4,338 research outputs found

    Rupture of splenic angiosarcoma: a rare cause of spontaneous haemoperitoneum

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    Primary splenic angiosarcoma, a very rare mesenchymal tumour of endothelial cell origin, comprises 2.6% of all cases of angiosarcoma and 10% of all primitive splenic tumours. Clinical presentation is usually unspecific, with abdominal pain and anaemia. Rupture is a rare complication and should prompt emergency splenectomy. Prognosis is usually poor because of liver, lung or bone metastases. We describe the case of an 80-year-old woman admitted to the emergency room with syncope, hypotension and vomiting. She stabilised after fluid resuscitation. Investigations showed anaemia, a large, heterogeneous spleen and free fluid in the abdominal cavity. She underwent emergency splenectomy. Pathology revealed primary splenic angiosarcoma. The postoperative period was complicated by respiratory failure but the patient made an otherwise uneventful course and was discharged 2 weeks after surgery. Six months after the operation she remains free of disease with no adjuvant treatment

    Locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the rectum presenting with necrotising fasciitis of the perineum: successful management with early aggressive surgery and multimodal therapy

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    Colorectal cancer is a common malignant neoplasm and its treatment usually involves surgery associated, in some cases, depending on the staging, with chemoradiotherapy. Necrotising fasciitis of the perineum is a highly lethal infection of the perineum, perirectal tissues and genitals, requiring emergency surgical debridement, broad-spectrum antibiotics and control of sepsis. We present the case of a 59-year-old man with necrotising fasciitis of the perineum as the first clinical manifestation of locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the rectum, in which successful management consisted of early and aggressive surgical debridement, followed by multimodal therapy with curative intent. 2 years and 6 months after surgery the patient is well, with no evidence of local or systemic relapse.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intermittent Pringle Maneuver and Hepatic Function: Perioperative Monitoring by Noninvasive ICG-Clearance

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    BACKGROUND: Intermittent Pringle maneuver or selective portal clamping often are used to control inflow during parenchymal liver transection. This study was designed to determinate whether these maneuvers are associated with adverse hepatic function. METHODS: Resection was performed without portal clamping in 17 patients (group 1). Selective continuous portal clamping was performed in 11 patients (group 2) and the remaining 33 patients (group 3) had intermittent nonselective portal clamping (occlusion of the main portal trunk). The centers' protocol for total portal occlusion is 15-min occlusion alternated with 5-min reperfusion in patients with normal liver parenchyma or 10 min alternated with 5 min in patients with abnormal parenchyma. ICG elimination tests were conducted concurrently using a noninvasive monitor that tracks the plasma disappearance rate (PDR-ICG-%/min) and 15-min retention rate after administration (ICG-R15-%). RESULTS: There was no statistically difference between the three studied groups in terms of sequential changes of ICG-PDR (p < 0.625) or ICG-R15 (p < 0.398). CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that 15 min of intermittent Pringle maneuver or selective hemihepatic continuous portal clamping are safe methods of vascular control during liver resection, with no adverse effects on hepatocellular function

    Water enema computed tomography (WE-CT) in the local staging of low colorectal neoplasms: comparison with transrectal ultrasound

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    BACKGROUND: To determine the accuracy of computed tomography performed with a water enema application (WE-CT) in the local staging of low colorectal neoplasms and to compare the results with those of transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS). METHODS: Forty patients with low colorectal tumors were evaluated prospectively by CT with the simultaneous administration of a lukewarm rectal enema (0.5-1.5 L). Thin slices (5 mm) and intravenous application of iodinated contrast media were routinely used. TRUS was performed in 18 patients. Tumor size, location, and staging according to the TNM classification of the UICC were registered. Tumors were classified as or 5 mm in diameter was seen (reading A); N+ if at least one peritumoral node > or = 5 mm or three peritumoral nodes < 5 mm were identified (reading B). RESULTS: For the tumor staging, WE-CT showed a sensitivity of 90%, a specificity of 73%, a positive predictive value (PPV) of 90%, a negative predictive value (NPV) of 73%, and an accuracy of 85%. For TRUS, the results were sensitivity of 73%, specificity of 29%, PPV of 62%, NPV of 40%, and an accuracy of 39%. Concerning nodal staging with WE-CT, results were superior when reading A was used: sensitivity = 84%, specificity = 83%, PPV = 73%, NPV = 91%, and accuracy = 84%. TRUS showed a sensitivity of 29%, specificity of 100%, PPV of 100%, NPV of 67%, and an accuracy of 71%. CONCLUSION: WE-CT is a reliable technique for the local staging of low colorectal tumors that can be superior to TRUS. For diagnosis of peritumoral metastatic lymph nodes on WE-CT, the 5-mm diameter cutoff value is the most appropriate size criterion

    Oxaliplatin toxicity presenting as a liver nodule - case report

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    BACKGROUND: Oxaliplatin based chemotherapy is often used as adjuvant therapy in colon and rectal cancer. A reported side effect is Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome which is characterized by a spectrum of pathologic changes, from sinusoidal dilation, peri-sinusoidal haemorrhage, peliosis and nodular regenerative hyperplasia. Very rarely it can cause the development of liver nodules mimicking liver metastases. Herein, we report a case of Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome causing a liver nodule suspicious of liver metastasis on imaging. This is the third reported case of this complication of oxaliplatin toxicity, in which resection was performed and pathological diagnosis confirmed. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a 59 year old man with stage III colon cancer who underwent sigmoidectomy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy with oxaliplatin. One year after surgery a liver nodule was detected and the patient underwent right hepatectomy. Pathology showed no liver nodule and diagnosed sinusoidal obstruction syndrome. CONCLUSION: We describe the third reported case of a liver lesion mimicking a liver metastasis after oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy for colon cancer. We suggest that in patients heavily treated with oxaliplatin with de novo liver nodules, this differential diagnosis should be considered. In particular, in this population of patients an intense imagiologic evaluation and even a preoperative biopsy should be pursued to confirm the diagnosis of malignancy and avoid overtreatment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hepatectomy and liver regeneration: from experimental research to clinical application

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    BACKGROUND: The mechanisms and kinetics of hepatic growth have continuously been investigated. This study concerns liver regeneration in animal and patients who underwent partial hepatectomy evaluated by the hepatic extraction fraction (HEF) calculated through radioisotopic methods. METHODS: Thirty normal Wistar rats were submitted to an 85% hepatectomy, and 95 patients with primary and secondary liver tumours were included. In animal study, the liver regeneration kinetics was assessed by HEF using 99mTc-mebrofenin, the ratio liver/bodyweight and by using bromodeoxyuridine deoxyribonucleic acid incorporation. In patient study, the liver regeneration was evaluated by calculation of HEF before surgery, 5 and 30 days after hepatectomy. RESULTS: In animal, we verified a positive correlation between HEF kinetics and liver/bodyweight ratio or hepatocyte proliferation evaluated by bromodeoxyuridine deoxyribonucleic acid staining after 85% hepatectomy. In the clinical arm, no statistical differences of the HEF before hepatectomy, 5 and 30 days after hepatectomy, were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the view that human liver regeneration commences early, is fast, non-anatomical and functionally complete 5 days after hepatectomy. The fast functional liver regeneration may have a high clinical impact particularly concerning the post-operative oncological therapeutic approaches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intrahepatic Colangiocarcinoma

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    Introdução: o colangiocarcinoma intra-hepático (CCIhp) é um tumor maligno raro, normalmente diagnosticado num estadio avançado. São objectivos deste estudo avaliar os resultados da terapêutica do CCIhp e os factores prognósticos com significado estatístico na sobrevida de doentes com esta entidade nosológica tratados no nosso Serviço. Material e métodos: Vinte e um doentes submetidos a tratamento por CCIhp nos últimos anos, dos quais onze foram operados com intuitos curativos: quatro hepatectomias esquerdas, duas hepatectomias esquerdas alargadas aos segmentos V e VIII, duas hepatectomias direitas, duas bissegmentectomias e uma trissegmentectomia. Resultados: a mortalidade per-operatória foi de 0% e a pós-operatória (três meses) de 6%. As sobrevidas cumulativas aos 5 anos foram de 14% no total da população, 26% nos doentes submetidos a cirurgia com intuitos curativos e 26% para a sobrevida cumulativa livre de doença. Observou-se recidiva tumoral hepática em cinco doentes, a qual ocorreu aos 1,09 ± 0,82 anos (limites: 0,24-2,08). Os factores que influenciaram a sobrevida da globalidade dos doentes foram o tratamento cirúrgico com intuitos curativos (p=0,028), a presença de invasão vascular (p=0,002) e o valor da fosfatase alcalina no momento do diagnóstico (p=0,044). Entre os doentes operados com intuitos curativos, a presença de invasão vascular influenciou a sobrevida global (p=0,025) e a sobrevida livre de doença (p=0,002). Conclusões: A ressecção cirúrgica com intuitos curativos aumentou, de forma estatisticamente significativa, a sobrevida dos doentes com CCIhp. No entanto, sendo o diagnóstico geralmente tardio, apenas uma pequena percentagem destes doentes pode beneficiar deste tratamento.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    HIV-Associated Facial Lipodystrophy: Experience of a Tertiary Referral Center With Fat and Dermis-Fat Compound Graft Transfer

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    Objectives: HIV-associated lipodystrophy is a common comorbidity in HIV-infected patients, having a profound impact on every aspect of patients' lives, particularly when involving the face. Hence, it is of the utmost importance to evaluate the result of any potential therapies that may help solve HIV-associated facial lipodystrophy. The aim of this article was to evaluate the outcome of patients undergoing facial lipodystrophy correction surgery within our institution. Methods: A retrospective analysis of the clinical charts and iconographic information of patients regarding demographics, morphologic changes, surgical option, postoperative complications, results, and patient satisfaction assessed by a 1- to 10-point scale and by the Assessment of Body Change and Distress questionnaire. Results: Twenty-three patients were operated on from March 2011 to April 2015. Seventy-five percent of cases were treated with fat graft injection, whereas dermis-fat grafts were applied in 25% of patients. The former had their fat harvested more commonly from the abdomen, whereas in the latter case, the graft was harvested mostly from the inner aspect of arms. The mean volume of fat injected on each side of the face was 28.5 ± 22.7 mL. On a scale from 1 to 10, mean patient satisfaction was 7.7 ± 2.8. The Assessment of Body Change and Distress questionnaire revealed statistically significant improvements. Complications occurred in 25% of cases, the most frequent being significant reabsorption. No major complications occurred. Conclusions: Treatment of HIV-associated facial lipodystrophy with autologous fat or dermis-fat compound graft is a safe procedure with long-lasting results and unquestionable aesthetic and social benefits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perioperative tumor cell dissemination in patients with primary or metastatic colorectal cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: Although there is general correlation between the TNM stage of colorectal cancer (CRC) and its prognosis, there is often significant variability of tumor behaviour and individual patient outcome, which is unaccounted for by pathologic factors alone. Our aim was to estimate perioperative tumor cell dissemination in patients with primary or CRC liver metastases as a possible factor influencing the outcome. METHODS: Forty patients were prospectively enrolled in the study from the year 2007 to 2008. Eighteen patients had histologically proven CRC (50% rectal, 44% colonic, 6% colonic and rectal). Sixteen patients (47%) had CRC liver metastases only. The remaining six patients who underwent colon or liver resection for benign conditions, acted as the control group. All patients with malignant pathologies had R0 resections. Blood samples were taken before the surgical incision (T0), immediately after tumor resection (T1) and at the end of the surgical intervention (T2). Data acquisition was performed using a dual-laser FACSCalibur flow cytometer. Circulating malignant cells were identified as being CD45-/cytokeratin+. RESULTS: The analysis of patients overall (CRC resection subgroup and hepatectomy subgroup) revealed that there was no statistically significant difference of the tumoral cell count in the blood per million of hematopoietic cells at T0, T1 and T2. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates no differences in the detected circulating numbers of tumor cells at different stages of surgical intervention
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