty of the approach, a Toolkit will be an important element in getting the Nexus approach widely used. This should build on experiences from practical examples of NEXUS projects or similar inter-sectorial collaboration projects; and, there are already policy, regulation and practical experience to allow institutions and countries to start applying the Nexus concept.JRC.D.2-Water and Marine Resource

    Reservoirs of antibiotic resistance and pathogens in bacterial communities of anthropogenically - driven environments

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    The increase of antibiotic resistance against antibiotics (AB) is an alarming phenomenon threatening the human well being and heading back to the pre-antibiotic era where many infectious diseases may become again untreatable with antibiotics. There is a strong correlation between AB use and occurrence of resistances which suggests anthropogenically-driven environments as reservoirs of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB). Among anthropogenically - driven environments, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), have been linked with the increased incidence of pathogens and ARB in freshwater ecosystems. Principal goal of the study was to evaluate the role of WWTPs as environmental reservoirs for antibiotic resistance and pathogenic bacteria. In this thesis, classical and molecular microbiology methods were applied to analyse resistance levels of bacterial communities from wastewater and wastewater-polluted environments at different geographical locations of developed (German and Switzerland) and developing (Nigeria) countries. Additionally, a novel approach which makes use of a combination of quantitative genomics, Next Generation Sequencing and drug-related health data was applied to quantitatively detect antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) in wastewater and assess their seasonal dynamics. The relative abundance of ARG was not reduced by the WWTPs in the treated effluent. Effluents were responsible for significantly high levels of ARB and ARG in the receiving environment because capable of introducing and/or selecting ARB carrying ARG on genetic mobile elements. The ARG levels differed between seasons independently from the water sanitation. High ARG levels were displayed in autumn and winter in coincidence with the higher uptake of antibiotics by the outpatients of the municipality.Contrary to the ARG, the abundance of bacteria was reduced by WWTPs processes in the effluent of developed countries. The WWTPs were also responsible for the changes of the microbial community from the wastewater to the effluent. Contrary to developed countries, the poor treatment of wastewater in Nigeria facilitated the spread of multi-drug resistant pathogens in the freshwater ecosystem. These bacteria were also carriers of clinically relevant ARG contributing to the accumulation of multiresistant pathogens in the environment. All in all, this thesis shows that well established WWTP technologies are not capable to prevent or reduce the abundance of ARG in the freshwater ecosystem and poorly treated wastewater enriches the environmental reservoirs of ARG. Antibiotic resistance can spread across taxonomically distant bacteria and therefore explain the strong dispersal of ARG in wastewater effluents. These results show that antibiotic resistances are also ubiquitous in the freshwater environment and that anthropogenically - driven environments determine the incidence of antibiotic resistance. As for the clinic, tackling the problem of antibiotic resistance in the environment is fundamental. Without any action, the environmental reservoirs of resistance will increase and therapeutic failure in the clinic will irreversibly compromise the biggest progress in medicine of the 20th century.

    Reservoirs of antibiotic resistance and pathogens in bacterial communities of anthropogenically - driven environments

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    The increase of antibiotic resistance against antibiotics (AB) is an alarming phenomenon threatening the human well being and heading back to the pre-antibiotic era where many infectious diseases may become again untreatable with antibiotics. There is a strong correlation between AB use and occurrence of resistances which suggests anthropogenically-driven environments as reservoirs of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB). Among anthropogenically - driven environments, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), have been linked with the increased incidence of pathogens and ARB in freshwater ecosystems. Principal goal of the study was to evaluate the role of WWTPs as environmental reservoirs for antibiotic resistance and pathogenic bacteria. In this thesis, classical and molecular microbiology methods were applied to analyse resistance levels of bacterial communities from wastewater and wastewater-polluted environments at different geographical locations of developed (German and Switzerland) and developing (Nigeria) countries. Additionally, a novel approach which makes use of a combination of quantitative genomics, Next Generation Sequencing and drug-related health data was applied to quantitatively detect antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) in wastewater and assess their seasonal dynamics. The relative abundance of ARG was not reduced by the WWTPs in the treated effluent. Effluents were responsible for significantly high levels of ARB and ARG in the receiving environment because capable of introducing and/or selecting ARB carrying ARG on genetic mobile elements. The ARG levels differed between seasons independently from the water sanitation. High ARG levels were displayed in autumn and winter in coincidence with the higher uptake of antibiotics by the outpatients of the municipality.Contrary to the ARG, the abundance of bacteria was reduced by WWTPs processes in the effluent of developed countries. The WWTPs were also responsible for the changes of the microbial community from the wastewater to the effluent. Contrary to developed countries, the poor treatment of wastewater in Nigeria facilitated the spread of multi-drug resistant pathogens in the freshwater ecosystem. These bacteria were also carriers of clinically relevant ARG contributing to the accumulation of multiresistant pathogens in the environment. All in all, this thesis shows that well established WWTP technologies are not capable to prevent or reduce the abundance of ARG in the freshwater ecosystem and poorly treated wastewater enriches the environmental reservoirs of ARG. Antibiotic resistance can spread across taxonomically distant bacteria and therefore explain the strong dispersal of ARG in wastewater effluents. These results show that antibiotic resistances are also ubiquitous in the freshwater environment and that anthropogenically - driven environments determine the incidence of antibiotic resistance. As for the clinic, tackling the problem of antibiotic resistance in the environment is fundamental. Without any action, the environmental reservoirs of resistance will increase and therapeutic failure in the clinic will irreversibly compromise the biggest progress in medicine of the 20th century.

    30 Strategi Mendidik Anak

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    Municipal Solid Waste Management in Latin America and the Caribbean: Issues and Potential Solutions from the Governance Perspective

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    Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management is an essential service for an urban population to maintain sanitation. Managing MSW is complex as the treatment/recovery options depend not only on the volume of waste, but also on the socioeconomic conditions of the population. This paper focusses on MSW management in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. Dominance of uncontrolled disposal options of MSW in the region, such as open dumps, has an adverse influence on health and sanitation. Interest in source separation practices and recycling is low in the LAC region. Furthermore, economic matters such as poor financial planning and ineffective billing systems also hinder service sustainability. Rapid urbanization is another characteristic feature in the region. The large urban centres that accommodate over 80% of the region’s population pose their own challenges to MSW management. However, the same large volume of MSW generated can become a steady supply of resources, if recovery options are prioritized. Governance is one aspect that binds many activities and stakeholders involved in MSW management. This manuscript describes how we may look at MSW management in LAC from the governance perspective. The issues, as well as the best potential solutions, are both described within three categories of governance: bureaucratic, market, and network. The governance perspective can assist by explaining which stakeholders are involved and who should be responsible for what. Financial issues are the major setbacks observed in the bureaucratic governance institutions that can be reversed with better billing strategies. MSW is still not seen by the private sector as a place to make investments, perhaps due to the negative social attitude associated with waste. The market governance aspects may help increase the efficiency and profitability of the MSW market. Private sector initiatives such as cost-effective microenterprises should be encouraged and the projects that fit under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) defined in the Kyoto Protocol should be incentivized to attract technology and capital. Lastly, network governance is at the centre of attention due to its flexibility in supporting/absorbing public-private partnerships, especially the participation of the informal sector that is important to the LAC region. Many individual waste pickers are providing their services to the LAC region by taking part in collecting and recycling under very unfavourable working conditions

    Assessing the Potential of Water Reuse Uptake Through a Private–Public Partnership: a Practitioner’s Perspective

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    Around 20% of the global water abstractions are originated by the industrial sector, while water demand overall will increase by 20–33% by 2050. Wastewater could provide an alternative source of water for industrial activities. There are not many studies exploring the potential of treated wastewater use under a private–public partnership (PPP), despite their potential of contributing to an effective integrated water management through the creation of inter-sectorial synergies. This paper aims therefore to provide a holistic overview of the main factors that affect the effectiveness of PPPs in using treated municipal wastewater in the industrial sector. Through a systematic literature review, the main barriers, drivers, industries and different applications of water use are analysed. Barriers and drivers are classified through the inductive Gioia method into seven categories. The results showed that economic and technical aspects related to the feasibility of the scheme were most prominent in the literature, while water availability seems to be central driving factor for such water reuse schemes. The conclusion of PPPs in water reuse, however, relies on the possibilities for such a partnership and on bridging the needs of the two parties, which entails effective communication through negotiation and information sharing. This paper is a first step to understanding how water circularity practices under an interconnected and sustainable urban environment can be facilitated and explored